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How do you think one or two plasma inceptor squads would go?


I think they would go well, but only briefly. They have the RoF to take down squads and overcharging can easily take down the Quins' rides. However their combination of firepower and mobility means they are likely to be a priority target and with only an 18" range, they won't be able to avoid retaliation very well. Still, they could be part of a solution.


Maybe MSU Tac squads with Grav Cannons and Combi-plas serg. They are cheap enough to spam, have ObjSec and Grav Cannons are perfect against Quins. Decent RoF for taking out infantry but also quite effective against their bikes. 4 shots each, wounding on 4s, negating their saves and doing 2 damage each is a pretty good profile for the points.

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I wonder if StormTalons with Assault Cannons and Missile Launchers would be good. -1 to Hit when going supersonic would help protect them from Haywire and their speed would keep them out of fusion range to some extent. They can't be charged by infantry and their weapons would make a mess of both infantry and light vehicles.

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"Relic" Terminator squad and Terminator Captain


I magnetized the hammer/banner:

"I bring you the gift of death!"

Gorgeous unit, those tartarsauce look so good with the black fists. Did you mag the storm bolters also so you can have twin claw loadout?

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I did not. The magnetized wrist is actually just a tad too small for the magnets I have. It ended up being too thin to support without extensive greenstuff work. magnetized shoulders always bother me unless I work in some sort of nub to keep it from moving. That and painting arms separate from the body is a chore so I just gave up.

Edited by Spagunk
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I still feel that marine tanks are costed like they still have access to rerolls



Cause like, if you could reroll 1s to hit/wound with most of the marine tanks, I wouldn't feel bad about them

But the combo of no synergy AND fragility just make me ask why not more infantry.

But out of the 3 gladiators, the reaper, followed by the valiant since eradicators basically do the same thing but better, and then the Lancer, because gw can't decide between entirely to many guns for primaris, or basically none.

Who thought a 200pt tank with 2 decent shots was a good idea? Same guy who keeps making the rules for the vanquisher russ apparently

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so... i was playing with the battle forge app and noticed something:

Death Company Intercessors can mix chainsword + hbp models with bolt rifle ones.
For reference, if you try and mix and match weapon options in units like intercessors (mix of bolt rifle types), the options are invalid.

Good news?

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Is the reaper the best loadout for a Gladiator right now? I figure it's between that and the Valiant.

Mine  just arrived. At first glance of the parts it looks like I can pin the side sponsions weapons faces, the Multimelta and four stack bolter. And the main weapons can be pinned or magnetized as you like. However the Lancers side sponsion uses the slimmer bits from the Impulsor. More work that I plan to do at this time so I'll just worry about the Reaper and the Valiant as that'll be easy to do. 


The Reaper is probably the better choice, loads of shots with -1 AP should shred lots of chaff or just over whelm the save of something else. Attrition through dice roles. 

I'm just hopeful to get 2 big kills or 3 to 4 smaller vehicle/monster kills with the Valiant before it dies. 

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Is the reaper the best loadout for a Gladiator right now? I figure it's between that and the Valiant.

Mine  just arrived. At first glance of the parts it looks like I can pin the side sponsions weapons faces, the Multimelta and four stack bolter. And the main weapons can be pinned or magnetized as you like. However the Lancers side sponsion uses the slimmer bits from the Impulsor. More work that I plan to do at this time so I'll just worry about the Reaper and the Valiant as that'll be easy to do. 


The Reaper is probably the better choice, loads of shots with -1 AP should shred lots of chaff or just over whelm the save of something else. Attrition through dice roles. 

I'm just hopeful to get 2 big kills or 3 to 4 smaller vehicle/monster kills with the Valiant before it dies. 


Thanks, I think I'll do the magnetization then. I'll have to do some sub assemblies to get the coats of yellow on right, and with the prep work it takes will probably want as much mileage out of each kit.

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Is the reaper the best loadout for a Gladiator right now? I figure it's between that and the Valiant.

Mine  just arrived. At first glance of the parts it looks like I can pin the side sponsions weapons faces, the Multimelta and four stack bolter. And the main weapons can be pinned or magnetized as you like. However the Lancers side sponsion uses the slimmer bits from the Impulsor. More work that I plan to do at this time so I'll just worry about the Reaper and the Valiant as that'll be easy to do. 


The Reaper is probably the better choice, loads of shots with -1 AP should shred lots of chaff or just over whelm the save of something else. Attrition through dice roles. 

I'm just hopeful to get 2 big kills or 3 to 4 smaller vehicle/monster kills with the Valiant before it dies. 


Thanks, I think I'll do the magnetization then. I'll have to do some sub assemblies to get the coats of yellow on right, and with the prep work it takes will probably want as much mileage out of each kit.


Same here. Sub assembly and primer ect. I wish I had had the foresight to have done that to a few spots on my Impulsor. 

I've started the Gladiator build just now.  

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Need Community's help - I'm reading through that awful DC Intercessors Wargear Options part of the datasheet. I want to have a shooty unit.
If I want to take a Power FIst on that single guy, do I loose the Bolter variant? Or do I keep it and take PF in addition to it (and Bolt Pistol)? 

Edited by Majkhel
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Need Community's help - I'm reading through that awful DC Intercessors Wargear Options part of the datasheet. I want to have a shooty unit.

If I want to take a Power FIst on that single guy, do I loose the Bolter variant? Or do I keep it and take PF in addition to it (and Bolt Pistol)? 

battle forge lets you do a combination of bolt rifle guys and hbp + chainsword guys,


it also lets you take a power fist on a bolt rifle guy.

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Need Community's help - I'm reading through that awful DC Intercessors Wargear Options part of the datasheet. I want to have a shooty unit.

If I want to take a Power FIst on that single guy, do I loose the Bolter variant? Or do I keep it and take PF in addition to it (and Bolt Pistol)? 


A bolt rifle + power fist combo is ok.


One model that does not have a chainsword can take a power fist. 


Bullet point 2 of the FAQ change to the DC options allows this. 

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Thanks! I think I will model the rifle on the base then just be safe


battle forge lets you do a combination of bolt rifle guys and hbp + chainsword guys,

That part seems to be an error.

maybe, but its an official app. I'll post on FB to ask

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Gonna tackle a bit more of the backlog today... Termi Captain or Bladeguard?


By rights that Capatain deserves a lick of paint. He's been waiting a long time, I distinctly remember telling the chap at GW that's what I was buying Agrax Earthshade for, the weekend before Lockdown 1.0 :ermm: 


Bladeguard are just so nice though...

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Getting hopefully 2 games in today, one is a rematch with the harlequins.


Trying to avoid piling the salt too terribly high over the DA rules releases


I'm glad our robed brethren finally have rules worthy of their status, but can't help but look at them and then back at our book and notice the absolute world of difference.

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Getting hopefully 2 games in today, one is a rematch with the harlequins.


Trying to avoid piling the salt too terribly high over the DA rules releases


I'm glad our robed brethren finally have rules worthy of their status, but can't help but look at them and then back at our book and notice the absolute world of difference.

Yeah me to, short rant thou. DA got that fluffy detachments and all but we and SW got nothing like that. I guess I'm a bit salty that we are nearing "Supplement Sanguinary Guard" and nothing else. Rant over, sorry brothers I couldn't help myself.


On the other hand DA patrol box is kinda tempting with Inceptors and redemptor, what do you think ? I need both units but not so sold on chaplain, I was thinking I could kit bash him into jump pack libby with force axe.

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