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Primarch Movie Cast


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When you consider how much makeup/CG would be needed to make any actor look like a Primarch, there would be a danger of the actor being almost invisible. I'd love Mads Mikkelsen to be Mortarion, but the character, by necessity, has most of his face obscured so that makes it a hard sell. On the other hand, even with mo-cap or green-screen or whatever movie magic they use, there'd probably be a fair amount of physicality involved, and perhaps casting actors that are quite old wouldn't be a good idea; it might be cool to see Ian McKellen or Brian Cox as a primarch but would they actually be able to do it? Unless we're playing the time travel game, in which case, Horus can be played by 'Streetcar'-era Marlon Brando and Malcador by James Mason (such mystery! such smugness!) Maybe I'm getting too bogged down in the practicalities of it...


Seems that people are focusing on Vulkan's 'blackness' and assuming that means someone of African descent needs to play him, whereas Vulkan's skin is really coal-black, plus he has glowing red eyes. There's going to be a fair amount of computer trickery there anyway, so who's to say that couldn't be played by a white guy? (I feel like Tom Hiddleston or Ed Norton could be great for the depth and pathos of Vulkan.) Or that Guilliman or The Lion couldn't be voiced by Idris Elba? (He has the quiet, yet authoritative, deep voice I'd expect from those primarchs). Or Horus could be Chiwitel Ejiofor. You can take it further and have people who don't look ANYTHING like the character they're portraying, I'd love to see Nic Cage or Joaquin Phoenix (heh) doing Fulgrim's insane, unpredictable rages. 


I really like a lot of these choices though. Jim Carrey as Curze... that's mad enough to work. Gerard Butler as Dorn? Absolutely, Dorn is a Scot in my mind. Liam Neeson as Magnus? Brilliant. 


Sanguinius is a really tough one, unless you just choose the person you think would be the best actor for the job and make them all pretty/androgynous in post-production. I almost suggested Jared Leto, but, hm, I dunno. I guess the Angel is the primarch I have the least 'handle' on at the moment.


last of all, in my own mind Horus is Ralph Fiennes and always will be.

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I agree that Clint Walker looks like a good fit for Guilliman. In that picture he kind of looks like Jon Hamm which weirds me out - I don't know if I want Don Draper in charge of the XIII Legion.


MC Warhammer, I'll see your Thranduil and raise you a Viserys Targaryen. (That guy has black hair IRL though... perhaps Fulgrim needs to be 100% platinum blond.)


Malcador? It's one of the only roles which a lot of older thesps would be good for. John Hurt would be great, I'd like to see Geoffrey Rush in the runnings as well. I am fond of the school of thought that puts Peter Capaldi as Malcador. In a way, he's the Emperor's Malcolm Tucker, after all.


(warning, anyone who's not sure what a 'Malcolm Tucker' is, anything you find on Youtube will be violently NSFW)

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Though I'm not much into Iron Hands I think someone like Vinnie Jones would also be a good Ferrus Manus (he's holding a hammer too).




For Rogal Dorn, I'll be more predictable and mention Stephen Lang:



For the Night Haunter I'll go with Karl Urban: I think he did an excellent job in Dredd (with his unwavering resolve to find and judge the criminals) and he is a very adaptive actor that has performed a wide variety of roles. I think he would also be suitable to play Perturabo.



For Malcador (ok, not a Primarch), Terence Stamp would be a good fit (and he was involved in the Ultramarines movie)http://www.fanphobia.net/uploads/actors/2921/Terence-Stamp-in-The-Art-of-the-Steal.jpg


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Jeff Bridges might make a good Dorn.


Also, Mark Strong deserves a mention - I feel like he'd make a good Ferrus (although that might just be me hoping for someone who can actually act, as opposed to someone who has the physique of an aurochs) - alternatively, Alpharius might be a good call

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Mark Strong is the first Ferrus suggestion I like. Then again, I always saw him as Erebus.


Bryan Cranston as Erebus - come on, we want Erebus to be scary, but that might be TOO scary.


Karl Urban... I don't know why, but I picture him more as an Astartes than a Primarch. I think he could be a fantastic Abaddon. I can picture him with a topknot - Vaako's hairstyle is halfway there, after all.

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Stealing comments from BCK's Crimson Sons thread:


The figure is pretty solidly built with thick legs and arms and a barrel chest.


Ah, if I only I could sculpt faces really well. I would totally make him like like Bill Nighy. Wouldn't he be great if there was ever a movie?



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