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PsyCrows WIP Small Update 4/12 Test fig done yay!


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@Asmodai, yes you did good sir, and I like your Raven Guard mate. Anyone who likes Shrike is ok by me.

@DeathSpectersgt, Forte, Cheers guys

I've no idea how long the Chaos piece will take me, i'm attacking it little by little as a break between painting. I've got an Ultramarine Assault Sergeant coming hopefully by Tuesday. He started in an attempt to learn how to paint faster, its... well its not going well smile.png

  • 4 weeks later...






Base is 90%, i've made some greenstuff mushrooms to go on the slope. Lord 100%, bluetaked to show you guys, i'll paint the arms, head, body individually, then i'll prime when the base is ready. I'll keep quiet about the foul scourge behind him as I'm hoping its cool to post this. Aiming to be primed by fir night for painting this weekend.



And here is a shot of an Ultramarine Assault Sergeant, more pics of him in my Finished stuff in the HoH.




The Chaos mini composition is way better than the tester I saw. Looking forward to more on that one.


Your Smurf Looks really clean and well finished too :tu: Odd seeing something on a gaming base from you though ;)

I know right? I really want to finish my Raven Guard so this Chaos guy is going to be my build for awhile, after that its gaming stuff only until they are done. I have a 10 man Vanguard squad, Rhino, Razorback, 5 scout and 5 Damned Legion built and ready to go. All of the previous guys are all painted slightly different, due to learning how to paint on them.

I'm in the middle of painting a random assault marine and the style I use on him I want to be consistent across next batch. Hopefully this will speed up the process too. I also have a Librarian to convert for my HQ in case I stray from the painting only rule.....Which I probably will.


I prefer this way too, I hit a brick wall when it came to ideas on the other way. I still might make it 2 unmentionables coming up behind him, I'll see how everything looks when i've finished detailing the side of the base. I've got some tiny mushrooms to add and if it looks good, I dont want to then cover it up. I might go down the snow route, I haven't quite decided on the colour of the unmentionable, so I'd be interested in any ideas.


The lord will be Slaanesh, so its pink and turquoise for him. Any suggestions on any part of this piece would be great.


The Ultramarine was supposed to an exercise in speed painting, and it did not go well. I ended up spending way too many evenings on him, but overall I'm pretty happy with him. The little knuckle duster, type, thingy above his fingers on his power fist is terrible but it was a dodgy cast, please believe me when I say that was the best of my abilty getting it to that stage. You can't see it here but there is a shot over in my HoH post. 


Thanks for anyone looking and Happy Painting 



I'd say that if you're going for a lighter, more pastel scheme for the Slaanesh guy then a darker scheme may work on the unmentionables ;) With the Slaanesh guy it's pretty much anything goes apart from dull colours. But even then you can justify a nice leathery brown and highly polished blacks. Maybe try a coloured NMM on some larger areas of armour to make it look enamelled and reflective.

My Vanguard Sergeant. He just needs a Jump pack and he's done





Thanks mate.  He took me three evenings so i'm looking to start knocking these guys out. I really want to get these guys done to 2000 points. 4 guys to accompany him then either another 5 Vangurad squad or 5 Legion of the Damned. Probably the assault squad. Thanks for looking.

Finished, clearer pics of vanguard vet, a shot of the wip squad, and little insight into my little slice of chaos.





Thanks Twisty (loving that name) The black is super easy, its all down to the finish you get with Scale75 paints. 


Base Flat Black S75


Shade recess only Vallejo Black plus drop of black ink


Tidy Flat Black S75


1st highlight Graphene Grey S75


2nd highlight 20% Graphene Grey/ 80%Rainy Grey S75


3rd highlight Previous Mix with a tiny tip of white in to hit highest points. 


Then a final check and tidy any mistakes with the relevant colour. 


Any other ranges can be used, the trick is to base with a black that is just off black, then shade with a pure black. Flat black is technically a super dark grey. You could use Abbadon black with either a tip of blue, brown or white to offset it, depending whether you want a cold, warm or neutral black.


The look I was going for was somewhere between Eavy Metal style and SCC's fantastic Raven guard on here. (whatever happened to SCC, did he finish those Ravens? I seem to remember he was going to start Emperors Children pre-heresy and Space Wolves)

Cheers Luther, I reckon I'm a 1/3 of the way through the next 4 mate. Basecoated, shaded, and eyes done. Now its on to highlights, details and metallics. Want to be done by Thurs/Fri, I think a 5 man squad in 10 evenings wouldn't be too shabby. I'm now painting at least 15 mins a night, even if it is only 15 mins. If you do a little every night its surprising how much you can get done.

Warning, Incoming Foul Xenos 







Our hairless slave has been spending more and more time away from us so we've decided to set up here so we can keep an eye on him. At one point we thought there might be something wrong as he seemed not be moving much and was poking something with a tiny stick, but we made sure he is still able to serve us by knocking over our super tasty coloured water. That got him moving.


 We tried to show a common interest with him by helping but I don't think he liked us pushing over a pot of his strange, foul smelling, coloured liquid. We gave it one last attempt and tried to kill the little grey midget he was poking for an hour, but he shot us a look that looked distinctly like mutiny so we thought it best just to leave him be and shower him with our special, mind control powers of cuteness. He does need to those little grey midgets in check though, he's poking 4 more of them now and I don't like the way they look at us. 

Moving swiftly on before I get charged with heresy, between highlighting allot of black, I decided to try something fun to stop me going crazy. Here is the result. I attempted to paint a red marble base in the style of the mighty James Wappel, (amazing blog, he updates everyday with serious eye candy and his bases are works of art)


Now I'm aware that I failed but for a first attempt I'm pretty pleased. A bonus is I posted this on facebook and the legend himself sent me a message offering some tips. Man I love the internet.






As always critics and comments greatly appreciated, if you've made it this far in my posts I thank you for taking the time, and to everyone who has made my topic "Hot", you are amazing. 

The marble looks really good, the veining is perfect.


As an aside-- your cat on the right, the darker colored tabby?  He looks exactly like one of mine.  The resemblance is uncanny. Does he have white feet too?

Haha, yes he does, His name is jacob (ex's Lost fetish, don't ask) but the new better half calls him twinkle toes. I call him a variety of names based on the situation, it makes no difference as they never come to you when you call them anyway :)

A few WIP shots just to show my desk isn't just cats and random projects. 


3 shots of general desk chaos, 1 better shot of my marble base (other was a little blurry), and a shot of my new black recipe. Its a touch (only a touch mind) lighter, cuts it down to 3 colours not 4, and I think nicer (it is still very similar).


Same as previous up to highlights, then its 100% Graphene Grey, then 40% Graphene /60% Mojave White, and final highspots 10% Graphene /90% Mojave White. 


The vanguards are based, base coated, shaded, and eyes done. Half the shoulder pads and backpacks are highlighted, I want to finish the rest tonight. Then its on to bodies. Sorry for the camera phone pics but I have to use my mates super duper camera for better shots. (shot out to supersonics, love ya bro)





  • 3 weeks later...

What I have done tonight. More work on these guys. wanted them done earlier but you all get it. 








And finally got around to finishing prep on a display piece. If this isn't cool let me know, but if you look at the middle left there is the chaos champ, the ty"cough!!"ds are now attached to the socket by a gloop load of glue. Added another ty"cough!"id and I might have gone partly mad getting trying to get the flash of those BFM xenos. Everything ready for prime, just needs a final going over with fresh eyes as I can already spot a few bits I've missed.





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