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The problem I find is scale. I'd have to have the bits in hand or on display before I shell out $$& for something.


I've seen dwarf ironbreaker weapons used before, but I like the size and ease of conversion of the chaos warrior weapons.

Does anyone happen to have or know of any examples of the ironbreaker in marine hands?

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I use iron breaker axes on my assault marines.

The major pita is that the armoir covers part of the backs of the hands.

Aftrr doing a few I gave uponweapon transplants.


As my assault marines are mark 2 & 3's I removed the forearrm and used the dwarf fore-arm holding the axe.


If yoi are fussy use gs to cover the chainmail and you got a nice forearm plate for your marine with either some nice pattern or rune.

On my mobile or I'd linl some pics but from somewhere aroun page 12 or 13 on my 30k thread.

I have another 10 breachers in the works.

Was going to do 5 templars with swords 2 specials and 3 axes

Should be okay with my spear wolf guard as vow 3 :D

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Holy hell these are bad ass, these should look great if i pin them thanks to everyone in this thread i greatly appreciate all the help and feedback!


@Vykryl where is that right hand with the leathwe holding the hammer from?

Edited by betrayer41
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You beat me to it.


I was about to say take a look at Vykryls stuff as he & I had the same ideas.


Should have done it before diving in the shower.

I think Mav also uses beastman bits, like for shields. Possibly axes too.

They look really big & brutal whish is good for a berserker.

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It's from one of the dwarf kits. Dantay mentioned them. I shave away everything except the bracer and hand, then graft to a marine arm.


Most of them ar chainsword arms. Clip the sword but save the pommel. Drill part way through marine hand. Shave dwarf hand from axe/hammer, trim handle to fit marine hand and glue.

The Skyclaws used the loose dwarf axes. Drill the grip out of a chainsword/power weapon hand and glue in the axe.

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I like the techmarine, especially his legs. Where are they from again?


If we both use BDG for bits, we may have competed for stuff before!

I love them, and are the first place I look when the chopping urge hits


Thanks! i have a lot of cleaning up to do on him. Legs are a bit messy at the moment. The legs are Sons of Thor from Kromlech.  Beautiful sculpts.


BDG usually takes about two days to get to me so definitely the first place i go.

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I like the tech marine...I don't see the 40kish like you mentioned looks great the SoT bits are great!

Do you think 40k wolf bits would work for conversions?

What is BDG?

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The iron priest is very nice, don't think it looks too 40kish at all. The way you've done his faceplate sort of makes it look more obviously like a MkIV variant than a wolf muzzle, gives him that 30k style. Likewise with that studded pauldron.

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Cant see what it is but if it is teeth/ maw.

The SW transfer kit has an upper set of wolf jaws on it.


They are for going on a pauldron or leg so not sure if too big for a helmet.


I am planning to try & add it to a breacher or 2 for my next vow.

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Its a Black Skull with Fangs instead of canines.


So if you've done Night Lords Skull Faceplates, this is pretty similar but in black and more skeletal.


TBH, you might be stuck free handing that.

Edited by Slipstreams
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I've done ALOT of research including alot during work (thank god i have my own office). I think what i am going to do is print up a few designs including the one dantay mentioned trace them onto frisket film and create a sticky reverse stencil with it. I am really not good with this type of stuff so we will see how it goes

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