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Chaos Nurgle Lord kit, decisions decisions...


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Hey guys!

New to the forum and just getting back into the gaming area of the hobby, mostly just done been modelling for the past few editions happy.png

Making a Death Guard army and I've been wracking my brain trying to decide on what to give my Nurgle lord, can't say I know any tried and tested methods so was looking for some advice on what everyone's preference would be.

Basically I can't really decide on whether to have him ride a bike, Palanquin or give him Terminator armour? As well as giving him The Black Mace (I have a real love for this weapon).

Toughness 6 on a bike would definitely remove those pesky S10 weapons, but of course I'd lose out on a 2+ AS. Unless I took the Crimson Slaughter supplement and chose Demonheart, in which case I wouldn't be allowed TBM.

5 Wounds on a Palanquin always sounded suitable for a Nurgle lord, but then of course only T5 and a 3+ AS (unless taken with CS but again no TBM) more wounds but less survivable over all.

Or possibly Terminator armour? I'd get a nice 2+ AS along with TBM, but then again only T5 and W3.

And finally there's the option of ditching The Black Mace entirely, and using the Crimson Slaughter dex for Demonheart along with some other decent options, and the bike or Palanquin. Not sure weapons would be best to go with if I threw out TMB though?

Any advice and input would be appreciated, thanks guys!

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You're going to hear bike, mon, sigil, and fisticlaws very fast. Palanquin and TDA are both slow and require less efficient delivery and escort services. Not that they're bad, but we're playing a mobility game now.


Black Mace is meh on non princes because of the user strength. Likewise, Bike Lord with fisticlaw is one of the few ways to compete with CM builds and to keep the lord alive. Yes, you should use the Demon heart too. VotLW is a suitable trade, but army wide fear is a novelty.


Blade of the Relentless can be good or bad, but it's a feeding weapon. It's better on a Slaaneshi Lord simply because they have the initiative to kill things, while you should use standard rules to get a juggerlord with an axe.


Welcome to the forum.

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Yeah, I read a few posts before making this and did hear a lot of arguments for fistyclaws on a biker, just didn't seem all that unique? Although I'm sure the combo gets the job done.

If I went with the bike it would likely be escorted with some Nurgle Spawn, and if in Termi armour then of course Terminator's. But it's all gone more mobile now eh? Perhaps I do need to lean more towards the bike option in that case.

It does have the downside of AP4 on anything other than a DP yes, I figured perhaps enough attacks could balance that out though? Possibly along with a Power Axe. But maybe dropping the TBM and picking up fistyclaws on a bike would be worth it to gain the 2+ Demonheart, and say The Slaughterer's Horns?

Tough call >,<

Thank you! Appreciate it!

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Slaughterer's horns are decent, but they're extra as opposed to Demon Heart being near mandatory. A power axe goes well with a biker champ.


Personally I hate it, but that's what we're stuck with. The problem I have is modelling it so it doesn't look rediculous where you have a rider with two oversized gauntlets to drive with.

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Modelling was indeed a another factor, the idea of swinging a mace on a bike or holding one in Terminator armour always seemed awesome. But yes, shaking two giant metal gauntlets furiously was whilst riding a bike seemed more akin to something an Ork would be doing instead of a Chaos lord x]


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Make the torso, magnetize the arms for swappable load outs and then magnetize the waist for multiple means of locomotion. Then make your bike, palanquin, and normal based legs to switch out as you'd like.


Then make a terminator lord with magnetized arms.


It's more work, but then you can try any combination you want and not have to be stuck making a new model each time.

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I love Blackmace too. But it becomes really deadly on hands of Daemon prince. Nurgle's troops and choices are among best what Chaos Marines have to offer: Resilience. t6 with sigil is plain nasty. It has kept my Nurgle lord alive and run thru Vindicators, orbital bombardments etc. But then I got Power armor lord magnetized, two termy lord magnetized and biger lord magnetized. I use mostly Biger lord due t6. Backed by Sorcerer. I run mostly my Lord on bike or with Termy army, sometimes I just take two of them because my Nurgle terminators with Forge kits just look so good on table.

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Magnets are definitely a multi weapon loving lords friend ^^

In addition to the Nurgle Lord, I think I'm going to try and run Typhus along with an undead horde of zombie cultists as well. Then it just comes down to, is my Lord going to be riding into battle on a bike, or riding in a Spartan, in terminator armour with a termi retinue. Hard to pass up Nurgle terminators though I agree!

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