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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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I have kind of talked my self into the SoH, but I am thinking of doing a first contact force, so gothic style honour guard marines, battle ready, but not about to kill, with a collection of human troops, mechanicum (who I am doing anyway) generals, remberancers, imperial agents (kind of want to do an agent like off Serenity, but an Imperial version). And at the head, Horus, but converted slightly. Think of it like inq28 meets 30k.


I thought the above guy was the special character who was an albino?


(Out of interest have the decals turned up yet?)

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Daemon, why not a Terran Salamander force? While they did get darker skin tones due to radiation exposure, unless they were assigned to Nocturne for a period of time the Terran Salamanders never went as dark as the Nocturne born marines.

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I would love to see some more Sallie on here. And Terran born, awesomeness. I am scrapping my fists ideas. I just can't get a solid plan for them......maybe. I am just not feeling a loyalist army anymore. That's all I play in 40k. I want a change. I need a change.

Oh ad BCK, that's awesome work. I'm always in awe.

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Then go for the antithesis of the Imperial Fists legion, maybe they'll be sufficiently different from the VIIth that you find much more inspiration in one that has some similarities.


So, what, Alpha Legion and Night Lords, among others?

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I have decided to go Sons of Horus guys, I think the Salamanders would be a continuous nagging doubt, and it's not just about the skin tone but also there general love for humanity. The more brutal Sons stand out more, but I think I will go with a Great Crusade force. Kind of want to get Abbadon, want to truescale that bad boy and make him into what the first lieutenant of the Warmaster should be.


Prime, didn't you dabble in the Salamanders for a bit? World Eaters are a good choice, very different from the Fists. Maybe paint a few test models to see if your happy with the white?

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Oh yes, the Hellhammers. It was the whole humanity thing that drew me in. I even had an idea (prompted by my friend 1000heathens) for a little diorama with a battered Salamander shielding a Remembrancer from attack.....still might do that.


My main issue is that like so many others, I really dig a lot of the legions. But out of all of them, the Death Guard and Word Bearers.......pre corruption grey Word Bearers.


I am probably going to go with DG, picking up where Jaspcat and I left off with our siege of Terra project. yeah, I'm looking at you jasp.

I am just really into the whole trench fighter/attrition thing. What do you expect, I am huge WWI nut.


At least when my journey is done, I'll hopefully have a solid legion choice.

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Well I had a small Death Guard thing going.


But, I really dig the whole blood splattered World eaters vibe. Who knows.


Nothin' says you can't make a blood spattered DG army. Imagine, a XIV Legion Rapid Assault Company.   :)


I have decided to go Sons of Horus guys, I think the Salamanders would be a continuous nagging doubt, and it's not just about the skin tone but also there general love for humanity. The more brutal Sons stand out more, but I think I will go with a Great Crusade force. Kind of want to get Abbadon, want to truescale that bad boy and make him into what the first lieutenant of the Warmaster should be.


A shame, as I was hoping you'd shoot for Luna Wolves. Too few about. Still, sea green is outstanding, and you have a talent for epic conversions, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

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Nothin' says you can't make a blood spattered DG army. Imagine, a XIV Legion Rapid Assault Company. smile.png

I'd like to see that.

A shame, as I was hoping you'd shoot for Luna Wolves. Too few about. Still, sea green is outstanding, and you have a talent for epic conversions, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I'm planning on doing one or more Luna Wolves. Another few loyalists that teamed up with the Sons after Isstvan. :D

If only there was a good, easy paint job for the SoH that wasn't 9 different layers or mixing 6 different paints in varying degrees. *sigh*

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Well I had a small Death Guard thing going.

But, I really dig the whole blood splattered World eaters vibe. Who knows.


Nothin' says you can't make a blood spattered DG army. Imagine, a XIV Legion Rapid Assault Company.   :)


Well they don't repair or clean their armour so blood splatter could be left, in fact I think there is a bot of dried blood on the FW death guard pics.



I have decided to go Sons of Horus guys, I think the Salamanders would be a continuous nagging doubt, and it's not just about the skin tone but also there general love for humanity. The more brutal Sons stand out more, but I think I will go with a Great Crusade force. Kind of want to get Abbadon, want to truescale that bad boy and make him into what the first lieutenant of the Warmaster should be.


A shame, as I was hoping you'd shoot for Luna Wolves. Too few about. Still, sea green is outstanding, and you have a talent for epic conversions, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


The Luna Wolves were very tempting, especially as they are they the perfect legion, but the slow degradation of the Sons of Horus has captivated me.






Nothin' says you can't make a blood spattered DG army. Imagine, a XIV Legion Rapid Assault Company.   :)


I'd like to see that.




A shame, as I was hoping you'd shoot for Luna Wolves. Too few about. Still, sea green is outstanding, and you have a talent for epic conversions, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


I'm planning on doing one or more Luna Wolves. Another few loyalists that teamed up with the Sons after Isstvan. :D


If only there was a good, easy paint job for the SoH that wasn't 9 different layers or mixing 6 different paints in varying degrees. *sigh*


I do like the loyalist forces you are building. Agree on the sea green, did stumble on an interesting method when practicing Alpha Legion, involves turquoise and a brightish blue then glazed green, and darkened with a wash of blue. Is a close colour to FW's contemptor colour. I may go for a light grey tinted green though.

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Hahaha where the quote didn't work there it looks like you're talking to yourself :P I too find the SoH more interesting than the Luna Wolves. The brutality, the descent into evil, is pretty damn cool.

Lol, I often do, may as well bring it to the internet. I could fix it but I can't be arsed.

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Once I finish off this last report for my degree and get some cash spare, I'll be starting a Salamander company. Already got a bit of an idea of the theme behind it sorted - a company commanded by a Terran Veteran, newly-raised as and about to depart for deployment in the galaxy just as word reaches Nocturne about the betrayal at Istvaan. It will allow me a more uniform look for the tactical squads, and let me customize the Command and Veteran squads a bit. Since the Salamanders were still receiving Terran recruits, it will also allow me to show slight differences in Squad markings. Terran units will be 2x 10-man tactical squads in Rhinos, 10-man volkite/plasmagun support squad in Rhino, 5-man heavy squad, sergeants with a helm crest, and in mk.4. Salamander units will be a pair of veteran squads in rhinos, 2x 20 man tacticals (1mk.2, 1mk.3), 20 breachers, 10 man support squad (mk.3), 5 man heavy squad (mk.2), sergeants with no crest, but the salamander upgrade sprue helms.


Of course, Firedrakes, Pyroclasts, and thunder-hammer bearing commanders will be a part of it too. And armour. PLENTY of armour.

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Anyone got any decent ideas for Calth/Shadow Crusade Ultramarines? I would like to tie them into a future Successor Chapter (Liking the White Consuls atm), army wise I am thinking almost pure infantry but not sure on the composition. I have the idea of building them alongside my Imperial Army so battered veteran Ultramarines fighting alongside a decimated regiment :)

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Anyone got any decent ideas for Calth/Shadow Crusade Ultramarines?

Yes msn-wink.gif

...and facetiousness aside, I think this period's a great one for the XIII Legion. There's a real opportunity to build a mixed force that combines aspects of lots of the period's most striking and distinctive features – hordes of troops, scattered Army elements, jury-rigged and adapted vehicles... It really speaks to the potential of the Ultramarines as a very versatile and adaptable force – perhaps the only ones who could have survived an atrocity like Calth, Isstvan or Terra unchanged, if not unscathed.

The denial of despair, piercing foresight and cool professionalism add up to a very striking theme.

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Death Guard it is.........trench fighters, artillery, and a decent sized force of assault guys for the mop up.....and hopefully the win.

And not to mention  2 very distinct terminator units, the Death shroud and the Grave Wardens and of course the Reaper primarch. 

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