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Blood Angels and Battlescribe


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But he'll be tossing his grenades at BS5 all day long!!!

Which reminds me, I need to add grenades to nearly every unit.


1. I will add the Storm Eagle and have special rule telling about your mail and the upcoming FAQ.

2. I know about the Deimos thing, so I will add it.

3. Confused with the Scout Titan which I am adding now: Can I take 2 of the same weapon or not?



Blood Champion: Done, also made it a shared entry-group, which makes it easier to edit stuff and it keeps the file smaller.
Reclusiarch: Fixed, was under the impression he had a Boltgun AND Pistol. His max weapon was 2 and now 1.
Blood Talons: Fixed.
Furioso Dread/Librarian: FW-options?
Furioso Librarian: Added Blood Fist with Storm Bolter.
Techmarine: Done
Servitor: Done
Attack Bike Squadron: Done, also for other Bikes. (It's given to the unit, not per model so that I keep it as clean as possible)
Bike Squad/Scout: Done, also gave them Bolt Pistols
Vanguard Vet PW: No, not going to happen. Their weapons are already a mess and very confusing, different subtypes would make it even worse.
I cannot set a default on Bolt Pistol because their min/max is based on the amount of models. It only works on stuff like Sanguinary Guard OR if I make the weaponry on a per-model-basis instead of "Pick weapons for the squad."
Sergeants also have an issue with default weapons, since I can only pick one default weapon.
Unless I give him a right and left-hand weapon, which would make it too confusing.
I might do that with the coming Codex, but please DO remember that this means your printout will look like this:
Vanguard Veteran Squad
-Vanguard Veteran
--Weapon X
--Weapon Y
-Vanguard Veteran
--Weapon X
--Weapon Y
-Vanguard Veteran
--Weapon X
--Weapon Y
etc, etc.
In my opinion that is quite ugly and I prefer to hand out weapons on a unit-basis, that only becomes a problem if you are proxying weapons and forgot who has what.
Power Weapons:
The BRB tells you that Power Weapons are WYSIWYG.
I've given some thought about it, and I personally prefer to continue the 'Power Weapon'-option even though I might make a Power Weapon-entry with just all of the profiles below.
Edited by tsijben
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Land Raider Achilles says it's a valid option for Blood Angels, so I will definitely add that tomorrow or this evening.

Contemptor Mortis is something you can ask, but I'm sure the answer is no since we have a special 'furioso' Contemptor.


So to-do:

-Land Raiders! Question: Four separate entries or a Land Raider-entry where you select your subtype? (I prefer the latter)

-Reaver Titan

-Storm Eagle

-Deimos Executioner

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I checked the entry for the Warhound scout titan and it just says that two weapons must be chosen, doesn't say if you are or are not allowed to duplicate, I would say you are allowed because personally I think it would say if there were restrictions.


The land raider entry go for the select subtype, it will look neater I think.

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Power Weapons:
The BRB tells you that Power Weapons are WYSIWYG.
I've given some thought about it, and I personally prefer to continue the 'Power Weapon'-option even though I might make a Power Weapon-entry with just all of the profiles below.



Got it. The reason I asked was because all tournaments here require you to specify what kind of power weapon you have when sending in the list. But doing a copy-paste a couple of times a year isn't a big deal.

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Got it. The reason I asked was because all tournaments here require you to specify what kind of power weapon you have when sending in the list. But doing a copy-paste a couple of times a year isn't a big deal.



Aah, I understand.

For things like the Blood Champion it's doable; he gets 4 options instead of 0.
But a Biker-Sgt has 8 options and that would extend it to 11.
I will leave it for now on those that already have the options.
Doing Land Raiders now :smile.:
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Added Landraider viarants from IA2.

Added Deimos Executioner from IA12.

Added Reaver Battle Titan from Apoc 6th

Added Storm Eagle with Disclaimer.


Another update:


Finally! Everything has Frag and Krak now and I also added a Melta-bomb profile.

Let's hope I never forget to use them again, because this :cuss lost me games!

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From: http://www.battlescribe.net/help-overview.html


"In Roster Editor, go to File -> Data Repositories. Add the URL of a repository and click Update Data. BattleScribe will import any files it doesn't already have, and get any newer versions of files it does have."


Add the following URL: http://battlescribedata.appspot.com/repos/wh40k/index.bsi

This will forever bind you to the BSdata-group :P


PS. There will be another release soon due to the Space Wolves being finished.

If anyone has a request, I might have a day or so to squeeze them in.

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On a tablet you should also have a 'manage data' button in the main screen.

You could enter the link there.


Even better, though more difficult, would be if you synchronize it with Dropbox on both your tablet and computer.

That means you can create, edit and view your rosters on any device.

All you need to do is import the data on the pc and your tablet will automatically pick it up from Dropbox.

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Legacies of Glory are done!

I've copied a lot from the Space Wolves-file, they grouped them into several categories like: Walkers, SHV, Transport, Tank and General.


One issue though: Super-heavy walkers (aka Titans and FW-Knights that are LoW's).

I have no idea how to treat them, especially with Ullanor!

So for now you are paying 50 points to gain Hatred (Orks) as I 'refuse' to add that for 20 :tongue.:


Other issue was with Stormraven. Should I give him the Storm Eagle-group, transport, general or..?



Hahaha, those Legacies are awesome!

Take a bunch of Death Company, put them in a Redeemer and Deep Strike without scattering. Amazing!

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Thank you :) You should have seen it two months ago.

No profiles, no rules, no updates in a year and clunky ways of selecting weapons on some units.

It forced me to go back to pen and paper!

Randomhit (the original forum) didn't even have a link to their thread, made me feel bad as a Blood Angel-player.


I am also working on the Necron-file, since that are my two codices.

Lucky me because they hardly have any FW-units.

The end of the year will be stressful, when both codices get released after each other (I guess they will do that).




Some information

At the moment I do not plan to include Formations in the codex, and here is the reason for people that are interested:


Battlescribe works with entries or 'Shared Entries'.

A normal Entry is how I made Sanguinor, because you will only have one Sanguinor.

Shared entries are used for, let's say, Dedicated Transport.

I make one 'Shared Entry' for Dedicated Transports and in every unit that can use them I will just link to the 'Shared Entry'.


So to make a Wings of Sanguinius, for example, I would like to have a shared entry for Assault Marines.

Then I would make a link for normal armies and I would create an option called Wings of Sanguinius that links to ten ASM's, Captain, Chaplain, etc.

The problem is that Wings of Sanguinius requires that EACH Assault Marine-unit has 10 models and no Dedicated Transport!

At the moment it's impossible to write this in a decent way.


The only way to create this formation would be with copy-paste.

But if we have 5 formations that need ASM's, I would end up with 6 copy-pastes of Assault Marines.

That would:

1) Make sure the file nearly doubles in size.

2) Be a pain in my ass if someone notices a mistake, because I would need to fix 6 entries instead of only one.

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