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I've been toying with the idea of fielding some chapter serfs along with my BA. It's not something you see very often but maybe it should be a little more common if you go by the fluff? 


With the picture that came out today of the new 30k imperial army from FW I've also found models that I think fits.




What do you think about this idea? Should there be a marine (perhaps a techmarine when get they get IC) to lead them? It seems most likely that you would find them as rear guard support and not at the front. I think they would fit best in a fire support type of list for this reason.  

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Whoah those are cool models. What's the fluff on our serfs? I thought they were non-combatants?


Chapter serfs are treated very differently from chapter to chapter. For BA themselves they are said to be highly trained in different duties, one of those being the defence of the monastery, chapter fleet or other BA assets if needed. Probably at veteran guardsman level or above.

Well equipped and treated with respect, similar to how military personnel with non combat duties are treated in real world armed forces.

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The other pics:






To me these could support a detachment of techmarines manning support weapons (servitors are probably not the only kind of help you need). Or perhaps sanguinary priests in a sort of staging area/medical unit that has come under attack? 

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Interesting stuff, think you've hit a great idea for sure. What paint scheme are you thinking of? Guard style maybe camo with BA touches or all red or something else? Yep definitely an awesome idea, tactically like having IG...sheesh sorry, AM allies but as part of the primary detachment.
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I think the scouts are a little too good stat wise :P S/T 4 is super human levels after all. 


But it's a good idea in case you can't use the official Solar Auxilia rules (have these even been published yet?) or allies are nerfed for whatever reason!

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May I suggest Scions, or Militarum Tempestus, for the rules? I love that book. They would be deep striking serfs - and wouldn't even the serfs of Blood Angels be able to jump out of planes and deep strike? They would have good gear and be "elite" enough in armament as well. They complement the movement and speed of Blood Angels well and don't lack punch either with hot shots and lots of special weapons. 

The only problem I see you having is figuring out their transport - if you want "chapter" Valkyries or Unbound them to go in more stormravens, etc. Or else, just deep striking without transport.


And as allies, they'd be Obj Sec'd. You can get 10 guys with vox and 2 plasma guns for 165pts. Add a command squad with vox and 2x of the salvo S4 hot shot guns for 110pts. Then you can have some rending/twinlinked/sniper AP3 guns. Good times.


Edit: And drop pod with locator beacons? Yes, Scions LOVE them.

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