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15 Shades of Grey, A new start.... with Primaris,

Dantay VI

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Hmmm, Cody & Vykryl, can the models be left in the Castrol super clean for a long period of time, or is it like dipping for a few minutes and scrape the paint off? Just worried if I leave them in for too long I will get part melted blobs I haven't used it before

I am not sure which is up next, I was thinking of doing a tank, maybe the Land Raider Achilles or the Spartan?

Next pack after that is either the Breacher squad or the remaining assault marines.


Oh and yes for the hapoon,  am thinking something like this:


But with a longer tip and a sharp cutting edge below the hook, what do you think?


And Marvmoogy... Challenge?!?


OKay, but I hink we are going to need a bigger table :biggrin.:

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Excellent!! I may have to go for a mooch around the auto stores when I get home.


10 more bikes to add to te 18 already on te road and Engir Krakendoom will be one happy raider :D


The army has take many years to get to this size, its actually quite embarassing how little painting I have done over that time.

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I've got a pack that's been soaking for over a year with no damage to the plastic. Got them off ebay and had a mix of paints on them, some come off easier than others. I should scrub everything so I know what I have but only pull out and scrub what I want at the moment. Often its something I botched and want to repaint now :)


Are you going to hammer out and file down crochet hooks to make your harpoons? Could be an easy way to make if the metal cooperates.

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I tried that excuse and it doesn't work mactire.


I was saying to Marvmoogy, that I am developing an irrational desire to purgee a lot of the older plastics and restart my Space Wolves again.


If I keep adding to the army I will never get round to finishing them. SO I plan to save hard over the next 6 months or so and get an airbrush to see if the will cure my madness :smile.:


Vykryl. I have a few power swords kicking about, so I was thinking about cutting the hook shape into those. Not sure if it would look comically big though.


Having seen lamby and BCK's work with metal, your thoughts about hammers and files might hold merit. Will raid granma's crochet kt when I get home.

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Hi guys & gals.


Just a quick one.

I am trying to write up a fluff piece to g with some of my models That I have been working on. This is a bit rough and WIP, but I need to submit it for tomorrow morning. Let me know what you thoughts are.

Completed model pics will be added at a later date (on the digi-camera at home grrr!!!)


Here goes:





A perfect hunt & revelations




The ambush had been almost flawless. Almost….

Recon squad “Bjorn” sat in the cover of a burnt out hab building. The area had once been a popular trading district and there had been many shops, stalls and homes. Now it was deserted, the wares long gone or turned to ruin and the bones of unfortunate citizens were spread across the square, picked clean by carrion birds where they lay.


It had been gruelling work, hunting down the traitors and many of our leads had been dead ends. Keldane Blackfox was always just out of reach. Hel-born scum. It took all of my restraint not to emit a growl at the thought and give our position away.


 Entering the plaza a lone Wolf stumbled and fell. He tried to rise, but failed & began a painful crawl across the rubble. Scant seconds behind him, followed a gaggle of cackling Night Lords.

Having thought they had found easy sport, they took their time inflicting maiming wounds on the stricken Wolf who made no sound and could barely defend himself. It was only after the lead Night Lord examined their prey and discovered something amiss, that the trap was sprung.


As the gore soaked, midnight clad marines looked around in confusion,  Hjold Halfborn’s sniper rifle silently coughed and the closest Night Lord dropped. Then 2 more fell and they began to draw their real weapons and look for cover, not knowing from where they were being picked off.




At a signal the sky blazed as grey clad marines dropped amongst their midnight brethren. With glinting axes and barking bolt pistols, Kjaran Cold-heart led his pack into the fray against his once brethren. More Night Lords dropped, their armour sundered by blade and bolt. Kjaran, Kassill, Skjara Redwolf and the Wolf-Blade began to reap a tally of cut threads forcing the Night Lords to breaking point.  Some of the skitja stayed and fought, then died. It allowed the leader and his party to retreat towards the relative safety of an outlying building and from there, to make a stand. The safety was just an illusion however as Fafnir led his terminator clad pack into their midst. Where, before, there had been a solid wall, now it became a pile of pulped rubble.  Fafnir and Starkadr burst through, shields to the fore and hammers swinging, followed on by the remaining 3 warriors of their pack. All hell broke loose for a few brief seconds as the Night Lords tried to recover from the turn of events. However the truly smart ones turned and fled before their armour was caved in By Fafnir and his Hearth-Hammers.




As the two remaining Night Lords fled the scene, one collapsed in a heap, careening head-long into a fragile cart demolishing it, the second rounded the corner and was away.

It was at that point I called Kjaran’s pack back from trying to pursue. We didn’t want to get too strung out and picked off ourselves. We had already lost a lot of brothers that way. The little Lordlings may not have our heart for battle, but they do have a cunning which should never be under estimated.



Seeing Kjaran’s pack give up the chase, and watching the one Night Lord slip through his grasp, Fafnir flew into a terrible rage, like a baresark of old times… In truth I feared for my safety in that moment. He stormed over to me and there we were. Face to face. Kjaran's assault team created a cordon around myself & Fafnir, keeping my pack out and his pack away.


20150811 052240


“Why in all of the Hel’s did you allow that piece of skitja to escape?”


“Who said we let him escape, Jarl Fafnir?”


“One of Curze’s night cursed sons slipped away” Fafnir was getting dangerously  an I could scent the kill urge on him.


“Torvald, did we let the scum get away?” I called calmly over my shoulder, never breaking eye contact with Fafnir.


“ No Jarl Agvald.”


“And why is that?”


“Our bolt rounds were envenomed Jarl Agvald… The one who fled, I wounded him myself. His wound will not heal and we can follow his blood trail back to the vipers nest”.


I kept my voice low so only Fafnir could hear, for although I do not particularly like this man, I would not want to shame him in front of his men

“So you see Jarl Fafnir, he hasn’t escaped at all. In fact he is doing something that no amount of interrogation would have given us”.  I think I even managed to grin back at him, for his face twisted in frustration as he turned away.


“We lost a wolf to set up this trap, that hunters blood will be on your hands Agvald” grunted Fafnir as he gestured towards the fallen man who had led the Lordlings into our trap. I believe he was trying to find a way to save face in front of his men, it was a shock to him when I told him who the dead wolf really was.


“That is neither a Wolf or a Hound, but a blood-mad butcher, Jarl Fafnir. The World Eater was too far gone to give us any information, so we cut out his vocal chords and dumped him in traitor territory near a known Night Lords outpost. He knew where we were for we told him, and we knew he would come here looking for a fight.

Apart from Hamma’s hand, we didn’t lose anyone”.


It was then that the anger bled out of Jarl Fafnir and some of his humour returned. “It is a good thing that Hamma is right handed then, isn’t it? Tell me though, this was not a part of my plan, who decided to change it?”


“I did roared a voice from the edge of the circle and as one we all bowed”.







Korianna was one of the 500 or so worlds which made up the Ultramar sector of space. It was a forge world supplying men and materiel to the ever expanding great crusade. Not a major world, it was however famed for having a Knight household standing over the world as protectors. The ultimate fate of the Knight household is unknown, but from archived records it would seem that a coup of sorts took place and like on many worlds across the Imperiumt, the Knight household was ravaged by civil war.


It was around this time that the Word Bearers, Night Lords and World Eaters descended upon Korianna and despoiled this once verdant and productive world.


A Space Wolves contingent was sent out to the world shortly after, believed by the Ultramarines to be one of the much-maligned watchpacks. Having ascertained that Lord Guillemann was indeed loyal to the Imperium, they were released from their duties and deployed to Korianna, to monitor the traitor incursion.

The total strength of the force which actually deployed, was and still is unknown, however it is fairly safe to assume that it was well beyond the 10 man unit initially sent out. In these uncertain times it is suspected that the Ultramarines allowed the Space Wolves to act autonomously and if they were halting incursions into Ultramar then they were left free to act as they saw fit.


In and of itself, this unusual display of leniency on the part of the 13th Legion shows just how stretched the Ultramarines had become by the unfolding treachery enacted upon them.

The Space Wolves were known to use diverse tactics in hunting down the traitors on Korianna. Often relying on guerilla tactics such as ambushing their prey. Commonly this would be a multi-unit operation with a specially prepared kill-zone


In the example above we can clearly see that the ambush was orchestrated by "Bjorn" or Bear squad (given this name due to the amount of equipment they carried, they were always "loaded for bear")




Once the trap was initiated, fast moving units would descend upon the foe to cause confusion, in this case it was Kjaran Coldhearts assault squad, the "Ice Blades"




From markings and armour types seen on the individual members we can tell that, they have come from several packs. In the first image we can clearly identify mark 3 and the composite mark 5 plate being used.



Kjaran is bearing the mark of Vaerangi on his kneepad to display his seniority over the Wolves in his charge. When his pack was not ravaged by attrition, they bore the moniker the "Ironsides". This was due to their famed use of mark 3 armour and being at the forefront of each engagement.


This image is of an "Ironside", known as the Wolf-Blade. Clearly displaying the former pack marking on his kneepad.

Initially they lost very few packmates further cementing their Ironside reputation, however as teh siege ground on, losses began to mount and packs were amalgamated to keep them at fighting efficiency.

An example of this is the unknown Space Wolf from Baresark pack


Known for ranging ahead of the main force and found where fighting was fiercest. It is believed that Baresark squad suffered as high a rate of casualties from the wolf-curse as from the enemy.


"Iceblade" pack is also made up of mark 2 marines displaying the markings of the pack formerly called the "Stalwarts". A group of veteran assault marines who had fought side-by-side for decades, they gained teir name for being ever present and always holding when situations seemed lost.



While some wore their veterancy in he form of augmetics gained through injury in war others displayed it with honour plates or upgrades to their armour, such as seen here born by the warrior known as Kassill.


Casualties were a constant concern for the Space Wolves as there was probably little chance of reinforcement. This image shows the warrior known as Hamma, just after the plaza ambush. He has suffered a catastrophic injury to his left hand. In later pict recordings his corpse was discovered. It appears that he had a hand weapon fitted to his armour in place of his missing hand. This was to eventually become his undoing as it limited his ability to reload his weapon. Unable to do so he charged an enemy position and fought in hand to hand combat. Lacking flexibility in his weapon arm he was eventually brought down by a band of rabid World Eaters, but not before having reaped a tally of his foe-men






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I like the two part story. Half told from the force in the field and half told by another force in a report. I've seen a few typos but nothing serious, missing letters from not tapping a key hard enough. My only issue is the ending. Having to wait for the rest of the story is no fun :( Do we get to find out who changed the plan next month? Enjoyed the read and am now waiting impatiently for the name of the speaker :D
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Hi Vykryl.


Thanks for going through it and enjoying it. I have fixed up the typos and made a few changes to see f it will flow a bit better. I have to admit at getting annoyed with the keyboard as a lot of the keys are quite sticky.


I actually haven't decided who the speaker at the end is. It is a model that is already done. I finished him before BL killed him off, so in order to write him back in, I have to "resurrect" him. Either that or I rename the character. The other option is a model I have built but not painted and hasn't been featured in one of the 3 stories yet.


I'll have a day or 2 to think on it.


Oh, off-topic. I enjoyed Rojuun, but Long ships didnt work. I'll buy it off of Amazon :)

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Definitely a book worth buying. I intend to get a hard back copy some day as my paperback is falling apart. It's one book I want to keep a physical copy of :)


What do you think of Sir Danth now that you've read his story?


Will reread your story once I'm home. Walking off the farm now and don't think I can drive highway speed and read at the same time :D

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The story overall was pretty good, maybe could hav done with a bit more suspense though :)


Sir Danth is certainly interesting. I was actually expecting him to be a lot darker than he was, but the humour was good. I would like to see more of his "bad" side come out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys & gals.


I have made a few minor tweaks to the story, or mainly to the second part and added in the pictures of my assault marines completed. Recon marines are now 95% done. Seems I will need to repaint the cloaks.

I opted for more of a bleached desert-y kind of feel to the bases. Some folks in the 30K forum were suggesting to change things up a bit as it seems a bit stereotypical to keep just plonking the Wolves in the snow.


Besides I can now say the bases are more Prospero-esque :biggrin.:


The other reason is that the Wolves in the story have come to the aid of a world in the Ultramar system Reading parts 1 & 2 which need a good tidy up will help flesh it our t a bit more. The Night Lords Eaters and Bearers have been blasting the world to bits.... Anyways I will let you read on and see what you think.


Also do the bases look okay or should I stick to the standard snowy bases?

Here goes:





A perfect hunt & revelations



The ambush had been almost flawless. Almost….

Recon squad “Bjorn” sat in the cover of a burnt out hab building. The area had once been a popular trading district and there had been many shops, stalls and homes. Now it was deserted, the wares long gone or turned to ruin and the bones of unfortunate citizens were spread across the square, picked clean by carrion birds where they lay.


It had been gruelling work, hunting down the traitors and many of our leads had been dead ends. Keldane Blackfox was always just out of reach. Hel-born scum. It took all of my restraint not to emit a growl at the thought and give our position away.


 Entering the plaza a lone Wolf stumbled and fell. He tried to rise, but failed & began a painful crawl across the rubble. Scant seconds behind him, followed a gaggle of cackling Night Lords.

Having thought they had found easy sport, they took their time inflicting maiming wounds on the stricken Wolf who made no sound and could barely defend himself. It was only after the lead Night Lord examined their prey and discovered something amiss, that the trap was sprung.



L-R Hjald Halfborn, Egil Eiriksson, Morgrim Silvertongue, Bjorn recon pack


As the gore soaked, midnight clad marines looked around in confusion,  Egil Eiriksson’s sniper rifle silently coughed and the closest Night Lord dropped. Then 2 more fell taken down by Hjold Halfborn & Morgrim Deathtongue and they began to draw their real weapons and look for cover, not knowing from where they were being picked off.



At a signal the sky blazed as grey clad marines dropped amongst their midnight brethren. With glinting axes and barking bolt pistols, Kjaran Cold-heart led his pack into the fray against his once brethren. More Night Lords dropped, their armour sundered by blade and bolt. Kjaran, Kassill, Skjara Redwolf and the Wolf-Blade began to reap a tally of cut threads forcing the Night Lords to breaking point.  Some of the skitja stayed and fought, then died. It allowed the leader and his party to retreat towards the relative safety of an outlying building and from there, to make a stand. The safety was just an illusion however as Fafnir led his terminator clad pack into their midst. Where, before, there had been a solid wall, now it became a pile of pulped rubble.  Fafnir and Starkadr burst through, shields to the fore and hammers swinging, followed on by the remaining 3 warriors of their pack. All hell broke loose for a few brief seconds as the Night Lords tried to recover from the turn of events. However the truly smart ones turned and fled before their armour was caved in By Fafnir and his Hearth-Hammers.



As the two remaining Night Lords fled the scene, one collapsed in a heap, careening head-long into a fragile cart demolishing it, the second rounded the corner and was away.

It was at that point I called Kjaran’s pack back from trying to pursue. We didn’t want to get too strung out and picked off ourselves. We had already lost a lot of brothers that way. The little Lordlings may not have our heart for battle, but they do have a cunning which should never be under estimated.


Seeing Kjaran’s pack give up the chase, and watching the one Night Lord slip through his grasp, Fafnir flew into a terrible rage, like a baresark of old times… In truth I feared for my safety in that moment. He stormed over to me and there we were. Face to face. Kjaran's assault team created a cordon around myself & Fafnir, keeping my pack out and his pack away.


Agvald, leader of Bjorn recon pack 


“Why in all of the Hel’s did you allow that piece of skitja to escape?”


“Who said we let him escape, Jarl Fafnir?”


“One of Curze’s night cursed sons slipped away” Fafnir was getting dangerously  an I could scent the kill urge on him.


“Torvald, did we let the scum get away?” I called calmly over my shoulder, never breaking eye contact with Fafnir.



Torvald, pack huntsman Bjorn recon pack


“ No Jarl Agvald.”


“And why is that?”


“Our bolt rounds were envenomed Jarl Agvald… The one who fled, I wounded him myself. His wound will not heal and we can follow his blood trail back to the vipers nest”.


I kept my voice low so only Fafnir could hear, for although I do not particularly like this man, I would not want to shame him in front of his men

“So you see Jarl Fafnir, he hasn’t escaped at all. In fact he is doing something that no amount of interrogation would have given us”.  I think I even managed to grin back at him, for his face twisted in frustration as he turned away.


“We lost a wolf to set up this trap, that hunters blood will be on your hands Agvald” grunted Fafnir as he gestured towards the fallen man who had led the Lordlings into our trap. I believe he was trying to find a way to save face in front of his men, it was a shock to him when I told him who the dead wolf really was.


“That is neither a Wolf or a Hound, but a blood-mad butcher, Jarl Fafnir. The World Eater was too far gone to give us any information, so we cut out his vocal chords and dumped him in traitor territory near a known Night Lords outpost. He knew where we were for we told him, and we knew he would come here looking for a fight.

Apart from Hamma’s hand, we didn’t lose anyone”.


It was then that the anger bled out of Jarl Fafnir and some of his humour returned. “It is a good thing that Hamma is right handed then, isn’t it? Tell me though, this was not a part of my plan, who decided to change it?”


“I did roared a voice from the edge of the circle and as one we all bowed”.







Korianna was one of the 500 or so worlds which made up the Ultramar sector of space. It was a forge world supplying men and materiel to the ever expanding great crusade. Not a major world, it was however famed for having a Knight household standing over the world as protectors. The ultimate fate of the Knight household is unknown, but from archived records it would seem that a coup of sorts took place and like on many worlds across the Imperiumt, the Knight household was ravaged by civil war.


It was around this time that the Word Bearers, Night Lords and World Eaters descended upon Korianna and despoiled this once verdant and productive world.


A Space Wolves contingent was sent out to the world shortly after, believed by the Ultramarines to be one of the much-maligned watchpacks. Having ascertained that Lord Guillemann was indeed loyal to the Imperium, they were released from their duties and deployed to Korianna, to monitor the traitor incursion.

The total strength of the force which actually deployed, was and still is unknown, however it is fairly safe to assume that it was well beyond the 10 man unit initially sent out. In these uncertain times it is suspected that the Ultramarines allowed the Space Wolves to act autonomously and if they were halting incursions into Ultramar then they were left free to act as they saw fit.


In and of itself, this unusual display of leniency on the part of the 13th Legion shows just how stretched the Ultramarines had become by the unfolding treachery enacted upon them.

The Space Wolves were known to use diverse tactics in hunting down the traitors on Korianna. Often relying on guerilla tactics such as ambushing their prey. Commonly this would be a multi-unit operation with a specially prepared kill-zone


In the example above we can clearly see that the ambush was orchestrated by "Bjorn" or Bear squad (given this name due to the amount of equipment they carried, they were always "loaded for bear")


Once the trap was initiated, fast moving units would descend upon the foe to cause confusion, in this case it was Kjaran Coldhearts assault squad, the "Ice Blades"



Iceblade pack.

No record of how this name came about, however speculation leads to believe it was given due to the blades un-natural blue glow. Legend persists that these weapons were forged in the frozen heart of Fenris




From markings and armour types seen on the individual members we can tell that, they have come from several packs. In the first image we can clearly identify mark 3 and the composite mark 5 plate being used.





Kjaran is bearing the mark of Vaerangi on his kneepad to display his seniority over the Wolves in his charge. As can also be seen on his arm plate is the old marking of Sergeant. Used mainly by Space Wolves of Terran origin, often worn as a mark of veterancy, amongst the companies.

to When his pack was not ravaged by attrition, they bore the moniker the "Ironsides". This was due to their famed use of mark 3 armour and being at the forefront of each engagement.


This image is of an "Ironside", known as the Wolf-Blade. Clearly displaying the former pack marking on his kneepad.

Initially they lost very few packmates further cementing their Ironside reputation, however as teh siege ground on, losses began to mount and packs were amalgamated to keep them at fighting efficiency.




An example of this is the unknown Space Wolf from Baresark pack


Known for ranging ahead of the main force and found where fighting was fiercest. It is believed that Baresark squad suffered as high a rate of casualties from the wolf-curse as from the enemy.






"Iceblade" pack is also made up of mark 2 marines displaying the markings of the pack formerly called the "Stalwarts". A group of veteran assault marines who had fought side-by-side for decades, they gained their name for being ever present and always holding when situations seemed lost.




Former leader of the "Stalwarts" Taron Ironarm, earned his moniker due to his bionics and the great strenth it bore. Ever found at the forefront of his pack, often first in and last out. He is the bearer of the great axe "Icewyrm"






While some wore their veterancy in he form of augmetics gained through injury in war others displayed it with honour plates or upgrades to their armour, such as seen here born by the warrior known as Kassill.




Skjara Redwolf, was once tipped to be moved from the assault packs into the fledgeling chaplaincy being established within the Aett.. Despite his devotion to the Emperor and the legion, his psychotic tendencies and desires to rush headlong at the enemy that were often displayed in battle ultimately thwarted his chances of advancement. Skjara does not seem affected by this and appears perfectly content to fight in the vanguard of the Wolves assault, showing his devotion in a more "practical" way.




Unknown member of Iceblade pack






Casualties were a constant concern for the Space Wolves as there was probably little chance of reinforcement. This image shows the warrior known as Hamma, just after the plaza ambush. He has suffered a catastrophic injury to his left hand. In later pict recordings his corpse was discovered. It appears that he had a hand weapon fitted to his armour in place of his missing hand. This was to eventually become his undoing as it limited his ability to reload his weapon. Unable to do so he charged an enemy position and fought in hand to hand combat. Lacking flexibility in his weapon arm he was eventually brought down by a band of rabid World Eaters, but not before having reaped a tally of his foe-men



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Next up is this:




She is going to need a name, from one of the Valkyries.


Just as the Fellblade was named ReginLeif (Daughter of the Gods) and the Sicaran named Togn (Silence), so shall the Land Raiider Achilles be named from the Valkyries in Viking saga.


All ground vehicles will be named as such where possible, due to the fact they support and oversee the men bringing war. In traditional Viking stories the Valkyries would choose from the slain, which would go to Valhalla and which would not. As there are no medical transports II figured this would be the next best thing.


As an aside, my fliers will be named after dragons of legend, so my new Fire Raptor will be named Nidhog (Eater of the slain). I will need names for my Caetus and also my Storm Eagle. I am considering keeping Jorgmandr (Father of dragons) aside, incase I ever buy a Thunderhawk.


Yep, so if you guys can come up with any valkyrie names for this mighty beast of war then I am all ears.



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Darn tooting I am!! 


Maybe go for 20K  apocalypse eh?


P.S. Getting an airbrush system for Christmas :smile.:


Now no bare plastic or resin is safe bwah hahaha!!! 

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Nah, it'll still take me years to get through the backlog.


Quick update. I quickly drybrushed in the metallic areas. I am trying to get a heavy aged bronze look to the metals on the tracks and a worn but cared for almost brassy look rather than my shiny golds which I am used too doing on the plates and fittings.


Do you think I managed it, or does it need some more washes?





I also tried out some heat was for the melta's.




This isn't going to be the grey of the Land Raider, it is just the primer. It was my bad fortune to go to a GW store on pre-order weekend for BaC and it was shut.


So I didn't get any mech grey, so I am working up the courage to start mixing paints for this wee behemoth...


Anyhoo let me know what you think?

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Yep, dwarf shoulderpads are cool, for little conversions here and there. They only seem to work for mark 3 and cataphractii plate though. I reckon they'd be too bulky for mark 2.


I have also seen them used for belt buckles too on other models

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Is this your wip thread dude? Why is it hidden in the Space Wolves section...no one would want to look there :tongue.: Just kidding lol


You've done some really nice work on this army. The knot-work is really cool, not sure I've seen anyone use that before.


That man cave as well...:mellow.: Want!

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Hahaha... Hi Fursty


I also have a WIP thread in the Age of Darkness forum too... I may not always be present in the Aett, but I am always one of the pack ;)


I have been dying to get a man-ave for years, if you think mine is good you should see Zooz's :) Having a place where I can put my stuff out and lock the door is so good!


Your Iron Warriors are looking ace by the way.


The knotwork is something I really enjoy and in a weird way it helps me to stay sane. It also helps get across that they may look savage, but there is more to them. A lot like the Vikings they were styled upon.

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