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I think I'm gonna try the torsos out on either regular kromlech legs or fw mkiii legs. I want to make a recon squad or soemthing like it. Minimal armor, use their "wolf" qualities to track the enemies.


Wulfen torsos mostly bare arms and bare heads and Leather masks.


I got the idea from reliatening to the prospero book when they went down the rafters.


I have some bare arms but not crazy about em any ideas for other arms and torsos?

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I like how little wolfy these marines are. Yes, you couldn't mistake them for non-space wolves, but they don't look like furry caricatures.


Is the sergeant with power axe you showed last complete? The eyelenses are painted the same color as the faceplate.

Edited by Knight of the Raven
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I like how little wolfy these marines are. Yes, you couldn't mistake them for non-space wolves, but they don't look like furry caricatures.


Is the sergeant with power axe you showed last complete? The eyelenses are painted the same color as the faceplate.

Thanks that's a great compliment. I want them to be more savage viking esque so bones and pelts will be more present than anything. Other than the bone skull wolf helms you won't see any other wolf helms here (unless fw releases something amazing)


He is not complete, he still needs silver and blood for the blood god in his eyes, and the rim of his pauldron washed and dry brushed

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Looks rally amazing, the first wolf could almost be a rune caster with that pose

You know thats a great idea. Maybe replace his frost weapon with a staff?

Gorgeous. Just waiting on my order from KF to arrive now.


When it comes to runes on the armour, have you tried Secret Weapon's 2mm runes? They have quite a nice selection.

Those are wonderful. I just ordered from SW!! :censored: I will definitely pick those up for the dreads and more vehivles

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Speaker almost done.


So I'm not sure exactly what the black cull are but I'm gonna go with ahnilliation units.... so death sworn flamers and destroyers will be black cull


But these units will have a lot of broke. Glass, books and. Burnt books on their bases starting with the speaker. Enjoy!





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