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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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@Uprising - as Kol said the more you paint, the better you become at painting (trust me I compare my models painted over the years and the progression is insane - my first were pretty much blobs of paint on plastic, my current ones are imo. very well painted for my abilities).


@DerSchlankeMan - As for a gunline - I would genuinely LOVE to see the massed firepower of pre-Angron War Hounds - plus I've no doubt you could do their paint scheme justice.

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Hey guys, 


So I have the fledgling concepts of a Legion idea forming in my mind and I need your input on a few things. I had thought about doing Alpha Legion or Death Guard for a while, but frankly I'm tired of painting blue(ish) Marines and I feel like I see Death Guard everywhere these days. To shake up my usual taste for traitor forces I'm mostly decided on doing a Heresy-Era Blood Angels force, specifically the boys of the 5th Company under Nassir Amit.


My question to you folks is whether or not Despoilers are useful on the tabletop and if not, what you would recommend. I want to go for the aggressive feel of the future Flesh Tearers, but at the same time I still want the force to be effective. Also what do you guys recommend as a core to build off, seeing as I won't see legion specific rules for a while yet.


Thanks in advance.

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Despoilers are indeed a nice and effective way of getting lots of angry non-jetpack-taxed CC focused marines. That said, you're probably looking at giving them either : A Storm Eagle (fits the BA theme) or a Spartan so that you can carry around a 20 man squad and not have them melt away as they try to footslog it to their unfortunate target.


For a core build, unless you're going for a Pride of the Legion force, would be : 2 squads of 10-20 marines (the more marines the more cost effective) and 1 Consul Centurion. This is one of the most flexible HQ choices out there because of the Consul "sub classes" if you will.


For example, you have 2-3 squads of 20 man True-Grit Marines (tactical blobs who pay extra for a Chainsword or CCW, like despoilers but with a bolter extra) in a Spartan, with a Chaplain Centurion and Apothecary (elites choice in 1-3 per slot).


While Horrendously expensive (in all respects), you have there a blob of potentially 20-60 marines who can : Fury of the Legion (bonus points if in rapid fire range) then charge into combat and pretty much guarantee some damage due to the Chaplain Buffs. The whole squad will also have FNP due to the Apoths.


You could use a single maxed out squad + Chaplain + Apoth + Spartan (and have the marines either be despoilers or true-grit. the only difference being the jacked up cost of TG for keeping their bolter.) as a core for your force. It also feels quite fluffy for a Scouring force of Blood Angels (since thats when the Black Rage manifested) but would, in my mind, not be out of place for a 30k BA force.


Alternatively, you could take a Preator and take the "Angels Wrath" Rite of War and give all your Tac blobs a Storm Eagle as a Dedicated Transport. Sadly being a max 20 capacity, if you wanted to run the above squad of blob+chappy+apoth, you'd have to cut 2 marines (not so big of a deal).


Angels Wrath also lets you, if you cheese it up enough, bring in A LOT of flyers. Case and Point, I made a 2500pt RG list with 2 Storm Eagles, 1 Darkwing (RG Storm Eagle) and 2 Fire Raptors. If I wanted to, I could've cut out the Dark Fury Sqaud and fit in another 2 Fire Raptors / Storm Eagles :P Bringing it up to a potential of 7.


Also, unlike the other Legions that Haven't been covered, the Blood Angels have a Wargear option available to them in the Illastus Pattern Assault Cannon from the Imperial Fists entry since it lists them as being able to field it. 

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Wow, this thread has helped me a lot guys, thank you all!


I was torn between a Word Bearers force or an Ultramarines force (those 2 being my favorite of the traitors/loyalists) and now I have decided to do both. I will start out with the WB since they already have rules and special units and work on them until the Ultramarines come around (sometime next year if the rumours are correct).

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Nice, I don't think the force I want to build will be any larger than 1500 or so. I like the idea of a big combat blob in tanks, not so much on the flyers. Just still not a fan is all.

Whats not to like about 20+ screaming dudes with chainswords charging out of a tank the size of a small house???

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Dang just read up on that Iliastus pattern assault cannon. Cool little nugget there.

BA also should get access to the Sanguinary Guard and the Baal Predator ;)




The Standard Template Construct (STC) designs for the Baal Pattern Predator were discovered by the Blood Angels Legion at the start of the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium.
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I'm still torn between a War Hounds detachment called the Peaceslayers and a Raven Guard company called Tyrant's Bane with a flagship named Law of Talion. The War Hounds would actually get highlights as opposed to the Raven Guard, but more importantly, they'd be reserved for being shown here as opposed to playing them in the local Games Workshop since I refuse to leave any possible link between my online and offline lives.

Or I could start a Biel-Tan army when and if good-looking plastic banshees (with grenades!) come out, which would solve the issue since I wouldn't be able to show them here. tongue.png

BA also should get access to the Sanguinary Guard and the Baal Predator msn-wink.gif

Oh, yes, Deimos predator with twin-linked assault cannons. ALL OF MY YES.

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A lex talionis inspired Raven Guard? Yes, please.


That happens to be one of the themes I wish to incorporate into my Night Lords fluff, of course twisted appropriately. What is done unto us is done unto you tenfold. Strike one of our supply chains? Your entire food source is poisoned. Snipe one of our officers? We skin your nobility caste alive. Stand defiantly against us instead of surrendering? Then you will be confined to those walls, as screams of horror and pain reverberate from within, and know that it is your wives and children you hear. We will come for you last, when silence falls.

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Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any good Heresy/Pre-Heresy Blood Angels blogs out there? Trying to build ideas and inspiration. Already know what I want to do for my captain and I have a rough idea on the troops, etc. But I still want to see anything else that's out there.


Also is there anything that you see in most solid 30k lists that I could go ahead and start on while I wait for actual legion-specific rules? should I just start with a Centurion and two 10-man squads? Thanks in advance for the help Legionaries!  

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I don't have much advice for table top tactics, Heinrich, but I can't wait to see you do some HH Blood Angels. I think it'll be worth the wait of you finally joining the ship.

Haha I'll do my best to deliver on people's expectations :) I already have some really great ideas brewing, sucks that this is basically gonna be the hobby equivalent of a 12-hour crock pot recipe lol

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Table top wise, A Sicarian and Contemptors (magnetize them so you can switch weapons, unless you can afford more than 2) are a pretty safe bet.


Contemptors especially the Mortis Variant since they provide good AA (both kinds).


Another safe bet is Apothecaries. 20 man blobs with FNP sure does help.


Beyond that, everything is up to how you want to play.


Even the above mentioned Vehicles aren't must haves. Since if you run, say, Angels Wrath, you wouldn't be able to take them unless the Dreads got Pods. (i could be wrong on this, need to read up on it.)

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Yeah I already planned on running a Contemptor or two (my favorite model so it was a must have lol) I like the idea of the Sicaran, I also really dig the Whirlwind Scorpius. Though I may hold off on armor to see what the do for the Baal Predator rules-wise. I'll probably convert a 2-3 Sanguinary Priests as well, you know those are gonna be in their rules and I definitely see their use in tactical blobs.


As for a centurion, how do you guys usually kit them out? What would make for a close-combat leader you wouldn't want to tangle with?

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Depends on what I have planned for them.


If I'm running a Primus Medicae, I try to use them as a backup IC and kit them out as such.


Master of Signal, I give only artificer armor and a form of Invulnerable save. Reason being his benefits come from buffing not from combat.


These are the main two I run (Really just the Primus medicae...). But I'd also play to the strengths of each consul. A Chaplain is there to get into combat with his squad and make sure they mince whatever get face. Gear him up appropriately.


A Champion is a Cheaper version of a Preator : A Beatstick and IC killer.


Vigilator is essentially a Scout + Sternguard. Depending on if you give him Recon Marines or Seekers will change how you gear him.


The list goes on. They are truly one of the most flexible HQ units out there. So either build a force around one or mold one to the force you're building. Either way works.


For CC focus'd Leader, I'd either take a PM, Chappy, Libby or Champion. Barring Preators, these are the best one, imo.


Primus Medicae being that he can be attached to any squad a standard Apothecary can't, Take Terminator armor and the Special Legion IC gear. Hello IF Primus Medicae with a Solarite Power Gauntlet (AP1, no Speacialist Weapn, MC'd Pfist) and Vigil Pattern Storm Shield in Terminator Armor! Plus he gives FNP which is always nice to have.


Chaplains already come stock with a Crozius Arcanum (power weapon) so its cheaper for them to switch it out (if they can...can they?) but don't have a Rozarius for an invuln. You'd have to take a refractor field  extra to do so.


Librarians, cuz, well, Force Weapons and Psychic Powers. They are pretty much the same as their 40k counter parts.


Champion is just a cheaper Preator without access to a Paragon Blade and other juicy bits.


A piece of gear to strongly consider is the Charnabal Sabre (this is the source of some contention as to its usefulness) since it give +1 Initiative. While mostly useful on a Preator since the Paragon Blade swings at initiative with AP2, this could find some use on a CC focused Consul, but not much due to the more attractive weapons having Unwieldy (Pfist and Paxe).


Granted, this is from rather limited knowledge of Consuls since I almost always run the Legion Character Versions of them or a Primus Medicae.

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A lex talionis inspired Raven Guard? Yes, please.


That happens to be one of the themes I wish to incorporate into my Night Lords fluff, of course twisted appropriately. What is done unto us is done unto you tenfold. Strike one of our supply chains? Your entire food source is poisoned. Snipe one of our officers? We skin your nobility caste alive. Stand defiantly against us instead of surrendering? Then you will be confined to those walls, as screams of horror and pain reverberate from within, and know that it is your wives and children you hear. We will come for you last, when silence falls.


I would LOVE to see another War Hounds army on the boards. That one gets my vote.

Thanks for the support.


Keep in mind, it's very likely the Raven Guard won't see the light of this forum since I'd use it in my FLGW, because I'm kind of sick of painting World Eaters (WHITE! GRRRR). Any fluff I'd write for them would be reserved for the B&C though. I've already decided they'd form the Coward's Bane chapter upon the second founding, which would hunt down those who prey on the weak.


But eventually, the original goal is corrupted and they decide that the real cowards are those who don't fight back against their oppressors and as such, will kill all the population except the resistance upon freeing a world from aliens, heretics ot whomever. Naturally, encouraging the people to rise up against their oppressors isn't seen kindly by the High Lords of Terra and they're eventually exterminated.


They could have fled before the censure fleet, of course, for example joining chaos to survive, but they'll die to the last man before behaving like cowards, damnit.

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I was torn for ages between what legion army I wanted to do and since I had narrowed it down to two I thought I might do both. Ultramarines and Iron Warriors. I should be starting these closer to Christmas but will see. Iron warriors are going to be in mk2 and mk3 with looted bits from the other mks out there whereas the Ultramarines will be in mk4 armour.
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I've given it some more thought, I've worked through the options and going on your advice I've come to a decision. I'm setting the XVII to one side for the moment and have picked up the banner of the VII.


Now that I've got a set idea of what I want to do with them, I'm going to come back to the Word Bearers once I've got a 1500pt Imperial Fist force built, painted and on the table.


Thanks again for the help, here's a WIP teaser of my first 165pts.



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...How did I never see that... I'VE LOOKED AT IT MORE THAN ONCE! OH EMPEROR I'M GOING BLIND!?!?!?!?


But, Seriously, Thanks Raven! And yeah, that Combi-Flamer is pretty much the best one I've seen. Better than the one in this : http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space_Marine-Infantry-and-Accessories/LEGION_COMBI-WEAPONS.html


I really like the power fist, especially the detailed joints. Much better than the other Resin / Plastic ones.

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