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Blood Angels and Assassins


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Currently I own a Callidus and a Vindicare.


I can see my Callidus operating in the same way as my Fragioso does: i.e. a distraction that has to be dealt with. She will set up at least 1" away from an enemy unit and can only be hit by snap shots that turn. With three wounds that's quite durable. If I go first then that unit is dead to shooting, if I go second and fail my bonus seize roll then I can charge if anything remains. She's also cheaper than a Fragioso too.


Vindicare, well I'm not sure how to fit it in yet. He's quite static and can hold his own so whilst I could leave him on an objective in cover, I'd be concerned he would be cut off from the rest of my force...


If I had an Eversor, I could see him being put in a Drop Pod or Land Raider (with a certain Legacy of Glory) and dropped in by Deep Strike.


Honestly have no idea how I can use a Cullexus with C:BA.

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I'm VERY keen to try a culexus, but not sure about our meta yet.  

The Callidus is also amazing and synergises well with the Furioso - only with more precision.


I think it could work well with Rhino based DC hurtling towards them, distracted by something else in their lines.

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Culexus' role seems to be the equivalent of a cactus enema to psyker heavy armies. If they have psykers, it's ridiculous, but if they don't, it's nothing especially special. Though with etherium it's kind of like having perma-invisibility (except you can still be hit with blasts) so it might see use as a tar-pit? Bog down a unit for a few turns.

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The Vindicare stands out to me. Probably because I've been on the receiving end of their shots so many times! My meta is CAD+1, so I'll probably stick with my Imperial Knight in competitive games. I'll play a test game or two with an assassin for fun though.


Infiltrating S10 Ap2 shots are quite nice, though. If you use something to make the knight player move his Ion Shields the other way (mm atb?) then the assassin can have free reign.

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I have a Callidus that I very much want to paint now as she sounds awesome and an Eversor which I have always wanted to field, but never got to do much. I was going to pick up a Cullexus, but it was sold when I got to the store. (Had been sitting in the 50% bin for half a year. Kept wanting to get it, but had trouble convincing myself to buy another model while so many sit unpainted) Vindicare is the only one that  doesn't appeal to me. Just doesn't have that narrative coolness I guess. Just a guy with gun. 

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Massive range increase on the Vindicare, nuking Look Out Sir, and he now Ignores Cover and invulnerable saves with the shieldbreaker round. Not as good at exploding land raiders, but better at picking off characters. You pick any single-wound non-character model, and he removes it. Simple as.

 Plus now you can take just the assassin instead of paying a GK hq and troop tax.


Edit: Mercifully removed Land Rovers from the quote.

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Massive range increase on the Vindicare, nuking Look Out Sir, and he now Ignores Cover and invulnerable saves with the shieldbreaker round. Not as good at exploding land rovers, but better at picking off characters. You pick any single-wound non-character model, and he removes it. Simple as.

 Plus now you can take just the assassin instead of paying a GK hq and troop tax.



That is certainly a bonus but applies to all assassins, not just the vindicare. Ignores Cover is also good but the shieldbreaker is worse than before as is the -2 to LO,S (he used to just ignore it completely). Lost AP1, worse armour pen. Pretty mixed bag really and nothing to cause the excitement I'm seeing about him.

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-Shieldbreaker ignores invul instead of removing it. So it went from OP to strong.

-S10 against Vehicles instead of 4D6. So it went from OP to strong.

-Ignore LOS! went from ignoring it to a -2 modifier. Also went from OP to just strong.



-I don't need to take a HQ and Troops from Grey Knights.

-72" range

-Ignores Cover.


So all in all a big increase in his power.

If they copy-pasted the exact old one, it would be an auto-include for nearly every army.

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-Shieldbreaker ignores invul instead of removing it. So it went from OP to strong.

-S10 against Vehicles instead of 4D6. So it went from OP to strong.

-Ignore LOS! went from ignoring it to a -2 modifier. Also went from OP to just strong.



-I don't need to take a HQ and Troops from Grey Knights.

-72" range

-Ignores Cover.


So all in all a big increase in his power.

If they copy-pasted the exact old one, it would be an auto-include for nearly every army.


Shieldbreaker now works on everything (it didn't previously), together with always ignoring cover it's debatable if this was a nerf or not. 


4d6 rending had insane spread, sometimes you would blow up a LR other games you would plink away at rhino to no effect. S10 is very dependable and together with always ignoring cover it's debatable if this even a nerf at all. 


Extra wound + double range is a huge buff for survivability.  

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It was ridiculously OP before. Taking away invulnerable saves (shieldbreaker) and no way to dodge it with Look Out Sir just meaning whatever you pointed it at immediately took hits. At least now there's a chance of not taking a wound.


For BA specific units, you can tag it with Dante to effectively one-shot an enemy warlord on turn 1 assuming it's a 2-wound warlord (which there's a surprising number of these days with the preponderance of librarians).


Finally, I'd just like to thank Chaplain_Sam for quoting me before I got my edit in, meaning that it is now immortalised forever that I expected Land Rovers to be trundling the battlefields of the 41st Millenium....

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It was ridiculously OP before. Taking away invulnerable saves (shieldbreaker) and no way to dodge it with Look Out Sir just meaning whatever you pointed it at immediately took hits. At least now there's a chance of not taking a wound.

For BA specific units, you can tag it with Dante to effectively one-shot an enemy warlord on turn 1 assuming it's a 2-wound warlord (which there's a surprising number of these days with the preponderance of librarians).

Finally, I'd just like to thank Chaplain_Sam for quoting me before I got my edit in, meaning that it is now immortalised forever that I expected Land Rovers to be trundling the battlefields of the 41st Millenium....

Fixed. Though I was hard pressed to leave it, you've got to watch out for those Land Rovers! laugh.png

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For me, it has to be the Vindicare. I feel like I'm always lacking for long-range firepower, especially anti-tank, while I wait for the Stormravens and attack bikes to get into position. Being able to throw a high-probability pen on a manticore or other blast weapon tank will really help out my ground forces - the chance to explode outright aren't as high, but putting pens on vehicles is still helpful.


And sniping apothecaries, special weapons, etc. will be helpful as well. Definitely likely to get it's points back and more over 5 turns.

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The cullexus interests me most, as it has the most dramatic impact and in the area which is our weakest in comparison to the other two.


Much would depend on first turn to get well inside the 12" range and thereby guarantee to block any psychic powers for at least one turn, but this would be a massive boon against the eldar lists that so pooed on everyone at our last tourny, particularly beastpack.


Would need to get right up close to farseer to stop him moving out of range and then there would be other seers to consider too but against armies with one main psyker, the callexus could be a game-changer.

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