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Blood Angels and Battlescribe


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Sure, I would have included him a long time ago if I knew he existed.


Added him!

Siiigh, another overcosted HQ with no option of taking a Jumppack.

I also used shared entries and links for IC, ATSKNF and DoA.

Will continue with other rules another day.

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Little question! I made some changes and I am now confused:


Coming from Terminators: "The squad can select a Land Raider of any type as a Dedicated Transport."  

Does that mean they can take the IA2-Land Raiders as Dedicated Transport? Because a Land Raider Achilles as Dedicated Transport seems quite strong.

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The relevant text from IA2V2 pg 57 is "A Land Raider of any type is a Heavy Support choice for a Codex: Space Marines, Codex: Blood Angels, Codex: Dark Angels or Codex: Space wolves army."  The only issue I could see is that it isn't listed as a Dedicated transport in that entry. On a side note, BA have no Land Raiders listed in the heavy support section outside of those added by IA2V2.

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Another note would be that Terminators don't restrict their selection to the Dedicated Transport-section, like ASM and DC.

They can just select any Land Raider as Dedicated Transport instead of "Pick a Land Raider from the Dedicated Transport-list".

I'll just listen to how you people feel about it and then I might add them as DT-options to Terminators, it's not a lot of work.


In other news: I've created the Formations from Apocalypse!

But you have to give each Sergeant his weapons and that's a lot of work. Good luck!

Also, at the moment you are unable to save them. I know why, but I don't have the skills to fix it.
Someone else will hopefully fix it before it gets released.


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Neither, I just never added him.

But I will do so now, you can expect to see it this weekend (I also made the GK-Codex and Assassin's, we'll give it a day or two before releasing it)


Other news!

I e-mailed Forgeworld and got this response:


Hi Tim,
Thanks for emailing in. Yes I would say this line means they can take any type of land raider as a dedicated transport. This represents the fact the Blood Angels are a first founding chapter who lovingly take care of their many armoured vehicles!

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

Forge World
So I will add all FW-Land Raiders as Dedicated Transport for Terminators.


Edit: New updates!


Added Spartan Assault Tank.
Added FW-Land Raiders as DT to Terminators.
Gave Whirlwind-launcher a Large Blast
Changed (FW) into [FW] to separate it from (points)
Removed some page-numbers, many were incorrect/outdated.
Completed Codex-Land Raiders, they hardly had rules and wargear.. Why didn't anyone notice? :O
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  • 2 weeks later...

Land Speeder Tempest
Javelin Attack Speeder
Lucius Pattern Drop Pod
Whirlwind Hyperios
Blood Fist Profiles

Changed Dreadnought-Drop Pods.
Changed DC-Dread Weapons

I'm thinking of adding the last LoW's from IA2 to our Codex this week.

That will include the Marauders and Thunderhawks.


PS. Is the Emperor Battle Titan a real thing or not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Legacy of the Dropsite Massacre does not seem to work right. It can be added to vehicles without the deep strike rule (Furioso Dreadnought) but not to its dedicated transport with that rule (drop pod).

Yeah, I will explain: I just forgot to add them to Drop Pods.

The other issue is that I want things to be simple, not just for users but also for me.

So I used (copied) 5 groups:

1. Storm Eagle

2. Super-heavy

3. Tank

4. Transport

5. Walker

There are situations/games where your Dreads are able to Deep Strike, so I prefer leaving them in.

Outside of those situations it's useless to take the upgrade, so it really doesn't matter.


I would love to be noticed if:

A.) A vehicle does not have access to an upgrade it should have.

B.) A vehicle has access to a 'relevant' upgrade it shouldn't have.


Other news!

At the moment I am making changes that will probably not effect users.

I am placing everything in the shared entry.

Doing this has four benefits:

1) It's easier to make Formations since I can just link to a unit.

2) It also means I only have a single entry of anything, like Drop Pods for example. So when I change something, it will immediately be fixed on every Drop Pod-option in the Codex.

3) I will probably have the entire new Codex done within 6 hours of release, including Formations and stuff.

4) It really decreases the file-size, so it will load a lot faster on mobile devices.


The only downside is a bug in Battlescribe!

You might see that with ASM it tells you a Rhino is 50 points.

But when you actually take the Rhino, it's only 15 points.

That's because the selection-screen for some reason doesn't show my "-35 points modifier".

I've already reported this to the creator of Battlescribe.


Last update: Due to these 'shared entries' I had to remove the Apoc-Formations.

They will be re-added as soon as possible.

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Wow, I've used a number of different Battlescribe sources, but none have been as good as this one!


Time to contribute!:


In the profile Summary, the Baal and Stormraven are listed as 'Vehical' and the Razorback as 'Vechicle', all should be 'Vehicle'

I assume this will occur elsewhere too. Do you need someone to check them all, or can you search and replace?

Selection Rule Summary for Stormraven says: 'the dread takes a S10 hit on the reat'

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Fixed those typos, I feel ashamed.

You don't have to check them all, just tell me if you happen to find one.


I do want to add rules, but I don't want to replace the Codex/BRB.

Because things might get too wordy, too complicated and because of GW-legal..



1. Cleaned up the text, to make it more clear.

2. New list of changes:


Added Questoris Knight.
Changed all non-FW to Shared Entry.
Wrote down all sources for FW-models.
Fixed typo's and other small mistakes.
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  • 1 month later...



Neither, I just never added him.

But I will do so now, you can expect to see it this weekend (I also made the GK-Codex and Assassin's, we'll give it a day or two before releasing it)


Other news!

I e-mailed Forgeworld and got this response:


Hi Tim,
Thanks for emailing in. Yes I would say this line means they can take any type of land raider as a dedicated transport. This represents the fact the Blood Angels are a first founding chapter who lovingly take care of their many armoured vehicles!

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.



Forge World
So I will add all FW-Land Raiders as Dedicated Transport for Terminators.


Edit: New updates!


Added Spartan Assault Tank.
Added FW-Land Raiders as DT to Terminators.
Gave Whirlwind-launcher a Large Blast
Changed (FW) into [FW] to separate it from (points)
Removed some page-numbers, many were incorrect/outdated.
Completed Codex-Land Raiders, they hardly had rules and wargear.. Why didn't anyone notice? :ohmy.:





How did I miss this?




Also, I've just started using Battlescribe. Keep up the good work!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Before we get questions!


BA now have two files:

1. The old file, which will be removed in a month or so.

2. A copy of the old file with a (2014)-tag, but with the new units from Death Strike. This will be the file that gets updated with the new codex.


That means I don't break your old lists but other people have a chance to play with the new rules.

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