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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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So I got my gamer books from FW a couple of days ago. Well. Apart from the fact that FW produced codex sized books that tinkle over actual codexs in terms of quality, I find myself lost in a deluge of awesome. I find myself wanting to go a myriad of directions, do I build my force around the fallen primus medicae, Bloody Bones being the pure reason (gotta love folklore insertion), with terror squads abound. Do I include the Haunter himself? Sevatar even? Or do I slip even more, tyrant terminators, the raven guard, the alpha legion all vie for my attention. So much awesome. So little time!
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Any of those 4 could do infantry heavy. It sounds like the ability to field some Mechanicus units with Iron hands appeals to you, something that none of the other legions you are looking at can do. Also remember that while legions had areas they were famous for, all legions had units ranging from siege experts, to assault formations to fast recce. So if you love breachers, bring a squad even if that legion isn't known for their use.

Theoretical: Looking at your post, the three most important points are that it's different from previous armies, involves Mark III armour, and that it's something special.

Practical: From the list you've made, I'd go for Iron Hands. Mark III works beautifully with their background, and they have a greater variety of it (thanks to their unique units). Owing to their technical innovation, there's scope for lots of unusual stuff. In addition, you can indulge your desire for an infantry-heavy army because their scheme is quick to paint consistently and attractively.


I want you to collect Iron Hands!

Black Cohort & Apologist

Thanks for your advice and support. I'm leaning strongly towards the Iron Tenth, but there is always a little bird, that warns me to think twice. But maybe it is only my over-cautious self.

As for the support: Mechanicum seems a good choice, as they have some fine and devastating weaponry. I have also some Death Korps of Krieg figures - a project that sadly ended before it really begun - they were maybe good for a limited Imperial Army/Auxilia force beside my legionaries.

You will never be sure of what legion to play, until you start painting some models smile.png If you enjoy painting that legion, its the one for you.

I think there is great truth in these words. I remember, I got no success with my Space Wolves, and I thought to sell them. I only started to paint them (in the GW-schemes), but abandoned them after the first layers. For me, painting was always a hard thing, and I really need the mood for it. But then I took them again to the workbench, chose a new scheme, and they are now my favorite force smile.png

I hope, that next weekend on Warhammer Fest we will see some more Legion-love too. I think, I will wait just a little bit more and make my final decision afterwards.

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So I've been watching some of the Heresy drop assault game's videos and with this part time job I will be starting soon I want to start a small Heresy force, but have one quite big problem.



I like all of the Legions. At the moment I only have the 1st HH FW book but will be getting the other two as soon as I get my first payslip, every book I read (both FW and BL) I keep changing my mind on what to do and now I just don't have a bloody clue.


Help, please?

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Yeah, as has been previously stated/determined in the case of finding "your legion", it is more or less an exercise in soul searching / self analysis.


If anything, take part in the Legion Smack Talk thread as a Legionary of any given choice of yours and see how you fare trying to be one.

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The best advise I can think of in such an instance like yours would be more of a question.... who are you at heart? The real you?


Yeah, as has been previously stated/determined in the case of finding "your legion", it is more or less an exercise in soul searching / self analysis.


If anything, take part in the Legion Smack Talk thread as a Legionary of any given choice of yours and see how you fare trying to be one.


This leads to another problem: I am not like any of the Legions or the Primarchs. I have aspects of all the Legions within me, which is why I like them all and find it easy to like them no matter what author writes about them. So its more of choosing which aspect of me to start a Legion.

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The best advise I can think of in such an instance like yours would be more of a question.... who are you at heart? The real you?


My character profile is that of a negotiator (hah!). Which Legion would reflect that?

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The best advise I can think of in such an instance like yours would be more of a question.... who are you at heart? The real you?



My character profile is that of a negotiator (hah!). Which Legion would reflect that?

Werent the Emperors Children kinda meant to be his Diplomats? They'd also work with the hair of your avatar ;)

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The Thousand Sons, Word Bearers, Raven Guard and Salamanders would also be the type to willingly talk it out over duking it out, if practical, though all four have had their share of world-burning.


Edit: Or at least the most consistently and regularly. I can see all Legions, barring perhaps the World Eaters, having a history of negotiated Compliances.

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The Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus were also very diplomatic, Horus was very adept at political manipulation to get where he wanted.

I was gonna say them as well, but I wasnt 100%, because they're also pretty brutal. But yeah, Horus was very politically minded, especially with the other Primarchs.

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Yeah definitely more so among themselves and the other legions than their enemies. The first couple of HH novels highlight that very well I think, Horus is exceptional at being diplomatic with the other Primarchs and his own men, and employs some very clever political tricks (like the Mournival), and some of the men in his legion are also noted to be very politically adept (Maloghurst for example). But we don't really see much of that against the enemies. Maybe with the Interex there's some of it?
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Yeah definitely more so among themselves and the other legions than their enemies. The first couple of HH novels highlight that very well I think, Horus is exceptional at being diplomatic with the other Primarchs and his own men, and employs some very clever political tricks (like the Mournival), and some of the men in his legion are also noted to be very politically adept (Maloghurst for example). But we don't really see much of that against the enemies. Maybe with the Interex there's some of it?

I wouldn't agree with that, necessarily. Sejanus was killed on 63-19 during a diplomatic mission to try and convince that world to join the larger Imperium of Man. With the human worlds they are shown to try diplomatic contact first, before going in guns blazing.

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