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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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We have a very small handful of examples, out of hundreds. Yes, we saw negotiation attempts, but their character, as depicted in those books, FW and past IAs, suggests that what we saw were outliers rather than a norm. The norm was to show up, crush opposition and move on.
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Ah, gotcha msn-wink.gif While I appreciate the offer, I'd prefer to stick to the official fluff/Legions for various reasons. I will have a read through the project at some point though.

That's fine. My offer was more of a joke since the rules aren't ready yet. Tried to show that with the smiley face, but I think I should've used some other emoticon.

(On a completely seperate note, I can't tell you how hard it is to type with a cat in your face.)

And thanks for the vote of confidence, fire golem. I appreciate it.

But to actually answer your question: Horus and Roboute are definitely the two top contenders. You get good views of their diplomatic sides in the first couple of books for Horus, and The Unremembered Empire for Guilliman. On the surface, Vulkan seems to have a way of making lots of friends somehow, but you hardly see that in the books unfortunately.

Ironically, Perturabo would love to work everything out with words, but he keeps that side of himself hidden.

While he was more of a firebrand preacher, Lorgor was also very adept with his words and speeches.

In theory, Sanguinius might make a good negotiator.

And those are some of the better choices. You should definitely stay away from Night Haunter, Angron, Dorn, Mortarion, and the Lion (who couldn't read people to save his life).

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The likes of Night Haunter, Angron, and Mortarion were considered "weapons of the last resort" during the Great Crusade. Just look at their histories. The Night Lords were used to make examples out of human recidivists. The World Eaters massacred whoever they came into contact with - even friendly human forces they saw as failing them. Finally, nobody calls for the Death Guard unless a world needed to be positively, thoroughly destroyed. They free use of chemical/biological weapons meant that whatever world they waged war on probably was not going to become a productive part of the Imperium anytime soon, if ever. 

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I'll be the judge of that :P


Apart from the Emperor's Children, are there any other Legions who would fit the negotiator trait?

Word Bearers. They went first with the words of the Emperor. When they were rebuked they went in with fire.

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Hello brothers and sisters, my name is Halifax and I really need your help in picking and sticking to a Legion.


A few of you may be familiar with my thread in WIP, which started off as a 30k White Scars thread before turning into a Heresy-Era Word Bearers one. Initially i wanted to do the V Legion as I'd not seen anybody else other than BCK doing them. I loved the background, their fluf and the riderof the steppes look. They soon fell to the Word Bearers who were the first proper (legal and painted) army that I'd done for 40k. Again, I've always loved their fluff, their background and I love the look of a fully painted WB force on the table. Also FW has released some delicious upgrades and beautiful mini's like the Gal Vorbak. Now however, I find my attention wandering again; the VII legion is catching my eye with their interesting characters, sweet FW upgrades and potential for conversions. I've even gone as far as ordering the Black Library books featuring Alexis Polux and several bits ready to use in a build of him...


Despite my love for the XVII and my dalliances with the V and VII, I still haven't decided on what Legion, force or Era to stick to. Deciding has also been made harder as there've been a lot of other people doing 30k WB far better than I can or could, so I've been put off of my original post-Istvaan/Scouring of Calth themed force.


For the same reason, I don't think I could do Night Lords, World Eaters or Emperors Children justice.


When it comes to the downsides of changing at this point, I can't see too many as I enjoy converting and modelling more than anything else, so I think I'd find a challenge in making mini's for any of the Legions. My painting ability is average and honestly, hasn't seen much use since I picked the hobby back up, so I'm not too worried about learning to paint a difficult colour scheme.




I should also add that I don't really have a playing style so can't factor that into a decision other than to say that I'd like to build a competitive as well as a fluffy force.

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This is 30k. Competitive Lists and Fluff lists are more or less one and the same. Since Legion rules reinforce the idea of playing to their Strengths.


Ex. Imperial Fists Characters MUST Challenge. That means you're more likely to gear up you characters to be able to deal with whatever they may come across.

Imperial Fists units with the rule LA:IF gain +1 to BS when Firing a bolter. And heavy Support Gains tank Hunter. That means you have a bias towards gunlines maximizing on troops instead of tanks.


Those two things, coupled with our Special Units (Templars and Phalanx Warders) means that you have two options available to you : Assault Heavy or Gunline Heavy. Maybe a mix of both.


The same couldn't be said for World Eaters, for example, or even Raven Guard.


That being said, Playstyle very much factors in to deciding a Legion and if you can make a Truly competitive list with them. 

Then again this is 30k. You are free to do whatever you want and make it work. It wont be as EFFICIENT RAGGHH as a more focused list that plays to the Legions strengths, but it would be able to work.

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Fluffwise, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility of a IF Company that got cut off during the retreat from the battle of Phall linking up with a White Scar strike group who were technically 'exiled' after the events of Scars.

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Black-Cohort, I'm considering doing something like that but on a smaller character/squad-based scale. Now would be a great time as at the moment I'm on a training-course at another unit which allows me more free time; just like this time last year when I started the V legion project.


Thanks Slips', I was getting that impression after reading through this thread but wanted to make sure as some of the other members of my unit's gaming club are just a teensy-bit beardy. Titans in 1000-1250pt armies, Riptide Tau gun-line, IG/AM tank company beardy. ;-)


I've seen exile mentioned a few times here, Heathens, it seems like I'm missing out on large sections of fluff and story here. :-( That said, I'm familiar with Phall and am waiting on 'Shadows of Treachery' and 'Unremembered Empire' arriving but I've yet to catch up with most of the HH books.


I'll finally be getting my own copies of the FW HH books next month too so I'll be able to get a better grip on lists and such then.

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The reason I set aside the V Legion for now is the lack of rules, which directly influences how I build and convert my figures. I dunno if would be the same for you, but I would read through the rules of all the Legions that currently have them and see if that strikes a chord with you anywhere. I went with the Night Lords, even though I'm choosing to do the VIII Legion, Crimons Sons, in the Unification era and for the Nostraman Chainglaives, I'm either doing counts-as or writing my own fluff about how they were weapons scavenged from the enemy during that disastrous campaign in Oxitania.


So don't discount a rule you like for a Legion that may not fit with the theme, idea, or timeline you have in mind for them. Make it your own, brother.

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Come to Barbarus, we have punch and pie.(more people show up if you tell em you punch and pie)


seriously though, give the XIVth Legion a closer look.......


lets see.


1. great, easy to paint scheme, check.

2. really cool upgrade kits, check

3. endless conversion potential for as far as you want to take corruption, check.

4. mortarion, check.


see, lots of good stuff. but the thing is, I was initially going to do them. but got talked into Salamanders(kinda miss them), but they didn't grip me(wrong shade of green). then it was back to the DG, then, the word bearers, the the Imperial Fists. now I am firmly back in morty's camp and I am not leaving till I get my army done to 2500 pts.



did I mention the punch and pie.......

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In my imaginary world where I have a fulltime job with a stable schedule and not a metric ton of college debt, I was planning on saving the Sallies for a retro-RT camo company to try something different.


I'm trying to learn tidbits of the WB, but I feel like Heathens prepreachy movement will make me grab a cluster-nuke.

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In my imaginary world where I have a fulltime job with a stable schedule and not a metric ton of college debt, I was planning on saving the Sallies for a retro-RT camo company to try something different.


I'm trying to learn tidbits of the WB, but I feel like Heathens prepreachy movement will make me grab a cluster-nuke.


You mean this one?



Whoowheee. You're a brave man.  :P





An you know the grey, loyal Imperial Heralds were the best.  Just admit it.  :lol:

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Forge World did include a reference to the RT-era scheme. in Massacre, when the XVIII went into the Tempest Galleries, they are described as wearing "specially modified power armour, camouflged in striated patterns of sulphur yellow and sable black"

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I remember reading that. Just another reason I love Alan Bligh; the man loves his Easter eggs, lol.


Still, that would be a wacky hard paint scheme to get down. Best of luck to anyone who tries that, and please start a WIP thread, cuz' I need to see it.  :)

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Hello everyone


I am a long time Word Bearers player making a push to complete all my armies.  I will be painting my chaos because of coc, and then wish to start working on my marine force as a break. I own about one and a half company of marines, a scout company, and half of terminators and some tanks(40k with salamander bitzs from forge world), and the following from the Horus Heresy range

1 painted Son of Horus Contemptor(got it cheap, but do not want to play SoH)

1 old pred

5 Cataphractii terminators

3 Apoc

22 mark(five mark 5, rest mk 2/3)

1 LE Boarding Captain

some DG decals. 


The issue is should I use my forge world parts to enhance my salamanders, or use them to paint another of my love: a small detachment of loyalist death guard survivors. Thoughts and thanks for reading.

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So I was planning to do an early Crusade force (MK2/early MK3) and I was torn between Luna Wolves and Ultramarines. I've always loved the 'Every Marine is a hero of a hundred campaigns' concept, and was looking for an army that really represented that. Apologist's Praetors of Calth initially drew me to the UM, but Horus Rising also drew me toward the Luna Wolves. I tend to favor gunline armies, but I'm slowly (re)learning how to play in-your-face Space Marines (which I think I would enjoy, if Rhinos and Drop Pods weren't so incredibly expensive compared to my college student budget). So I really want my army to be that sword of Emperor. I want to kill things, and lots of them. I realize that that doesn't help much, but it's all I've got, really. Thoughts/ideas?

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...World Eaters?


For gunlines, try looking into : Death Guard, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists.


If you want to be "IN YOUR FACE MURDER PUNCH!" : Raven Guard, Night Lords, Alpha Legion (they can more or less do anything), World Eaters, Space Wolves, Imperial Fists (by virtue of the Templar), Emperors Children, Luna Wolves/Sons Of Horus and perhaps Blood Angels.


Of all of these only the Blood Angels don't have rules.


Also, read through the thread. We've mentioned multiple times that no matter what Legion you chose, you can do anything, and we mean ANYTHING you want with them in terms of army composition, fluff (of you're own personal company for example) and stuff.

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Hello everyone


I am a long time Word Bearers player making a push to complete all my armies.  I will be painting my chaos because of coc, and then wish to start working on my marine force as a break. I own about one and a half company of marines, a scout company, and half of terminators and some tanks(40k with salamander bitzs from forge world), and the following from the Horus Heresy range

1 painted Son of Horus Contemptor(got it cheap, but do not want to play SoH)

1 old pred

5 Cataphractii terminators

3 Apoc

22 mark(five mark 5, rest mk 2/3)

1 LE Boarding Captain

some DG decals. 


The issue is should I use my forge world parts to enhance my salamanders, or use them to paint another of my love: a small detachment of loyalist death guard survivors. Thoughts and thanks for reading.

I won't lie, the Salamanders could be a lot of fun. They don't get nearly as much love as the other Legions, and they have TONS of potential in the right hands, which I am positive you could provide, man. A ticked off broken company of Salamanders, believing their father is dead, tearing through Horus's rear lines on scorched earth tactics?


Heck, you could still add that small detachment of Death Guard at their side, led by a counts-as Crysos Morturg, whose Ambush skills could add to that sense of striking from the shadows with fire and anger, then fading and leaving nothing for the traitors but cinders and ash.


Whatever you choose, we got your back, man.  :)


So I was planning to do an early Crusade force (MK2/early MK3) and I was torn between Luna Wolves and Ultramarines. I've always loved the 'Every Marine is a hero of a hundred campaigns' concept, and was looking for an army that really represented that. Apologist's Praetors of Calth initially drew me to the UM, but Horus Rising also drew me toward the Luna Wolves. I tend to favor gunline armies, but I'm slowly (re)learning how to play in-your-face Space Marines (which I think I would enjoy, if Rhinos and Drop Pods weren't so incredibly expensive compared to my college student budget). So I really want my army to be that sword of Emperor. I want to kill things, and lots of them. I realize that that doesn't help much, but it's all I've got, really. Thoughts/ideas?


Have you looked into some of the old unification era histories and paint schemes, brother? In your face and Gunline blended quite well with the old War Hounds, with their preference of cutting down their foes at point blank, while supported with overwhelming heavy weapons and armour.

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Hello everyone

I am a long time Word Bearers player making a push to complete all my armies. I will be painting my chaos because of coc, and then wish to start working on my marine force as a break. I own about one and a half company of marines, a scout company, and half of terminators and some tanks(40k with salamander bitzs from forge world), and the following from the Horus Heresy range

1 painted Son of Horus Contemptor(got it cheap, but do not want to play SoH)

1 old pred

5 Cataphractii terminators

3 Apoc

22 mark(five mark 5, rest mk 2/3)

1 LE Boarding Captain

some DG decals.

The issue is should I use my forge world parts to enhance my salamanders, or use them to paint another of my love: a small detachment of loyalist death guard survivors. Thoughts and thanks for reading.

I won't lie, the Salamanders could be a lot of fun. They don't get nearly as much love as the other Legions, and they have TONS of potential in the right hands, which I am positive you could provide, man. A ticked off broken company of Salamanders, believing their father is dead, tearing through Horus's rear lines on scorched earth tactics?

Heck, you could still add that small detachment of Death Guard at their side, led by a counts-as Crysos Morturg, whose Ambush skills could add to that sense of striking from the shadows with fire and anger, then fading and leaving nothing for the traitors but cinders and ash.

Whatever you choose, we got your back, man. smile.png.

Deciding is hard, but the one question remains: use the older marks to help represent a salamander force during the scouring or have a salamander army led by chaplain xavier and use the death guard pre heresy hunting xeno in a jungle planet lead by garro as a display army? Then again promeathean sun novel have them both and so does isvaatan. I need to figure out this question, I have till etl to figure it out.

I don't know if my painting skills are up for heresy force, and painting them makes me nervous. Look at my two dreads, they are not painted well imo.

SOH Contemptor


Salamander dread


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You onviously have not seen my underdeveloped painting skills.


So here's what you do, use the older Marks since that is what you want to do. Use a model that can both represent Garro and be a count-as Garro, that way you can get both the pre-Heresy and Post-Istvaan armies. Enhance your Salamanders and use Chaplain Xavier as a Chaplain for your Heresy force of the XVIII.


Then, you do your best to give them the paintjob you think they deserve. The more often you do it, the faster your skills will develop and your confidence in your abilities will grow.

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