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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Hmmm, will look into that, maybe even have them as Vanguard Vets haha.  Although that could be costly, let me see what we have at our fingertips here.


Argh, looks like Vanguards are the ones who can use Storm Shields and only half the Squad can...  Maybe I should do it anyway...  But then I have to try and find an equivalent for the HH era version...  Although two units of 5 Veterans can make it so everyone carries Storm Shields...  My goodness that is expensive but potentially nasty with the 3+ inv on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!  I care mostly for fluff than anything.  I may do it...  Just magnetize the backpacks so I can always go with jetpacks if I want to.

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Second, one of the best things about the old Legions, and how FW has presented them, allows for the player to customize their company to their personal choice. So, something like knightly and brightly honoured and bedecked Raven Guard siege army is not only entirely possible, but is also damn near expected of the player to create. Yes, the Raven Guard spent a lot of time with the Luna Wolves, but one could easily imagine a company that was seconded to assist an Imperial Fist company for decades on a distant compliance campaign.

Only problem with that really is that theoretically (according to Thorpe through one of the highest ranking members of the Raven Guard) the Raven Guard never served alongside the Fists. While obviously not impossible, it would seem a little silly to say something like that and use it as proof that they're not Raven Guard unless it's absolutely true. Not saying you can't do it (I'm personally just going to have Fists alongside my Raven Guard (who got cut off by a warp storm)) but it does create an inconsistency if someone were to back check it but like I said it's your army. Like how I doubt Corax would have completely forgotten about a whole battalion (5 companies) that couldn't make it to Istvaan.

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Only problem with that really is that theoretically (according to Thorpe through one of the highest ranking members of the Raven Guard) the Raven Guard never served alongside the Fists.




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Plus, you have the Nomad Predation fleets, the so-called 'Lone Wolves', and a number of Deliverer battalions who were sent into exile.


Bam. Problem solved. Kiss my pasty white butt, Thorpe.

Oh don't worry I hate Thorpe for what he did too, but it's nice to have some consistency

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*Wades through all the creativity, its like, up to my ribs*

Well. Having thoroughly perved on this forum for some days now, and have read PRREETTY much every thread of recent weeks I thought it was best to make an account, and get some expert help regarding the reason I cannot sleep.

Im waking up in the middle of the night, in wild panic, setting my Mrs on edge, screaming "But What about Ferrus!!!!"

Its like an addiction, that i should go to a group therapy session in a church hall for. "Hi, my name is Tom..and i have a problem with 30k Warhammer"

The problems is lads and ladettes, I am my own worst enemy. I have spent days and days and days pouring over which Legion is best for me. And i have come to the conclusion that i just want too many of them. And thats fine, playng the long game i can make more than one Legion, or allied detachments and stuff. Thats fine.

What I do want, is one Legion. I have a few local friends who have all ammased such a large force of 40/30k that i really want to emulate that. I want hobby options. They have, respectively, 3 Space Wolf Companies along side a number of extra units and armour, a Complete Company of Blood Angels, A whole battlegroup of Vostroyan First Born. They are just so cool. And i want that. I large collection.

So on topic, a bit. I want a Legion that feels like a complete fighting force. I have read above that eveyone have everything, WE has armour, and Iron Hands probably did have jetbikes and speeders and things. And thats great. I think I just want one of the "Leader" Legions, rather than one of the "Follower" Legions. SoH, IF, IH, UM, BA, DA, EC. All feel like Legions in Charge.

I also read the post on here about RPG's. And if it helps, i usually play the Tanky sort of character. I do love, and need, all the other characters, but i just dont feel it plays like me.

I like alot of character to my Legions. I like them to look like whatever they are meant to be, not like Marines painted differently. Primachs are all pretty kickass so far, and all the rules are awesome, but again i like the more Leadery ones, Dorn, Guilliman, Sanguinius, Ferrus, Horus. etc.

So, after this properly long long long post, can anyone help me find the Legion for me?

Im not THAT bothered about how they play. Im a good player, but not in the top tier, even locally, so im happy to play friendly and win or lose. :)

Thanks guys, and can i just say well done for getting SUCH a good community for 30k together, i look forward to seeing where everything goes :D

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Welcome to the heresy, brother!


Tanky character, unique look? I think you're describing Iron Hands, my friend? They have a ton of unique units and even their own tac marine set! Beautiful models, loads of character. Something to consider.


Also, I definitely want to praise your notion of one large legion. I too have been struck by the itch to make many different small legion forces. As you describe it, the appeal of a huge and complete fighting force is captivating. It is an excellent goal and I applaud you for it.

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Hmm, does look like the Xth would be appropriate - tanks, breachers, dreads & plenty of killer tech.


Plus if your attention ever wanes, there are myriad excuses to add other forces to your army. The Iron Hands were used as shock troops by some expeditionary fleets, and joined other Legions when they needed massed armour / were facing particularly advanced foes - plus, Ferrus did lead other Primarchs & their Legions during the Great Crusade, being one of the most experienced Primarchs (3rd discovered). So add to your hearts content - if you get sick of PA, stick some Mechanicum in.

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Heathens - I ended up settling for Imperial Fists after all. A Breacher marine army was his too juicy a prospect to pass up :)


Ferrus might not have been the most obvious choice for a leader, but he did indeed lead joint Legion ventures, was one of the first Primarchs to be found (after Horus and Leman Russ) and even earned the respect of Guilliman. I think they'd make a great choice and will offer you what you're looking for. But also, it's said constantly, but all legions contained everything, despite their specialities. So focus less in their stereotypical ways of war, and more on their character and rules, minis etc

Heathens - I ended up settling for, after much deliberation....Night Lords :) they also ally surprisingly well with my Salamanders haha.


Ferrus might not have been the most obvious choice for a leader, but he did indeed lead joint Legion ventures, was one of the first Primarchs to be found (after Horus and Leman Russ) and even earned the respect of Guilliman. I think they'd make a great choice and will offer you what you're looking for. But also, it's said constantly, but all legions contained everything, despite their specialities. So focus less in their stereotypical ways of war, and more on their character and rules, minis etc

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You know what. You are right.

They are quite tanky, take the hit, and go straight up the middle kind of guys. Love the Tech and Artillery open to them, and they will have one of, if not the best, affliation with the Mechanicum! Thats every box ticked.

I have two reservations i hope you can cleanse me of though. Has anyone actually ever SEEN an Iron Hands army? I mean dont get me wrong, i love that i have never seen oen locally, but do they look a bit...bland? I would have have have to go Mat black and dust and dirth them up some, cant stand shiny armour apart from on the Legions that suit it. Also, on the point of their own Tac Squad, would you mix and match that up, or just have copy pastes of that all over the show?

Also..The Terminators..Im not sold on the rules and not sold on the models, not compared to models like Fire Drakes... Someone tell me they are awesome

TBH, you can me COMPLETELY sold on the Ferrus led the Primarchs at one point sort of thing, and he led the Istvaan retalliation, thats leading Vulkan, Corax, Curze, Petruabo, Lorgar and sort of Alpharius. Even though half of them were more evilor than Skeletor at this point. Thats still awesome. And even though he is the only dead one, well third if we get technical..hmm, ONLY ONE NOT KILLED BY RUSS, He is still a badass.

Aaaaannnd now Im thinking of making the First Wave of Istvaan 5...So a massive force of Iron Hands, complete Legion. And then allied detachments of Sallies and Raven Guard. Then I have all the toys.

In terms of the Whole Legion thing. Would IH still have had Assault Squads, etc? Im sure they would, just need soeone to tell me.

Also, Grand Master85. Night Lords are awesome! i look forward to seeing some progress on that!

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Well, I wouldn't call these guys boring.


Pick a style, choose a theme - there are always ways to add a bit more colour if you look out for them.


You're right about the Mechanicum - the Xth were certainly the closest Legion to them - although their relationship with the Imperial Army was frosty. For squad armour types, I'd say keep each squad as a single type - for tacs, vets & breachers, MK III is probably the most appropriate, with MK IV for recon, seekers, & fast attack units. They definitely used assault marines, but mainly as specialist units, rather than massive formations - rapid response units to support the main advance - I'd give these guys MK II / MK IV. I'd imagine they'd be attached at Century level - for example, a jetbike squad & assault marine squad might join a Breacher company to make up for their relative lack of mobility.


But yeah - the IH Mk III squad would be great for vets, but for main line squads, mix & match parts to add a bit of flavour.


The Iron Hands Legion Specific units aren't crazily good, but they're just supposed to be slight upgrades to mainline units. The Gorgons are cool, but you could use a whole range of Termies for different purposes.


Yeah....good luck with that many models - there were about 10-30,000 Iron Hands on the ground at Isstvan V, and the whole Legion is about 113,000 strong. I'd stick with smaller 'building blocks' to start off with.

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Wow they certainly are not Boring. They look sick, especially that Sicaran! I have been mooching around on other places and found some really awesome IH's on Facebook and they have definitely inspired me!

What do you usually include in your lists Fantatic? Or more importantly what are you building/ painting at the moment?

I think I may use the IH Specific tacs as Vets and Sargents, and then mix and max Mk2 and Mk3 for the normal Tacs, or something like that. Or maybe water down the Tac squad. So get 1 lot of IH Specific, and a 5 man normal Mk3 and then filter bits and bobs out, something like that?

oh god, no, i dont want an accurate force, just maybe as a collection, 5k of IH, then 2k of each Sallies and RG, something like that.

Iv been reading the rules on them again in the last hour, and asked the guy who runs all my local tournaments, and he would be happy for me to use 30k rules in the local events, which is awesome. Just going to have to read through all the Mechanicum, its bloody confusing alot of it!


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Well, what I did when painting some iron hands was take the opportunity to add bits of silver and brass where possible. So the knee pads and greaves on some marines were brass, as we're the shoulder pad trims. Some of the face plates were silver, others brass. Getting that metal theme in there without detracting from the black or just looking like Iron Warriors sprinkling the Iron Hands mk III kit bits around normal mk III guys will also go a long way to helping
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Plus, you have the Nomad Predation fleets, the so-called 'Lone Wolves', and a number of Deliverer battalions who were sent into exile.


Bam. Problem solved. Kiss my pasty white butt, Thorpe.

Oh don't worry I hate Thorpe for what he did too, but it's nice to have some consistency



Not at the cost of an already amazing story being slowly ruined. I deny Thorpe and the atrocity he has created. Forgeword and the old IA, True Til' Death.

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Plus, you have the Nomad Predation fleets, the so-called 'Lone Wolves', and a number of Deliverer battalions who were sent into exile.


Bam. Problem solved. Kiss my pasty white butt, Thorpe.

Oh don't worry I hate Thorpe for what he did too, but it's nice to have some consistency



Not at the cost of an already amazing story being slowly ruined. I deny Thorpe and the atrocity he has created. Forgeword and the old IA, True Til' Death.



I wasn't around for the Old IA, but I definitely do prefer the Forge World stuff (especially since Thorpe doesn't seem to understand organization in any way but I did enjoy the flash backs and pretty much everything until they got to Terra)

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