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Just back from our Geek-End 2018... played about half a dozen games and the Imperial side is in the lead for the first time. It was mostly Ultras, Imperial Soup, IG, and Blood Angels, versus lots of Death Guard, EC and Thousand Sons.


I got my teeth kicked in against a hard DG list where I couldn't kill anything. This guy was rolling 5+ like I should roll 2+...


The most epic game though, also a loss, was against another DG list at 2500 points with an Imperial Knight. My Knight failed a 6" charge into Mortarian, and failed again with the reroll. But I had moved up Captain Smashypants and a SP to Heroically Intervene should he assault me...


Mortarian assaulted the Knight.. it Titanically Exploded, 11" radius... killing Captain Smashypants and the Priest, scouts, a tactical squad, a Vindicator, then my Librarian Dreadnought - who ALSO exploded! ...killing a Land Speeder and another tactical squad.


This is the only picture from the battle and it's before I moved up the Captain etc... but you can see things starting to develop:



Anyway fun weekend and aside from those 2 loses I did well.

Edited by Chaplain Gunzhard
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Today in BA I finally got the last of my Death Co stripped so I can repaint them. Also The simple green popped all their arms off, so I am seriously considering changing some weapons on them. Finally, I am going to change my load out from 20 on foot 10 with JPacks, to 15 and 15. 


Worst case, I can but another 10 and make it 20 and 20.

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Just back from our Geek-End 2018... played about half a dozen games and the Imperial side is in the lead for the first time. It was mostly Ultras, Imperial Soup, IG, and Blood Angels, versus lots of Death Guard, EC and Thousand Sons.


I got my teeth kicked in against a hard DG list where I couldn't kill anything. This guy was rolling 5+ like I should roll 2+...


The most epic game though, also a loss, was against another DG list at 2500 points with an Imperial Knight. My Knight failed a 6" charge into Mortarian, and failed again with the reroll. But I had moved up Captain Smashypants and a SP to Heroically Intervene should he assault me...


Mortarian assaulted the Knight.. it Titanically Exploded, 11" radius... killing Captain Smashypants and the Priest, scouts, a tactical squad, a Vindicator, then my Librarian Dreadnought - who ALSO exploded! ...killing a Land Speeder and another tactical squad.


This is the only picture from the battle and it's before I moved up the Captain etc... but you can see things starting to develop:



Anyway fun weekend and aside from those 2 loses I did well.


Even though it was a loss that game sounds amazing. Sometimes the dice just have a will to make insane or hilarious things happen and it sounds like that's what happened there to a tee.

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Just back from our Geek-End 2018... played about half a dozen games and the Imperial side is in the lead for the first time. It was mostly Ultras, Imperial Soup, IG, and Blood Angels, versus lots of Death Guard, EC and Thousand Sons.


I got my teeth kicked in against a hard DG list where I couldn't kill anything. This guy was rolling 5+ like I should roll 2+...


The most epic game though, also a loss, was against another DG list at 2500 points with an Imperial Knight. My Knight failed a 6" charge into Mortarian, and failed again with the reroll. But I had moved up Captain Smashypants and a SP to Heroically Intervene should he assault me...


Mortarian assaulted the Knight.. it Titanically Exploded, 11" radius... killing Captain Smashypants and the Priest, scouts, a tactical squad, a Vindicator, then my Librarian Dreadnought - who ALSO exploded! ...killing a Land Speeder and another tactical squad.


This is the only picture from the battle and it's before I moved up the Captain etc... but you can see things starting to develop:



Anyway fun weekend and aside from those 2 loses I did well.


Even though it was a loss that game sounds amazing. Sometimes the dice just have a will to make insane or hilarious things happen and it sounds like that's what happened there to a tee.



Yeah exactly that... my entire army was killed in one stroke more or less, but it was fun and epic and extremely cinematic!


Best combo of the weekend for me though... JP Librarian with Quickening (rolled 3) and Red Rampage (rolled 3) strat fighting a Daemon Prince of Nurgle, then getting all of those attacks again with Honour of the Chapter strat, then one more time with Only in Death Does Duty End strat finally killing the DP.


However, just now as I looked at the codex for the proper names of the strats, I realize that I totally cheated OOPS!!... because Honour of the Chapter strat happens at the end of the Fight Phase, at which point my Librarian was already dead. Oh well. :facepalm:

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Thought I'd share the latest version of a list I've been using to some success:


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Blood Angels Brigade +9CP




-jump pack

-inferno pistol

-thunder hammer



-jump pack

-inferno pistol

-thunder hammer


Sanguinary Priest

-jump pack

-chainsword x 2


The Sanguinor



Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword


Scouts x 5

-combat knife + bolt pistol x 4

-Sgt power sword + chainsword



Company Ancient

-jump pack



Company Veterans

-jump packs

-plasma gun + chainsword x 2

-Sgt combi-plasma + power sword


Sanguinary Guard x 9

-encarmine sword + plasma pistol x 8

-encarmine sword + angelus boltgun x 1



Assault Marines x 5

-jump packs

-chainsword + bolt pistol x 3

-chainsword + inferno pistol x 1

-Sgt inferno pistol + power sword


Assault Marines x 5

-jump packs

-chainsword + bolt pistol x 3

-chainsword + inferno pistol x 1

-Sgt inferno pistol + power sword


Assault Marines x 5

-jump packs

-chainsword + bolt pistol x 3

-chainsword + inferno pistol x 1

-Sgt inferno pistol + power sword



Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-Sgt chainsword

-armorium cherub


Devastators x 5

-lascannon x 2

-Sgt chainsword

-armorium cherub


Devastators x 5

-heavy bolter x 1

-Sgt chainsword

-armorium cherub


The idea is drastically simple: The Sanguinor (often WL to make everyone Fearless), Sanguinary Priest, and Company Ancient go in the center and everyone forms a ball around them

like drones to the flagship at the end of Ender's Game https://youtu.be/fg3h-fzjxjQ?t=3m7s
. They then use their jump packs to catch up to the melee Scouts who start as close to the enemy as possible. Everything is loaded with power swords to get the most mileage out of the Sanguinor + Sanguinary Priest buffs.


It is a bit of an "all-in" build, but it tends to catch opponents off guard because of the sheer lethality of "bad" units like melee Scouts and ASM. Hiding inferno pistols in the ASM also works well since they last just long enough to into the opponent's armor underbelly and do some work.


If I had more points I would add more inferno pistols all over the place (perhaps even the Scouts) to further add to the "death by a thousand cuts" element of the army.


Places to trim if looking to copy: plasma on SG, combi-plasma on Ancient, inferno pistols on Capt/LT, Company Vets go down to 2-man bolters, keep Devastators as super cheap heavy bolter-dudes for objective holding and spend the lascannon points on spreading inferno pistols throughout the army.


Speaking of army...this list tends to play more like a navy than an army, if you will, since 90% of it hinges on how well you keep things in Formation with the buffs, especially absolutely milking the Standard of Sacrifice for all it's worth. With the SoS (ha!) as the centerpiece, a list like this with so many Scouts + ASM goes from wiped off the board to shockingly resilient.



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Absolutely love it! Too bad I don't own enough or want anymore scouts to fill those troop spots!


Full disclosure I've been proxying bolter scouts as the 5th and 6th CQC Scouts since I don't have that many CQC dudes just yet, but most opponents are fine since all the scouts are equipped identically.

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Just saw in BattleScribe that Attack Bikes are
Hidden Content
now up from
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35 base + 10 for the heavy bolter
. I don’t see that difference in Chapter Approved...mistake or am I missing something?
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Just saw in BattleScribe that Attack Bikes are

Hidden Content
now up from
Hidden Content
35 base + 10 for the heavy bolter
. I don’t see that difference in Chapter Approved...mistake or am I missing something?

Battlescribe is right. Base cost plus heavy bolter is 47pts. You're forgetting the twin bolters though which is probably the difference you are looking at.

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Just saw in BattleScribe that Attack Bikes are

Hidden Content
now up from
Hidden Content
35 base + 10 for the heavy bolter
. I don’t see that difference in Chapter Approved...mistake or am I missing something?
Battlescribe is right. Base cost plus heavy bolter is 47pts. You're forgetting the twin bolters though which is probably the difference you are looking at.

Right on. Not sure how I didn’t catch that before.

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I just found a Blood Angels Gauntlet tactical squad for 36 euros. Given that GW sells the tactical squad for 32 and the rhino for 29, I'd say its a very good deal. Now the question is, how hard is it to turn a rhino into a razorback? What whould I need to buy extra?

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I just found a Blood Angels Gauntlet tactical squad for 36 euros. Given that GW sells the tactical squad for 32 and the rhino for 29, I'd say its a very good deal. Now the question is, how hard is it to turn a rhino into a razorback? What whould I need to buy extra?


You just need the weapon turret. The Rhino sprue already comes with the alternate top plate that has the base for the turret.


New turrets can be had for around £10 on eBay or slightly more if you want the Assault Cannon version (worth considering IMHO).

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Rhino consists of the following sprues.




You also get one generic space marine vehicle upgrade sprue which includes things like the storm bolter.

I am not a fan of the las/plas loadout (despite owning 2 of them) because of the risk of overheats. An overheating plasma gun slays the user, even when mounted on a vehicle. With 4 shots at short range, this makes the plasma guns far too risky to overcharge.
Put your plasma on the squad inside (1 plasma gun and a combi-plas on the Serg). That way if you overheat, you kill a 30 point marine rather than a 100+ point vehicle.
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I kinda talked myself out of it. I dont really need more tacticals, and I dont need a Rhino either. Cheapest twin linked assault cannon on ebay was 18 euros, at which point I should just get a razorback.

Edited by dread05
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I still don't understand how some vehicles lose a wound but others are just slain. Seems like oversights.

I think it's less an oversight and more that they're trying to phase out those weapon configurations, frankly. They're already missing from the codex and my read on not giving them a Leman Russ-esque vent rule is that they're trying to disincentivize us from taking them.

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Today (well, yesterday)  was a bad day for my BA. I tried to shade one of my captains with carraburg crimson and the result was so bad, I ended up stripping him. 2 days of work on him were lost. I think the shade kicked the bucket, at places it would come too thick and leave small bits of paint while at other places it would peel when I was trying to avoid pooling. I just ordered a new one. I also had some trouble with drybrushing kindleflame on the edges, some of the base coat would peel off. I blame the brush, its the GW small dry brush, next time I will try to dry brush with a softer brush (I have a ruined medium base brush that I was bitching about on another thread and someone tossed the idea).

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Anyone know how much of a match ryza rust is to trollslayer orange? My BA recipe is evil sunz scarlet over a cotax white undercoat, with a recess shade of agrax and two highlights, troll slayer the tau light ochre. I haven't done a vehicle yet but I'm thinking evil sunz over corax, recess shade agrax, then dry brush with ryza rust and selective tau light ochre highlights. Just curious how well troll slayer and ryza match each other is all.
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Ryza Rust and Trollslayer Orange are pretty close. I drybrush with Ryza Rust and then a lighter drybrush with Hexos Palesun to pick out the edges. Then I wash the whole lot with Magenta ink to shade it, bring the highlights down a touch and prevent the finished model looking orange overall. Here is how they look when finished (sorry I don't have any vehicle shots).



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