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The Talon Of Horus

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"They're not your friends. They'll take every chance they can get to make you look like a ****." The B&C is a great forum, but if you Google, say, the time I tried to explain the perfectly true fact that the Space Wolves weren't "better at fighting" than other Space Marines and how - in-universe rumour aside - they didn't kill the Lost Legions, you'll see 3-4 Space Wolf players desperate to shoot down everything I say and taking it all wildly personally. And I've seen it in Chaos discussions, too. So, no, it goes both ways. The internet always does.



To be clear, with all due respect, this has less to do with who's posting it, and what's being posted. 


Watch this:


1. The Iron Warriors are not as good as Imperial Fists at Siege Warfare.


2. The White Scars are far more ferocious than Space Wolves.


3. Blood Angels really weren't that loyal in the first place, and really should go heretic.


4. Abaddon failed... always. The Black Crusades were never Black, nor Crusades. 


5. The Codex Astartes is the law, unfortunately written by a traffic cop at best.



There we go. There's 5 goodies off the top of my head. Now excuse me while I grab a helmet and run screaming like a school girl into my basement.

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Foolish. Yet ballsy! I like it. My largest gripe with the whole book was the fight near the end.

Now i can understand that in no uncertain terms that the cloning procedure was never ever going to be perfect, and plot vs what should happen = plot victory, but 113 vs a ship full of gribblies, fabius and 2/3rds of a primarch with his own armour/weapon shouldnt have ended as well as it did. Granted that wasn't amazing either but too many got to walk away in my opinion

otherwise great book, demolished in 2 days due to having a great flow and I genuinely hope Khayon gets to meet the big E

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I got one question, concerning the book: at one point, when Khayon discusses the fate of nine legions after the Heresy with Abaddon he says something like: "Noone knows if Alpha Legion is in the Eye of Terror." However at another point it is mentioned that Khayon served with all nine legions so how he cannot be sure if AL is in the EoT if he fought alongside them?

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Why would fighting at least once alongside at least one Alpha Legionnaire, at an unknown time and place, give him the knowledge of the entire Legion's disposition?


Doesn't seem contradictory to me.

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He might be sure that at least one Alpha Legion warband was once present within the Eye, but he could have no idea if they're still alive, if they left, if there are others. If you're not presently dealing with or fighting the Alpha Legion, they don't announce themselves or leave any sign of their activities. If you haven't heard of or from them in a while, they could be dead or gone for all you know.

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I just like to believe that I live in a world that is just enough that my favorite authors are at least as well off financially as the various schmucks whose claim to fame is that their father made an arse of himself on a reality TV show once, and now they apparently have access to the Bag of Infinite Money.


But sometimes I'm a starry eyed optimist like that.

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Well i think the qoute went somthing like this: "I fought alongside numerous warbands, Mechanicum and all Nine Legions." So I supposed that he fought alongside warbands that are somehow significant for representing the part of a legion.

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It's a minor point but one that as far as I know hasn't been really cleared up but at what point do the Thousand Sons go from the red and silver to the cobalt and gold?


I know 'Visions of Heresy' shouldn't be relied upon as accurate but there is a picture in there (my avatar actually) of the Thousand Sons pre-terran invasion in blue armour. Khayon is apparently in blue throughout 'Talon of Horus'. In 'Ahriman: Exile' however Amon's circle are still in the red until Ahriman casts a spell of binding and they all change to blue.


Is it a Magnusite badge of loyalty to stay red while it's an Ahrimanite mark to turn blue? Is it a post-rubric mark to go blue or post-terran invasion? Or is it just a individual affectation unique to each sorcerer?

Worried this got lost in the page turn...just hoping someone might have any clues or knowledge on the subject seeing as it has come up again in Talon of Horus...cheers!

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"They're not your friends. They'll take every chance they can get to make you look like a ****." The B&C is a great forum, but if you Google, say, the time I tried to explain the perfectly true fact that the Space Wolves weren't "better at fighting" than other Space Marines and how - in-universe rumour aside - they didn't kill the Lost Legions, you'll see 3-4 Space Wolf players desperate to shoot down everything I say and taking it all wildly personally. And I've seen it in Chaos discussions, too. So, no, it goes both ways. The internet always does.



To be clear, with all due respect, this has less to do with who's posting it, and what's being posted. 





Yes and no. Humorous examples aside, this is the internet. Going after creators to prove them wrong or "bring them down a peg" is as common as breathing, and I can scrape together enough concentration to tell the difference between a disagreement on a forum and someone specifically wanting to 'prove ADB wrong'.


Not to say you're wrong (you're not; it's a good point), but it's just one example. 

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It's a minor point but one that as far as I know hasn't been really cleared up but at what point do the Thousand Sons go from the red and silver to the cobalt and gold?


I know 'Visions of Heresy' shouldn't be relied upon as accurate but there is a picture in there (my avatar actually) of the Thousand Sons pre-terran invasion in blue armour. Khayon is apparently in blue throughout 'Talon of Horus'. In 'Ahriman: Exile' however Amon's circle are still in the red until Ahriman casts a spell of binding and they all change to blue.


Is it a Magnusite badge of loyalty to stay red while it's an Ahrimanite mark to turn blue? Is it a post-rubric mark to go blue or post-terran invasion? Or is it just a individual affectation unique to each sorcerer?

Worried this got lost in the page turn...just hoping someone might have any clues or knowledge on the subject seeing as it has come up again in Talon of Horus...cheers!



Me and John were trying to work this one out after Exile but while Talon was still being written. It came down to: Individual sorcerers can have their Rubricae whatever colour they like, but in the case of the Thousand Sons, the Legion itself is blue (as we all know, etc.) after the Heresy and/or the Rubric. John's dealt/dealing with another mention of it in the rest of the Ahriman series; off the top of my head I think the post-Heresy redness seen in Exile was an affectation by Amon's warband.

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Eh, I don't think it infers that they were significant or representative.

Well probably not. I just hope we get more tidbits about Kayon's time with other legions, as I really liked the NL tidbit.

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I'm sure there's an edge of that, but it goes both ways. Remember, this is the internet. It often goes the other way significantly, with any artist or author. People relishing the chance to get to argue with the creator of something 'face to face'. People desperate to prove them wrong on some point of setting trivia. Etc, etc. 


More often on other sites (and thankfully even then not all that often), but familiarity breeds contempt - it's the main reason pretty much every author I know (especially the licensed fiction ones) have always advised against posting publicly as much as I do. "They're not your friends. They'll take every chance they can get to make you look like a ****." The B&C is a great forum, but if you Google, say, the time I tried to explain the perfectly true fact that the Space Wolves weren't "better at fighting" than other Space Marines and how - in-universe rumour aside - they didn't kill the Lost Legions, you'll see 3-4 Space Wolf players desperate to shoot down everything I say and taking it all wildly personally. And I've seen it in Chaos discussions, too. So, no, it goes both ways. The internet always does.



Well if it makes you feel better, I also know a fair few people who give you more respect precisely because you interact with the forums so often. If I wanted to say something slanderous about Graham McNeil like 'His face is butt, and his butt is fart.' then I can do so and carry on my merry way without anyone but his fans to argue, talking with the actual author on the other hand gives perspective, perspective about how his face is not a butt, and his butt is not a fart.

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Graham McNeill had an AMA on Reddit and I don't remember it getting torpedoed. When people pointed out that no one was taking him to task over grievances Veteran Sergeant pointed out that while many people vocally criticism an author, only a small group would actually go out of their way to :cuss up interactions between an author and fans. It would be like going to a convention and screaming profanities at Mat Ward while people were talking to him. You can dislike someone's work and not be a :cuss when they do things in the community.
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It's a minor point but one that as far as I know hasn't been really cleared up but at what point do the Thousand Sons go from the red and silver to the cobalt and gold?


I know 'Visions of Heresy' shouldn't be relied upon as accurate but there is a picture in there (my avatar actually) of the Thousand Sons pre-terran invasion in blue armour. Khayon is apparently in blue throughout 'Talon of Horus'. In 'Ahriman: Exile' however Amon's circle are still in the red until Ahriman casts a spell of binding and they all change to blue.


Is it a Magnusite badge of loyalty to stay red while it's an Ahrimanite mark to turn blue? Is it a post-rubric mark to go blue or post-terran invasion? Or is it just a individual affectation unique to each sorcerer?

Worried this got lost in the page turn...just hoping someone might have any clues or knowledge on the subject seeing as it has come up again in Talon of Horus...cheers!



Me and John were trying to work this one out after Exile but while Talon was still being written. It came down to: Individual sorcerers can have their Rubricae whatever colour they like, but in the case of the Thousand Sons, the Legion itself is blue (as we all know, etc.) after the Heresy and/or the Rubric. John's dealt/dealing with another mention of it in the rest of the Ahriman series; off the top of my head I think the post-Heresy redness seen in Exile was an affectation by Amon's warband.


Excellent, thanks! It was kind of a grey area similar to the exact timeline of events for the Thousand Sons after the destruction of Prospero. Though thanks to 'Talon' that too has been cleared up.

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There are a lot of pages here, with a lot of long posts, and Search turned up nothing, so forgive me if this has already been brought up and answered: how can the protagonist mutate?  Didn't the Rubric shut that down for good among the Thousand Sons?

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There are a lot of pages here, with a lot of long posts, and Search turned up nothing, so forgive me if this has already been brought up and answered: how can the protagonist mutate?  Didn't the Rubric shut that down for good among the Thousand Sons?


Fromwhat I understand of the Rubric, it only impacted the Thousand Sons of a certain power level. the more powerful sorcerers were able to resist it. 


I just finished the novel, and have to say, it had a different feel from many of the Black Library novels, but was awesome.

seeing the birth of the Black Legion was incredible.



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I thought it was more about stabilizing the volatile mutations of the gene-seed and their psyker natures, which was causing degeneration more similar to that of Chaos Spawn, rather than making them immune to all kinds of mutations, especially since they are still a psyker Legion that lives fully within the Warp and worships the Lord of Change.
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My memory of the old fluff specifically said they were immune to mutation, without caveat.  Things may have changed, or I could be remembering incorrectly.


Kieran: The ones with sufficient power to resist the Rubric are the ones who didn't get turned to ash.  For the survivors, the Rubric did indeed work as intended.

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Kieran: The ones with sufficient power to resist the Rubric are the ones who didn't get turned to ash.  For the survivors, the Rubric did indeed work as intended.



I havent read French's Ahriman series (yet...), but from older material I am sure that Ahriman didnt intend for things to go the way they did.



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Then what's with Ahriman's horns? Ornamental affectation?

That was always my understanding, yes. huh.png

He's a big boss. Big bosses have fancy hats. Fact. :lol:

Kieran: The ones with sufficient power to resist the Rubric are the ones who didn't get turned to ash. For the survivors, the Rubric did indeed work as intended.

I havent read French's Ahriman series (yet...), but from older material I am sure that Ahriman didnt intend for things to go the way they did.

Ahriman's Rubric was always something of a "Careful what you wish for" story. It "worked," but not as he intended. He saved the Chapter from mutation, but only a few in any way that could be counted as a proper success.

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The story has naturally been expanded from the morsel of info we had from years ago. Ahriman's rubric is now officially something that "went wrong" for some reason, not just a spell that worked "too well". Also he is is now loathed by many in the legion not just Magnus.

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The story has naturally been expanded from the morsel of info we had from years ago. Ahriman's rubric is now officially something that "went wrong" for some reason, not just a spell that worked "too well". Also he is is now loathed by many in the legion not just Magnus.

Well, from what i could understand from Ahriman: Sorcerer, Khayon was one of the reasons it went wrong in the first place...


Also, I think the horns on Ahriman's helmet comes from Amon's helmet, right? Didn't he take that one? Can't remember off the top of my head though, might be wrong...

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