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Perfection and Glory - Full Army Shot!


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Here are some 3rd Legion boys I've been working on recently, the idea is that they are a close combat orientated unit with less estoric details. All armed with some kind of Volkite weapon and a handful of power weapons thrown in. I also threw a Champion together and two Apothecaries to accompany each Veteran squad, armed appropriately to their respective squads. I'm also swapping everyone over to the 32mm bases.




Sorry the photos are coming out really grainy for some reason...

Thanks Kizzdougs, your very first Apothecary is what got me inspired to do my own Emperor's Children so I have to thank you for that mate biggrin.png

So I've sorted all the armour plates out, mold lines and resin tabs etc, and dry fitted the lot together. Did some chopping and sanding on the Styrix mecha shoulders and ended up with this...

I had to find a way to mount the sponson Graviton gun and I had the Castigator pauldrons spare....it all seemed to fit together like a puzzle!
For anyone interested about Cerastus to standard knight arm mounts and head swaps I've included some photos. The whole conversion wasn't particularly difficult and I'm glad the whole Knight went together so easily.


I'm definitely ordering another Cerastus and a Magaera next!

In anticipation of having my paint desk setup in the next few weeks alongside my airbrush etc, I have been trying to get my models all assembled and based so they are ready for paint. Here is another 3rd Legion member, a Hellfire Dreadnought. I don't know about effectiveness on the battlefield since I don't play the game but I've always loved the Hellfire on DoW and had to have a Legion version of one for myself!



As always, C&C very much appreciated.

Also if anyone can help me with resizing images so they are a tiny bit smaller that would be great! Thanks!

  • 2 months later...

Progress has been steady, my mancave is nearing completion and that means I can get back to airbrushing... In the meantime I've been throwing together minis as they have taken my fancy. I posted my Dvar Mævex destroyer and Knight pilot over on the Siege of Segmentum Obscurus thread a while back but forgot to add them here, fluff will wait until they are completed. I have also started on my next Knight, the Warlord of the Enclave.


  • 3 weeks later...

Mancave is now in full operation! With the week off over Christmas I've managed to get the shed setup for all my modeling needs and airbrushing has started in earnest...Alongside the IIIrd Legion and my Knights I have also had some Sons of Horus that I've worked on and off with from the initial release of Book 1: Betrayal. Until today I hadn't decided upon a colour to match, I was torn between the turquoise so many people use or the new airbrush range from Forgeworld. I think my final colour is an inbetween, and after weathering and oils it will look suitably grim.


It is so liberating to have a space that you can paint in without having to setup every time and have the space to spread your models around biggrin.png

Here is my Contemptor with most of the colours blocked in...apparently I don't own any blues so the casualty will have to wait.


Great success!!! I've been having way too much fun posing Knights...


When the remains of the knight (insert name) had finally settled after seemingly sinking into the ground, Knight scion (insert another name here of so and so house) had finally deemed it safe enough to try and assess the situation going on around him. Slowly lifting the hatch of his knights carapace, he peered out and whispered to himself, "hello? Is it safe?" Almost as if it was a reply to his question the foot of a taller Knight Cerastus slammed down onto the hindquarters of his own submerged knight, causing him to lose his hold on the hatch which proceeded to slam down on his head with a clang then a "Doh!"

I'm sorry but that's the first thing I could think of when I saw that knight base and just had to comment it.

In relavance a nice start to that knight, cool conversion of the other knight with the volkite thingy and claw and pose too, great contemptor!

The Emperor's children cc squad however looks great! Every model has it's own individual, look pose and armaments giving the look of a squad of individuals.


@obsidian quacker: Haha I was scrolling down to update progress on my contemptor and then saw my knight at the bottom...I was really confused for a moment before noticing it was a quote. Thanks mate, love the little piece you wrote. I cant wait to paint the Knights, still waiting on some modeling chain to finish the first one off and the second has stalled because I started working on my Contemptor...and I still have another 4 Cerastus sitting in their bags....

So i've spent the last two hours working the oils over on the Contemptor. My. God. I have never had so much fun doing anything to a model as I did with oil washing. Kind of felt like cheatmode for detailing the paintwork and at the same time it gave me a real sense of achieving realism with the model. For reference (mainly myself) I used varying mixes of Prussian Blue and Raw Umber with different variations of thinning over the model. Let the wash sit for 15 or so minutes while I made a coffee and browsed B&C and then hit it with a couple of cotton buds, using one end to apply white spirits and the other end to brush away what wasn't needed and to blend.



XVIth Legion, 32nd Company
Ancient Jarek Velum

Formerly a Heavy Support Sergeant with specialization in Plasma weaponry and heavy frontal assault actions, Jarek Velum was a rare individual. Drawn form the Tek-guilds of Albiorix, one of Saturn's moons, during the conquest and expansion of the Sol system, Legionnaire Velum was often overlooked for promotion by Terran command and later by Cthonian cultural creep. In spite of this Velum pushed himself and his squad ever harder, taking on the biggest and most dangerous xenos they could find, regularly coming into close quarters. It was during one of many battles of the Ullanor crusade that his unit, whispered by the 32nd, was abandoned by other XVIth Legion forces. Forced to face off against a rampant squadron of Killa Kans, if not for the timely arrival of the remainder of the 32nd Company, Velum and the remnant of his squad would have been lost completely. However, he would never lead his squad as he once did...

Reinterred within the life sustaining sarcophagus of the Contemptor dreadnought, Ancient Jarek Velum continued his service to the Emperor and to humanity. Armed with his favoured weapon, a Mk IX Ryza-pattern Plasma cannon, his new metal body now granting him the power for heavy assault. The Contemptor chassis is reinforced with additional armour plating at the front, complete with molecular bonding studs where heavy damage had been sustained prior to.


Here Ancient Jarek Velum is shown during an engagement against traitor XIIth Legion forces amongst the ruins of the Choral City. His ultimate fate is unknown, it is surmised that he fell with the rest of the Loyalists on Istvaan III.




Well, there is my first "complete" model in quite a few years. I had an absolute blast working on this guy and with Loyalty and Mayhem just around the corner I think I've been spurred on to do even more!

EDIT: Photos were really washed out so have been replaced with better quality ones.

  • 2 weeks later...

Work has begun! Airbrush work done on all models for my first pledge and now I am focusing on the Tactical squad before jumping onto the character and Dread.



I expect to have all details done on the Tactical by tonight so I can then do decals and sponge chipping.

Spent the best part of the day painting, it was 40'C outside so why wouldn't I want to stay in the aircon tongue.png

Have the tactical squad at the pre-oil stage, all chipped and varnished at the moment. I also spent some time painting the Sergeant's face, not something I am used to doing.


Face close-up, the other eye will be bloodied up later on.


That will do for the day...


XVIth Legion, 32nd Company
Dakkon Squad

For the reconquest of Istvaan III Dakkon Squad was split and deployed in two halves by drop assault, alongside the rest of their company, with the intention of regrouping once planetfall was made. However, the targeted drop zone, the Choral City's barracks and armoury sector in the south, was densely built and housed the bulk of the cities reserve military, leaving the two halves of Dakkon Squad separated for the majority of the battle.


As is typical of any Astartes Tactical-level unit, the members of Dakkon Squad are armed with the standard issue Bolter, Bolt Pistol and close combat weapon with the style and Mk. varying between warriors. This variety allows the squad to engage most foes, which for this mission was presumably lightly armed and armoured human infantry...

Dakkon Squad roster:

Sergeant Thakhal Vuma

Legionnaire Lodeon Helo

Legionnaire Vaylul Adaris

Legionnaire Cadald Pys

Legionnaire Jutio Taror

Legionnaire Finus Kyrarion

Legionnaire Corioxis Soliel

Legionnaire Damios Gievion

Legionnaire Sevetor Tecles

Legionnaire Tohactor Ortiar


And now I am knackered!

EDIT: Photos were really washed out so have been replaced with better quality ones.


XVIth Legion, 32nd Company
Consul-Chaplain Seydach Thoro

Secondary commander of the 32nd Company, Seydach also filled the role of "Chaplain", a position of significant authority amongst the company. Initially promoted to this position after losing his leg in combat against the Gene-beasts of Xyholra and still fighting on despite his injuries, he was tasked with the enforcement of the Edict of Nikaea, however the loss of the one and only Psyker within the company almost a decade prior to Istvaan III saw his function alter. Now regarded as a morale officer, Seydach ensures the bonds of brother hood in the 32nd remain strong, true and united.


Seydach favoured the use of his Powerblade Hellfire and powerfist, utilizing both to brutally overpower his foes. He wears an up-armoured suit of Mk. IV with his artificed helm signifying his rank.




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