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Thank Recon!!!


Yea i did alot of test schemes and to me this was the closest to storm grey. As you can see from my other character it starts off very light then with washes ans varnishes it gets darker.


Those mastercrafted and Kromlech parts are a godsend. They all flow so perfectly with the FW torsos, now i just need heads.


On another note, my AL spears finally came in so i can get some purple alphas painted.

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Sold all my old alphas and now am starting a much more metallic purple scheme. Not like EC it'll be blue purple but heavier on the blue. 


Yeas i ordered spears for my AL bike squad. I will have pics up tonight

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Not Krom is looking sweet.


As for the dreadclaw. You are going to be alright I reckon as there is going to be a fair amou t of metal to be done on it.


Hoeever what about a dark creamy colour loke ushabti bone with sepia washes?


I use it on oads for Redmaws GC

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The gray please. Especially on that last model. 

It is Codex grey/engine grey. I use engine for my airbrush. Highlight with Vallejo medium grey, Satin varnish. Washe with vallejo black wash. Matte varnish

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just found this thread, and Im in awe. 


I love what I've seen so far, and eagerly await to see what you produce next.

Wow, thanks!! This is very different from my Alphas. It's been alot of fun thus far and cant wait to get some transfers so i can get these vehicles done.

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Ok so i am at  a bit of a crossroads right now. Similar to what Dantay was saying. I have a stormeagle and dreadclaw to paint up but a honestly rather unsure of how to paint them without the book being out. I have been seeing alot of white on the Inferno art. So i may be holding off on those until......well who knows.


Next i can;t finish my vets until the SW upgrade heads come out which is looking like it wont be until inferno also.


I have ten more tac marines to knock out but after that i am unsure of what to do. I want my force to be primarily MKIII and Tart termies and rumor has it the next "calth" box may be just that. SO i would rather buy the plastic troops for cheaper if i can.


So what do i do next?!?! haha

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Do what the rest of us Wolves are doing, sit on your hands for the moment.


If patience eludes you (as it often does for me), there are several 3rd party producers that make good unarmored heads for the Vlka Fenryka.


I've ordered a set from Spellcrow which weren't half bad, and KFStudio on Facebook have some good heads.

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Haha patients definitely eludes me!


What about his? this seems pretty safe. I have been watching alot of vikings. I want to do a 10 man breacher squad with either Spears or Marauder axe's. Which do you think is better for the wolves? Axes or spears

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Haha patients definitely eludes me!


What about his? this seems pretty safe. I have been watching alot of vikings. I want to do a 10 man breacher squad with either Spears or Marauder axe's. Which do you think is better for the wolves? Axes or spears

I actually have a 10 man breacher squad, half with bolters and ranged guns and 5 with axes and swords from the former Warriors of Chaos kit. I'll post a pic when I get home.


If I had to chose a weapon, it would be axes. I have seen spears done well, Maverik down in the Wolf forum has some beautiful models all kit bashed from Gw models, and some spears in there. Dantay has a fantastic unit in his thread with an all spear unit I believe

I lack his talent & patience, and there is just something that looks right about an axe


All that said, I've halted work on my wolves (other than completing what I have) until rules actually drop

Edited by Wolf Lord Kieran
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