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Anyone got any decent ideas for Calth/Shadow Crusade Ultramarines?

Yes msn-wink.gif

...and facetiousness aside, I think this period's a great one for the XIII Legion. There's a real opportunity to build a mixed force that combines aspects of lots of the period's most striking and distinctive features – hordes of troops, scattered Army elements, jury-rigged and adapted vehicles... It really speaks to the potential of the Ultramarines as a very versatile and adaptable force – perhaps the only ones who could have survived an atrocity like Calth, Isstvan or Terra unchanged, if not unscathed.

The denial of despair, piercing foresight and cool professionalism add up to a very striking theme.

This. This x100.

It's taken me over 2 years of constantly changing my mind and lots of wasted £'s - but finally I'm settled - pretty much for every reason listed above

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well now, I've went and done it again..........got side tracked.   I love the Fist's, I really do. But, I was thinking about an older thread on Ultramarines. it was the one about choosing an army based on a faction that would become a 2nd founding successor.(heathens brought up Orar and the Praetors of Orpheus, I believe).


so, I was toying with the Idea of having an army of the XIIIth, led by a Centurion Lucreties Corvo. 


Corvo would be given a new chapter dubbed the Novamarines, and journey to there new Homeworld of Hounorum.


just like the Black Consul scouring army on here....


whatcha think? kinda on the fence about it. but I like it.


Sorry to toot my own war-horn, but I think you may be referring to this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290307-the-sarges-ideas-thread/?do=findComment&comment=3667675


Heathens suggested the Praetors, and there was some great discussion and sharing of ideas. Sadly, real life intervened, but the scraps are still there.

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Heh, I had a project that has some common threads with that idea – a group of Ultramarines that became a second founding Chapter – in this case the Praetors of Orpheus – and also Captain Orar. It started back in 2008 and is still (slowly) ongoing, but if you have time to read the thing (it's quite long!), it might have some pointers you might find helpful; or at least you can benefit from my mistakes! :)


Because it started a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, some of the older material is slightly at odds with the modern HH material, but given it was started before the Ultramarines had any background beyond 'Sir Not-Involved-In-This-Rebellion', I'm pretty pleased how closely it works. :)





This. This x100.It's taken me over 2 years of constantly changing my mind and lots of wasted £'s - but finally I'm settled - pretty much for every reason listed above

Cool beans – looking forward to seeing your stuff :)

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well, I had almost talked myself out of the DG. I really do like the idea of playing Ultras that become Novamarines for the Scouring.........but I am really tired of playing Good Guys!



Is it wrong that when I look at the Emperor I spent My entire hobby career protecting, I just wanna kick him in the face for a change!


Ahem, so yeah, I think I am all DG right now. (besides a super secret 40k project I have been collecting stuff for, again, not good guys) I just have a few issues with the whole Nurgle/plague thing. well at least I can start my guys out at the Pre-Istvaan phase. but, still everything decays.......eventually.

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But, Daemon...they have..man parts wacko.png blink.png

At least the Sisters aren't like conventional nuns and have not taken vows of Chas-... going off topic. rolleyes.gif

Honestly, Pre-Heresy DG are a nice Legion to be doing. Its VERY good army to practice weathering on, since that's kinda their thing :p

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But, Daemon...they have..man parts :wacko: :blink:


At least the Sisters aren't like conventional nuns and have not taken vows of Chas-... going off topic. :rolleyes:


Honestly, Pre-Heresy DG are a nice Legion to be doing. Its VERY good army to practice weathering on, since that's kinda their thing :p

If your a bad guy you know which ones to avoid. Well, you should avoid all of them really.

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well, my vision for my version of the DG will take one of these two routes.


1. pre Primarch; obviously this would lend itself well to a Garro-centric force desperately fighting their way back to Terra. this is my least favorite of the two. again.......good guys.


2. the Second is post Primarch; I like this because I really love that crossed scythes symbol. I am thinking during or just post-Istvaan. right after we culled our ranks of the weak Terran blood. and it would also lend itself well to having some shiny new armour marks and paint in there to represent replacements of the massacre herd-culling.


I gotta admit, I would like to keep some of my guys pristine before I weather the crap out of some of them!

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Make the Newbies of the squads more pristine looking and the higher up the ranks they go the more weathered and worn their panoply of war is.

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NO! We need to go deeper!


The operating operator of the operating operator has operational knowledge of the operation the operator is operating his operation in the operational theater.

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NO! We need to go deeper!


The operating operator of the operating operator has operational knowledge of the operation the operator is operating his operation in the operational theater.

The Alpha Legion approves of this!

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Amusing, but enough please. This thread is dedicated to assisting our lost brethren in choosing the Legion for them, not a long stream of why we are seen as insane outside the walls of the Age of Darkness forum. ;)


Please return to the focus of this thread.

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