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Target Eliminated


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I thought it might be beneficial for all of us to share tales of our assassin's successes.


Yesterday I placed third in a RTT and it was in large part due to my Callidus.


Game 1 versus GK/UM Centstar

Killed a Centurion and wounded the warlord on deployment.

Slaughtered the scouts sent to 'handle' her.

Killed the GK Lib that teleported over to try and clear her off his home objective.

Secured the objective for me.


Game 2 versus ULTRAMARINES!!

Hid on deployment to charge and kill a Thunderfires Cannon on turn one.

Aced Sicarius, and his command squad, when he came to stop her. Operation Assassinate achieved.

Fleet let me long charge a scout unit that I proceeded to beat up on.


Game 3 versus Necrons

Tried to get the jump on Necron Destroyer Lord but poor rolling only put two wounds on him.

The she ate lightning...can't win them all I guess.


How are all of your assassins doing on their missions?

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I posted this in the Tactica section earlier. It's not really a success tho.


I was able to play a couple of games this weekend with a vindicare on the table. Once as an ally with my partner and once against me.


When it was an ally I know he killed one sergeant but I don't remember if it did anything else. When it was against me, it killed a melta girl on turn one, failed to wound my canoness with the turbo round in turn two and then wounded the canoness with the hellfire round in turn three but she saved with the rosarius. By that time my remaining exorcist had no other targets and fired on the assassin. One missile got through the saves but that was enough to ID him.


Maybe other people have been having better luck but so far I'm not seeing much. Too few shots and there is always a good chance to avoid it

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As much as I love the Vindicare I worry that its going to be the black sheep of the bunch for just that reason. It needs to be in LoS to shoot things and is basically relying on a +3 cover or +4 invulnerable to protect it from be ID'd. The other assassins are better at hiding or have some protective ability that helps keep them intact more. At least the Vindicare should be better at avoiding CC.

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I'm also thinking no invulnerable save characters (Librarians, some Necron Overlords, etc.) since they'll only get their +4 Look Out, Sir! to save them, especially if something else wounded them before so a Hellfire round might finish the job AND net you that extra VP for Operation Assassinate. Otherwise, you're probably right. Peg off sergeants and item bearers in a unit (Apothecaries!)

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Game 1 versus GK/UM Centstar

Killed a Centurion and wounded the warlord on deployment.

Slaughtered the scouts sent to 'handle' her.

Killed the GK Lib that teleported over to try and clear her off his home objective.

Secured the objective for me.


They sent scouts after her?

Now that's just insulting! :D

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My Vindicare worked wonder in my last game, killing a Dreadnought and a Landraider (that one with one bullet BOOM (I was lucky, he even was Deathwing, so I had to reroll the result haha)). The Culexus also always does his job, mostly by being ignored since he can't really be targetted, and creeping slowly but surely to kill psyker (he helped kill Arhiman, that's for sure), also negating benediction along the way. 


The one I have the most problem making him do something is the Eversor. I just don't know how to deploy him. Maybe as some kind of counter-charge (i.e. hidden in my backlane) ? He doesn't have the range (Vindicare), the utility (Callidus) or the evasion (Culexus) of the other one. In the few games I did with him, he's still the worst of the bunch. Anyone care to enligthen me on how to use him ? 

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Of all the Asssassins, the Eversor is most of all a blunt instrument. Send him off against the biggest thing he is physically capable of killing and watch the enemy either ignore him and let him cripple a unit, or expend a ridiculous amount of firepower taking him down.


Airdrop him for extra lols.

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Infiltrate him as close to an enemy unit you want dead as you can but keep him out of line of sight. Utilize his Move Through Cover and 3d6 charge distance to pull off some nice extra long charges. Challenge, so you're killing either your target or the sergeant first, and then excess attacks, which he has, will land on the rest of the squad.





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I like hearing that about the culexus! =D I hope I can use one soon, i'm itching to try out some trickery.



I had a similar experience as Jacinda, namely insta killing a vindicare. I was playing my orks and saw a vindicare in the open on a hill. I sent a deffkopter after it, hoping to kill it with a rocket.


turn one It shot, amazingly hit, but rolled a 1 to wound X-X


his turn the assassin took a shot at the kopter with the turbo round but unfortunately rolled a 3 on a 4+ to kill,


turn two The kopter scored a hit with his missile and gibbed the assassin. to rub salt in the wound I had the assassinate card and scored a point by killing an assassin!

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I've yet to try the new culexus assassin, but I've gotten to field the other three.


Vindicare: I've used him in two games

Game1 verses IG and GK. I took a wound off an inquisitor, killed a chimera, then died to lascannon fire.

Game2 verses SW and Inquisistion. I managed to miss first round (even with the re-roll), and second round took out a Rhino. He died to the volley of the new SW flier.


Callidus: same game against IG and GK, she infiltrated in the middle of a bunch of IG tanks and ended up tanking the shots from an IG platoon blob, two command squads, and a leman russ punisher.


Eversor: same game against IG and GK. Infiltrated 18 inches away, I had second turn and just barely made the charge to the same platoon blob that shot at the Callidus. First round of close combat they managed to cause one wound (because of the priest) and I took out 5 models. Second round I took out another 4 and died killing off 12 more from the explosion.


I have to agree so far with the Vindicare being the runt of the litter, I had the same issues with previous renditions. Maybe getting one or two shots off taking a hullpoint here or a wound there and then getting killed. Hell I have someone put a pylon into him because they were afraid of the turbo penetrator round.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I ran a Culexus in a RTT yesterday and got a mixed bag.

Game 1 let him pin in a Centstar for a turn or two unit they could shoot it to death. Still, two turns of a Centstar killing only the one assassin was critical to winning the game.

Game 2 saw him outflank in order to avoid an Adamantine Lance (and swift death.) He came on, killed a squad of cultist, losing two wounds in the process, and then got vectored by Hellturkey.


Next month is an 1850 and my army will give me a massive tryout session:

Adamantine Lance

Execution Force

Additional Vindicare Assassin

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  • 3 weeks later...

I plan on bringing a Culexus Assassin along for a large point game against Demons and possibly some chaos marines. I'll be sure to report how he does.




So update as to the Culexus Assassin against demons.


Basically this guy ruins demons in all kinds of run ways. If the demons are not heavily Khorne based the Culexus will simply murder them. The anti-psychic bubble is incredibly powerful, and when one of these guys manages to slip next to a group of pink horrors with multiple Tzeentch heralds around... yeah. That was a fun psychic phase for the Culexus.


I had mine hanging around right behind my warlord and his retinue to help deal with any psykers who went after them.

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I really don't think you can charge after Infiltrating, even if you go 2nd. Not anymore at least.


Scout says for the first game turn which is pretty clear. Units that deploymed with Infiltrate cannot charge in their first turn. Their first turn will always be during the first turn, regardless if you go first or second.


That pained a few Raven Guard players using Shrike and choosing to go second every time ;)


Other than that, great to see how the Assassins perform ! I kind of like them and was thinking of perhaps finding the points to ally one in my C:SM list !

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Sadly, I'm going to have to skip out on this month's tournament because I just moved and the old place still needs cleaned out before the new tenant can move in. What makes this a real shame, and thread relevant, is that I was going to try a list with five assassins in it, so I would have gotten some great ideas for how to use them. Might still be able to get in a game on Tuesday against Space Wolves though.

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I have had tons of success with my assassins! I use them with a Sisters Army and run three of them for all missions.

Culexus: I normally infiltrate him/her (since most nulls are female I believe) near the enemy, and it precedes to either soak tons of shots from them making most of it's saves and either killing units of marines or disabling transports with it's psychic attack. I have yet to field it against a psyker yet sad.png

Callidus: Being able to sit next to the enemy heavy weapons unit looking at them and saying "hey buds, what's going on?" is amazing, most players either waste too much time trying to kill her initially, or she just goes and kills lots of people with her flamer pistol. Most amazing thing she has done, was kill the warlord, I think it was calgar... in close combat on a challenge.... that he accepted. I love her phase sword!

Vindicare: This has to be the assassin that pulls the most weight out of them all. Her (Yes I meant her, im using a female sniper model not GW's silly male one) turbo-pen shot has done work, I almost always shoot her at a vehicle. So far her tally is... 3 razerbacks, 1 rhino, 1 vindicator, and one super heavy space marine land raider. All with explosion results. Oh, and she did pick off a warlord once just for giggles.

Edit: This is for 2 games that I have used them in. So far only the Culexus has died once in the second game. I am also playing in a 2500 tourney this weekend, so I will report on it later.

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Isn't the Phase Sword only AP3?


As for most blankers being female, it's not true - it's just assumed that they are because Eisenhorn's blanker army was called the 'Distaff' and we only got to meet female members of it until the Ravenor series (Frauka was inherited from Eisenhorn, although it doesn't specfically say he was Distaff).

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Isn't the Phase Sword only AP3?

Yes it is, however the Phase Sword does rip through marines with ease, and her other weapon is poisoned (I think 3+) Rending, so with lucky 6's you get to ignore that 2+ armour anyways. As for the calgar kill... he was already hurt some, it's not like she killed him outright, just confirmed the kill biggrin.png But the point is she killed him!

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  • 3 months later...

In a 1500 point game before then it dispatched a Spirit Seer.


I also used my Callidus in that Apocalypse game and deployed her between two tanks where the Havocs were set up. Sadly the initiative was seized and despite weathering fire from the Havocs she succumbed to wounds from Be'Lakor's Psychic Shriek and a Baneblade heavy bolter at point blank range. I guess I don't really know the best way to use her anymore.

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Last game against the Archenemy, I had my Vindicare at the top of a tower and because I was running my tank heavy guard. He put his army in Rhinos and Land Raiders poor sucker. Turbo Penetrator rounds did well against the Rhinos. It upset him so much he charged a squad of Khorne beserkers up the tower. Only to have them all killed by my Vindicare. Who then to finish the game killed his Khârn.


Well worth the 140 points.

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