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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Great news everyone! I managed to get 2 guys for HH! Mechanicus and Sallies. Now me what to choose... Im tempted to go DA. Oh so tempted...

What are your criteria ?
Good Close combat. But no WE. Disciplined close combat. Preference for MK4 (due to calth set). Infantry based. Torn between SoH ( I like abbadon a lot) IF because yours truly Sigismund, EC look interesting aswell. And now DA with stabby rules. Also I like terminators a lot. Abbadon deepstrike... but wolves could be an option I liked what I have seen.
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So. We've all seen book 6 and it's wonderful contents....


It's time for a decision.


I've narrowed it down to 3 (maybe 4... Or 5?) legions. I've decided I don't really want to go traitor if possible.


Blood Angels



  • Love the Army (but you knew that already)
  • The models they have are great
  • Lots of bits from 40k usable
  • Fast and red - Just how I like it
  • Sanguinius is THE best Primarch
  • Assault cannons
  • Assault. Cannons.


  • RoW are... Okay but not amazing with Assault Squads being average.
  • Even the generic legion rules are underwhelming - The combat bonus is nice but not enough compared to some *cough* SCARS *cough*
  • They're my main 40k army, so risk of burn out/ being too similar with jumpers and fast units/ mass melta flamer
  • Full range of units 18 months away at best.


Iron Hands




  • Awesomely brutal for loyalists
  • Great models and easy to paint for great effect
  • Rules are all strong. Army is very flexible.
  • TANKS!
  • Range is entirely complete - Can mix with others for shattered legions.


  • No more new stuff to come for a while
  • My 40k marines are black (but I can do a metallic scheme)
  • Dead Ferrus :<


Iron Warriors



  • Guns guns guns.
  • Moderately strong rules
  • Great Scheme, models and mechanicum allies
  • Morale not a factor (yay!)
  • Pert one of the most awesome Primarchs in every way


  • Bit over-done
  • No models for Tyrants/ Havocs yet
  • Tyrants moving to heavy support ruined my planned list


Dark Angels



  • Loving the Knightly look of the current upgrades
  • Wings provide wide fluff appeal
  • Lots of interesting fluff with thier secret
  • Archeotech
  • Rules are middle ground but very useful and cool
  • HUGE range of bits from 40k to help make 30k models
  • Lion among my top favourite Primarchs


  • As with BA - at least 18 months until we see anything about them, could be more if FW do the horrendous idea of finishing Calth after Inferno...
  • Paint scheme is a tad similar to my black and red 40k BA
  • I love swords but all swords all the time...
  • RoW seem janky at the moment.
  • Not one of the GOOD guys - they didn't get to Terra and half of them went traitor lol



Halp. Really IH and DA are the leaders of the pack I think...

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No blood angels, too many cons. I wouldn't exactly consider the iron hands to be all that great guys. I mean sure they swear fealty to the emperor but their incredibly brutal and not exactly stable.


I would say the iron hands because hey are the complete opposite from your blood angels. Their slow, crude, and are about shooting rather than assault.


Ferrus being dead will only be bad from a fluff point of view, I'm not sure how to justify him in games. Not having anything new can be a bummer but we just got a host of new options with new row.


Of all legions the iron hands benefit the most from all of the ROWs. Dreadhead? IWND. Tank company? Bitch we invented the tank ace, also IWND again. Mechanicum super bros? Well we don't exactly gain much there but it sure is fluffy. And if that doesn't look cool then you have the awesome HOTG and that breacher one to go on.


I would recommend you do a couple things because you've gone through 3 different legions now. I've broken it up into the 3 important categories:



Try painting the legions you like. When I first started I was all for fists until I learned I couldn't paint yellow for crap. Sure you might be okay with having another black army but you gotta make sure your satisfied with it. If you love a legion then you'll find a way.


Try to look through WIP pages as well, Dantioach as well as countless others have awesome iron warriors, Depthcharge has pretty cool DA, Wolf pack had rad iron hands, and check out Captains Log.



Read some books. No seriously, read some books on your favorite legion. Even if it's 40k read some books on them. For yourself to enjoy the legion then you gotta be able to like them. Check out Fear to Tread for blood angels, Storm of Iron for Iron Warriors, Wrath of Iron for Iron Hands, and I have absolutely no idea what books to read about the Dark angles.


You don't even need to read 40k either, half the legions you listed are inspired by Historical armies. If your a history nerd or can stomach it watch some movies or books. For the Dark Angels I can't recommend kingdom of heaven directors cut enough, it takes place in the crusades but it's awesome. For the Iron Warriors check out anything related to WW1 or trench warfare. For the blood angels and iron hands it's a lot harder for historical influence, though I don't think you'll need much inspiration for the sons of the angel.


Finally try to write your own fluff, it can be something as small as a description of a legionnaire or a whole battle. Try to get in tone and see if you can have fun writing.




Do you play video games? How about strategy games or RPGS? What's your playstyle? Are you a sneaky bastard, a turtle (defender), or a bezerker? Do you love it when a plan corms together or do you just play it by ear? It's questions like that you can only have answered when you play a game. For example I didn't know that I liked Night Lords till I played a lot of Fallout, medieval 2 Total War, and Company of heroes. I originally thought I liked hard, slow moving infantry, but I found that I love fast armies that don't play nice.


Try to get some games in. Do you have BAC? Of you do then try to get a ZM game with a legion you like against another person. If you don't then count as with some of your 40k models. Try playing small games with guys at the FLGS to see what you like.


Hope that helps! I've still been on the fence for almost a year now but trust me it gets really easy after you've painted the first model.

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By the way help a newb out. Which book should I buy for SoH rules? Should I wait for book 6?

Book 1 & Book 4 for SoH fluff, the new AoD Legions red book for rules (wait for its public release), and Book 6 for some SoH fluff and new RoWs.


Mainly you'll want that AoD Legions red book though.

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Buy the new red book for Crusade legions.


Shadily obtain the first couple books for fluff, not worth buying for one section when the rules are mostly outdated now.


Thanks for feedback Marshal - I think I'll paint/ convert up some testers soon and see what to go with. One annoying thing is that I see neither DA or IH as a Legion that will like Mk4 very much, so things get expensive.


I've also seen the Iron Circle rules and now want to run an army of those, Pert and nor much else :')

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Hi guys.


After an immensely long break from building/ painting/ playing 30k (But obviously still lurking these boards) I have decided to make a come back.


A few friends of mine that have been playing 30k for a few months have started up a narrative campaign to be played over a few months using the Conquest campaign style.


My last army, which was sold some time ago for a PS4, was Iron Hands. I do love them, but i feel as though they are a bit of a dead end, plus i have already had them before.


There are a few things i am struggling with in the search for making a new Legion.


A) I like Terminators, and preferably Legion Specific Terminators, FireDrakes, Pheonix Guard, Gorgons, Deathwing, Wolf Guard etc.

B) I love to have a few Tanks, and am a great fan of the Spartan.

C) I do not prefer shooting supremacy with my tanks, i use them to provide support while my Close Combat units clean up. I do like to have dominance in Close Combat. And instead of a huge Deathstar, i prefer to have a few smaller Death..moons? just smaller units. My Gorgons ran 3 units of 5, 2 in LR, 1 in Spartan with Ferrus. And that worked well.

D) I would like this Legion to get me through the rest of the time FW works with 30k, so 10+ years i guess. And with the ancillary forces such as Mechanicum and SA and Militia to flesh out a collection, i would like to keep to 1 Legion who presumably gets alot of action throughout the rest of the horus-y.


I do like the new Shattered Legions style of playing, but i feel as though its open to abuse, and could quickly water down the potentcy of each Legion specifically.


I am a huge fan of the new Dark Angels, but not sure if we have enough rules and RoW to actually play them yet? Someone please correct me if i am Wrong?


I am a huge fan of Space Wolves, but thats so far away.


I am a huge fan of Imperial Fists, especially of the newly found Super Saiiyan Dorn Buff, and Polux is a Hero and Sigismund is definitely a baller. But are they a little...boring and over played?


I havnt done too much reading into the Heretics and Traitors side of the Legions as i kind of want to stay a Loyalist?



Also, and this is the main question really, how limited are you by fluff? For example,


Could you get away with a small contingent of Dark Angels on Terra at the end, sent with Sanguinius from Imperium Secundus to reinforce Terra and not to return to Caliban?


Could you get away with a small contingent of Loyalist Emperors Children doing the same thing? Fighting at the gates of Terra? Or any Legion really?


I love Garro, and he will be used in almost every game as i find him such a thrill to use.


Sorry for the essay, but thanks :)

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Buy the new red book for Crusade legions.


Shadily obtain the first couple books for fluff, not worth buying for one section when the rules are mostly outdated now.


Thanks for feedback Marshal - I think I'll paint/ convert up some testers soon and see what to go with. One annoying thing is that I see neither DA or IH as a Legion that will like Mk4 very much, so things get expensive.


I've also seen the Iron Circle rules and now want to run an army of those, Pert and nor much else :')

Lexicanum and some google search helps with the fluff. I want the rule book. Probably I will start with HoR 30k kill team. As soon as I get paid im buying some SoH upgrades. And maybe Justaerin. Pity that Abbadon is not sold separately from Loken. I dont want that loyalist filth. Gonna check ebay.
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Buy the new red book for Crusade legions.


Shadily obtain the first couple books for fluff, not worth buying for one section when the rules are mostly outdated now.


Thanks for feedback Marshal - I think I'll paint/ convert up some testers soon and see what to go with. One annoying thing is that I see neither DA or IH as a Legion that will like Mk4 very much, so things get expensive.


I've also seen the Iron Circle rules and now want to run an army of those, Pert and nor much else :')

Lexicanum and some google search helps with the fluff. I want the rule book. Probably I will start with HoR 30k kill team. As soon as I get paid im buying some SoH upgrades. And maybe Justaerin. Pity that Abbadon is not sold separately from Loken. I dont want that loyalist filth. Gonna check ebay.

For tactics or any help you need make sure to look at the SOH tactics page. Can't wait to see them in action!

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Hi guys, hope this is the right place to put forward some questions. First I need to say I have not read any horus heresy or black library books.



I'm a long time collector but as far as gaming goes aside from a literal handful of 6th ed 40k games I haven't played anything serious since 2nd edition 40k and say 5th fantasy.. Got introduced to the game by an uncle when I was a child (games day '91). Collected Blood Angels which I still have, all bright and orangy looking. Play tested 3rd ed at GD 98 and thats where i stopped with the gaming side of things. Maybe until now. After seeing the betrayal at calth box come out i started looking at warhammer again and started to lean towards actually getting back into it.



So Im completely new to the concept of this.. theres multiple books, are there current books? out of date books> which has rules of the game?


How horrifically bad is it not to read the black library books? Do i actually need to read them all or just pick ones that may be relevant to whatever army i choose to play?


Back on track for this topic : looking at the models mechanicum are a deffinate must for me even a small army will do just 'cause

but for marines the two choices I like are between Emperors Children and Blood Angels.



Emperors children have some awesome models.. The terminators with their ornate greaves are great, and the palatine blades are smart looking too. Also that Fulgrim model. They seem to have majority mk 2,3,4 armours and a few mk 5 in army pictures ive looked through, so i can start completely fresh army.


Blood Angels are my first and foremost army I used to play, so it might be nice to get back into it with them.. I do have a lot of old models painted up, but not sure if they would count as "heresy era" models or not. A few mk1 land raiders, mk1 predators and rhinos, landspeeders, whirlwinds, razorbacks , "eddy" style dreads. Most of the troops are the "beakie style" apart from the BA characters i think everything is pre 93 model wise death eagle marines, strike force marines, LE marines, c100 marines.. Would any of this be useable for Horus Heresy?


Also i noticed in 40k the Blood angels have really embraced their artisan with ornate armours and weaponry calligraphy for the new box sets.. would some of these parts be acceptable, mainly shoulder pads and weapons more so than armour although the sanguinary guard do look awesome.




Sorry to go on but would love a little steer in the right direction to hopefully starting up in Horus Heresy










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Having recently picked up the BaC box, I'm preparing to paint models, but first I have to decide upon a legion.


In 40k I have iron warriors, and choosing to go into. Warriors allows me to use some of the 30k stuff I get also in 40k.


But otherwise:


Night lords;

- cool fluff

- awesome looks

- striking colour scheme

- characterful models and characters


- but also a tad mor difficult to paint

- no idea how a night lord army would fight, looks like, and what units work well together.



Iron warriors

- cool paint scheme

- easy to paint too

- big guns ;)

- they seem brutal in a very practical kind of way, which speaks to me.


- but, no real identity in models. Except perty, no models released yet.

- not entirely sure about the different army build potentials. I like artillery, and the new row does look cool, but I think I will miss some modelling potential for close combat units.


Overall, both seem just as cool. Iron warriors more practical in terms of painting, but night lords more investment required but more gained too.


I think it will depend on how each plays and builds their armies of.

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Hi guys, hope this is the right place to put forward some questions. First I need to say I have not read any horus heresy or black library books.



I'm a long time collector but as far as gaming goes aside from a literal handful of 6th ed 40k games I haven't played anything serious since 2nd edition 40k and say 5th fantasy.. Got introduced to the game by an uncle when I was a child (games day '91). Collected Blood Angels which I still have, all bright and orangy looking. Play tested 3rd ed at GD 98 and thats where i stopped with the gaming side of things. Maybe until now. After seeing the betrayal at calth box come out i started looking at warhammer again and started to lean towards actually getting back into it.



So Im completely new to the concept of this.. theres multiple books, are there current books? out of date books> which has rules of the game?


How horrifically bad is it not to read the black library books? Do i actually need to read them all or just pick ones that may be relevant to whatever army i choose to play?


Back on track for this topic : looking at the models mechanicum are a deffinate must for me even a small army will do just 'cause

but for marines the two choices I like are between Emperors Children and Blood Angels.



Emperors children have some awesome models.. The terminators with their ornate greaves are great, and the palatine blades are smart looking too. Also that Fulgrim model. They seem to have majority mk 2,3,4 armours and a few mk 5 in army pictures ive looked through, so i can start completely fresh army.


Blood Angels are my first and foremost army I used to play, so it might be nice to get back into it with them.. I do have a lot of old models painted up, but not sure if they would count as "heresy era" models or not. A few mk1 land raiders, mk1 predators and rhinos, landspeeders, whirlwinds, razorbacks , "eddy" style dreads. Most of the troops are the "beakie style" apart from the BA characters i think everything is pre 93 model wise death eagle marines, strike force marines, LE marines, c100 marines.. Would any of this be useable for Horus Heresy?


Also i noticed in 40k the Blood angels have really embraced their artisan with ornate armours and weaponry calligraphy for the new box sets.. would some of these parts be acceptable, mainly shoulder pads and weapons more so than armour although the sanguinary guard do look awesome.




Sorry to go on but would love a little steer in the right direction to hopefully starting up in Horus Heresy

Ok, lots of stuff to answer here, so I'll go into dot points


-The books situation is thusly: There are 6 (currently) big books with all the fluff, campaigns and all the armies so far released for 30k. You CAN get these, however if you want just the rules, Forge World release more collected red books which tend to be all the rules from the books, but ettra'd to the most recent point. Right now I think they've discontinued the Istavaan Legion Red book because they're releasing another version with more legions in it... as of book 6 every legion has been covered except the Space Wolves and Thousand Sons, although Blood Angels, Dark Angels and White Scars have no special units or characters as of yet. They do have unique Wargear though. 


-The Red Books, incidentally, are the cheaper option. However we need to wait and see just what is collected in the new red books, given that rites of war and other things were added in Book 6. There are due to be rule changes for the Emperor's Children in the updated Legion book


-The Black Library books, on the other hand, aren't needed at all. The Big Books contain all the information about the heresy (and fantastic art) and even then if you don't get them, the internet has the information you need.


-I... can't answer completely on the Marks of Armor, but I believe that the Beakie Armor, Mark 6, was beginning use by the time of the Heresy. Modern Space Marine Armor, the Mark 7, wouldn't see use until the very end of the heresy.


-I also can't vouch for the marines themselves without knowing what they have, but the Legion list is quite flexible in what units can be included, especially when it comes to tanks. The only tank I think you can't use is the Razorback, because Tactical squads in the heresy are 10 men minimum. Heresy makes you pay for big squads that are cheaper the bigger they are.


Beyond that, the others will need to answer.

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Thankyou Leonite.


I took a trip to warhammer world today to buy my first FW goodies.

Had a quick chat with the forgeworld staff and they said anything up to mk 6 would be acceptable use in a Blood Angel army which makes me quite happy.


Holding off on buying the book at the moment though, spent quite enough for one day

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Greetings Guys! I come to you for some help: as the time pass  I read some books and stuffs  and now after the Weekender(to which my girlfriend took me, so a wonderful present <3) I'm very in trouble to settle down to a Legion and begin the wonderful adventure of the Heresy. So here I am :


Emperors Children: 

I love their models, I love their Bg, I love their style of Warfare, I love their rules and colour scheme. (ps I'm totally not a competitive player). I'm thorn in doing Loyalist or Traitor(in this case not totaly slaaneshi-mutated)I love Fulgrim before the Heresy, hate him traitor and so Lucius, Eidolon etc.


Iron Warriors:

Love Bg, the colours not so much, Really like Perturabo and love theirs characters. Problem: already two in my city are doing theme(I know is stupid but for me is really a thorn in my side!)


Sons of Horus :

Love colour scheme, Love style of Warfare,really like the models and the Bg, Love the rules. Plus no one is doing theme


White Scars : Love colour scheme, love bg and style of warfare, Love their books( Chris Wraight you are great!). Problem : I dont like so muche the bikes, I mean a squad yes sure! But the core of my army? No way...ps no one is doing theme


Word Berears: Love Bg, really like the models and colour scheme, Love Argel Tal, plus I have a little army of daemons...and no one is doing theme...I dont like their prey on innocents, sacrifical offers, blood- madness and so on...


Dark Angels: Love their Bg, Love their colour,I mean Black is my favorite, Love their rules. Style of Warfare anything but not ravenwing


Night Lords: Love their Bg, Love their tactics, Love their colour but I'm afraid of it(I'm not a good painter :D ) but I dont like the "criminals, murderers, knife in your back"


World Eaters: Love their colours scheme( both begin and middle heresy), their Bg, their Style, yes they are going to kill you, but at least is going to be quick and in general they have honour...plus no one is doing theme. 


In general I love knights of every type, I didnt really like guys in fiction that kills innocents,without honor or at the back of people. I want an army good in everything but in particular in infantry and vehicles (why not both?) I really like the  "cut the head and the body dies" style of attack, but as I said with much adaptability...


Ps sorry for the wall of text, the bad english and the choice with so many alternatives! If you think another legion is good for me but I do not write down doesnt matter anyway! :)

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Well maybe you are right biggrin.png is that so? Ahahahah my heart talk for me wub.png

Judging from what you write it seems that you enjoy: the good guys, Knights, and Going Fast.

I would say a loyalist contingent of the EC, maybe terrains so you can make wider use of MK 2. Maybe it's the purple but they remind of the Byzantine empire. They got a really cool knightly order thing as well.

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Good call on the Byzantine Empire! Although I'm not a specialist of the sector(hell I'm not graduated yet!) I agree, they sure have a orientalistic flavor plus an "Imperial theme", the purple is the colour of regality and power in many cultures (the colour of the consols and after of the Emperor at Rome).A terran contingent from the nobil houses of Europe sounds cool as hell! drool.gif

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Good call on the Byzantine Empire! Although I'm not a specialist of the sector(hell I'm not graduated yet!) I agree, they sure have a orientalistic flavor plus an "Imperial theme", the purple is the colour of regality and power in many cultures (the colour of the consols and after of the Emperor at Rome).A terran contingent from the nobil houses of Europe sounds cool as hell! drool.gif

Did you know the Byzantine Empire was also super well-known for their psycho-sonic weaponry and sick guitar riffs? True story.

Definitely Emperor's Children for you, then.

But for real, the Emperor's Children models strike a great balance between sinister and noble (those creepy faces on the Palatine Blades!). You could easily paint them up normally and represent Loyalist EC and run them as very early Traitor when the mood strikes by just adding Kakophoni units to your army.

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