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30k Vehicle/Automata Concepts - The Manufactorum

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Good job their feeble materials were long ago replaced with Iron then - The Flesh is Weak :tongue.:

Just thought I'd give you a quick look at the scheme I'm going with for the Sallies' Lanius:


Now for the fun part: designing the Volkite Cascade :devil:

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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Good job their feeble materials were long ago replaced with Iron then - The Flesh is Weak :P

Just thought I'd give you a quick look at the scheme I'm going with for the Sallies' Lanius:


Now for the fun part: designing the Volkite Cascade :devil:

I humbly recommend just doing a downsized glaive turret though I know you wanted to make it a tri barrel affair that looks similar to the old Tau ion cannon.

...I also petition for the colors of the tank to be that of the vaunted first legion. I'd recommend the XVth Cataphracts too but I don't have an insignia for them yet :D

But do as you will and we'll still love it. Keep up the good work!

Edited by depthcharge12
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Fraid I'm already too far into the design to do any major alterations now - but I guess you already suspected that :wink:


In terms of the turret - that's totally the design I'd pursue if the turret weapon was a Demi-Carronade, but the whole idea behind the Lanius is making it very good at ripping light-medium infantry ti shreds - going in the direction of stats more similar to the Carronade over a rapid-fire Caliver variant would alter its targets to monstrous creatures & light vehicles most likely, and that wasn't really what I'm going for. However, the Demi-Carronade is likely a weapon I'll keep in reserve for when inspiration hits me - whenever a concept 'feels right'.


For doing the 1st Legion, I'm trying to fit in as many Legions as I can - like most of us, there aren't really any Legions that I dislike (even if some of the Wolves' more Mary Sue fluff does tend to set my teeth on edge), and as soon as I start thinking about designs for any one of them, it's hard to stop. However - my main goal with these designs, their fluff & ultimately their rules is to stay as true to FW's template with their fantastic HH books as possible - that's why I'm setting up the whole post-Isstavn muster arc to rope in a convincing almalgamation of forces to draw from & story to develop. However, this does make it particularly tricky to rope in Legions like the Ist, Vth, VIth, IXth, XIIth & XVth - practically, they're on the other side of the Galaxy, plus having all 18 Legions have forces in a pretty small are of space is a touch absurd. Also you've got the problem that none of these Legions have set in stone colour-schemes to draw from & no existing image assets to work on (with the exception of the Legion templates from the front of Visions of Heresy).


So it all  gets very tricky... however, whilst the vast majority of edits I'll be doing will be thematically appropriate, it's likely that every now & then I'll just do something a bit different - like the Word Bearers terminator from Kor Phaeron's Chapter I did a while ago. So live in hope, Depth - I will inevitably do some Ist Legion stuff (god know's when their FW book gets released, there's no way in hell I'll be able to stop myself concocting new stuff from all dem lovely pics), but generally, the Legions I cover will follow the trend of FW's book releases, for all the above reasons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out designing a weapon from scratch takes quite a while...I've managed to finish the Volkite Cascade's generator assembly, so I thought I'd post a quick WIP:


Hopefully editing together the weapon's barrel should be a but quicker, considering I have a pretty definitive concept for it to start off with

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Well, I recently discovered CNC Workshop's Tactical Response Vehcile , and after seeing it next to a Legionary for scale I just couldn't help myself :wacko.:

So, say hi to the:

Lamia Armoured Recon Vehicle:


It'd obvously have the obligatory smoke-stacks on its rear facing & proper hatches, but you get the general idea.

My thinking is that this'd be rolled out in warzones where conditions would be too hazardous for the go-to Landspeeder, and it could also act as a light escort to screen transport vehicles like the Rhino. Rules wise, it'd be a Fast Attack option:

Legion Lamia Armoured Recon Vehicle: BS: 4 Armour: 11/10/10 HP: 3

Unit Composition:

* 1-3 Lamia Armoured Recon Vehicles

Unit Type:

* Vehicle, Fast


* Two sponson-mounted rotor cannon

* Heavy bolter

* Nectunt-auspex

* Searchlight

* Smoke launcher

Special Rules:

* Scout


* The Lamia may exchange its rotor cannon sponsons for:

- Heavy flamers

- Heavy bolters

* The Lamia may exchange its heavy bolter for:

- Cyclone missile launcher

- Reaper autocannon

- Multi-melta

- Lascannon

- Plasma cannon

* The Lamia may take any of the following upgrades:

- Auxiliary drive

- Dozer blade

- Hunter-killer missile


The Lamia counts as being equipped with both an Augary Scanner and Nuncio-vox.

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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When I was coming up with the rules, I was using the Land Speeder as an analogue, which doesn't have any special rules along those lines. But seeing as I gave the Sphinx some special rules along those lines, I'll swap out the auxiliary drive for the Nectunt-auspex (which I designed for the Sphinx), so it counts as carrying both a nuncio-vox & augary scanner.


(Also, the version of the Lamia with a turret-mounted reaper autocannon & sponson rotor cannons is by far the coolest :P )

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Right, I've finished up the design for the Volkite Cascade:



The Sicaran will probably have a few slight alterations for it's final page version (e.g the addition of insignia), but I'm pretty sure this reflects the finished Cascade

Also, just a reminder of the rules:

Volkite Cascade:

Range: 30" Strength: 6 AP: 5 Type: Heavy 7, Deflagrate, Pinning

visually simial to this:


In addition, it also has Shred (not included above because the rule applies to the turret weapon & the initial turret weapon is a twin Kheres)

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Thanks Dantioch - to be honest keeping as close to Forge World's existing designs & aesthetic as possible is really something I strive for.


The idea is, if you couldn't see these units in one of the FW Heresy books, you won't see it here. I guess that's why so many of these designs are quite minimalist - using exisiting vehicle chassis & usually existing weaponry - fleshing out variants of existing vehicles rather than entirely new designs.


A few times on this thread, I've had to turn down other users' suggestions for alterations to some of these designs, but it's purely to keep these designs believable within the setting - each time I post up ideas for a new vehicle, it's inevitably been through a number of incarnations & I've settled on the one that's most thematically appropriate.


Realism within a Sci-Fi setting is a pretty wierd concept.

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Ugh, I hate you IHF. Not only do you post great concepts that make me wish they were real, but you also post cool websites to buy models from. That tumbler model is giving me the fits as I try figuring out what to use it for in my army. And did you notice that company sells a giant mechanical wyrm??


Keep up the excellent work brother :tu:


P.S. I LOVE that volkite sicaran!

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What made you go with Pinning? The amount of Lazer beams headed your way?

Yeah, that was the idea - originally it was to differentiate it from existing Volkite weapons a bit, but I'd imagine having people explode into conders around you would kinda justify the Pinning :P

Beautiful work as always, but one little nitpick with the design of the Cascade. If it's a rotary weapon with barrels like this:


Shouldn't the third barrel be visible in the gap between the other two?


Actually, it isn't a rotary weapon - the 3 barrels are fixed in place - because the bottom 2 barrels are mounted at the same angle to either side of the vertical barrel, it matches the siloutte of the barrel which is closest to the viewer, hence why you can't see it in the gap.

I kinda tried to imply the fact it isn't rotary by altering the mount of the upper barrel, so it looks fixed in place

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The reasoning behind it being non-rotary is that I wanted to distance it from projectile weapons - without the need to feed ammo & eject spent cases, the rotary aspect doesn't really make as much sense for an energy weapon - plus adding moving parts to an already complex energy weapon probably isn't the best idea.


Plus, the precedent was set with the Reaver's Laser Blaster and the Cerberus' Neutron Laser - both of which have 3 fixed barrels - I also drew inspiration from Fallout's Gatling Laser, which fires from it's barrels in a cyclic order, but doesn't actually rotate (this is also how I'd imagine Multilasers fire)


Additionally, with the barrels being in a fixed position, I got to give it the really heavy looking metal casing, which harks back to the gun that inspired it.

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Hmmm - the problem with Imperial Army stuff at the moment is that the Chimera chassis wasn't developed until after the heresy (hence the alternate basilisks for the Legions / Solar Auxilia), which means there's only really one viable chassis of that class, being the Leman Russ - and there's inevitably a point at which sticking different turrets on that one chassis becomes stale.



Are you sure? The Legion variants of the Basilisk and Medusa use the Chimera chassis, of some unknown pattern.

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Hmmm - the problem with Imperial Army stuff at the moment is that the Chimera chassis wasn't developed until after the heresy (hence the alternate basilisks for the Legions / Solar Auxilia), which means there's only really one viable chassis of that class, being the Leman Russ - and there's inevitably a point at which sticking different turrets on that one chassis becomes stale.



Are you sure? The Legion variants of the Basilisk and Medusa use the Chimera chassis, of some unknown pattern.


FW have said previously that the Chimera chassis won't be present during the Heresy - with regards to the Basilisk / Medusa, some old fluff actually says that the Chimera was developed from the Basilisk hull, so I'd imagine they're going in that direction. In terms of justifying my Sphinx & Grendel designs, I think the Legion Basilisk & Medusa are different enough from the normal Chimera chassis to classify as a different pattern, which was used to later develop the 'normal' Chimera hull.


Awesome work on the volkite sicaran IHF =) you need to do Legio Fureans (Tiger Eyes) Auxilia Land Raider Proteus and Castellax artworks for me if you have some spare time :biggrin.:


"Spare time"? Hah! Have you seen how many of these designs I've got to get through? :P


However, the Legio Fureans being traitors n' all, it possible that there could be a tussle between a Maniple of them & Clan Brannsar's allied titans (Legio Crucius 'Ebon Vigil' Maniple & a couple of knight houses) during the wars of the Cymaera Verge, which would justify producing some designs. That'd probably be in the waaaay distant future though considering the time it takes me to get through these designs :wacko.:


Anyway, glad you like it :biggrin.:

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Ah, no worries BCK - actually, after your comment, I went back and altered the top section of where the Cascade meets its mount, to make it look a bit more solid & show it sits in a fixed position - which I think now looks much better, so thanks in a way :P


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