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Is anyone else finding the promise of an upgrade sprue full of BA detail 'soon' really demotivating to build any new models without knowing what we'll get?

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Been feeling that to various degrees since the discontinuance at the beginning of the edition.


This edition is also the first time I've ever had any desire to source 3rd party bits. 

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6 hours ago, Cleon said:

Is anyone else finding the promise of an upgrade sprue full of BA detail 'soon' really demotivating to build any new models without knowing what we'll get?


Not really but I had the foresight to buy a lot of the BA tactical and FB Death Company boxes so I've got a lot of bits to pull from.


Admittedly I've been off my Space Marines for most of the past 6 months, since the last call to hobby, but having that depth in the bits box is great.

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Posted (edited)

Maybe it's just common knowledge to everyone, but last weekend I've discovered just how brutal a ten man squad of jump assault intercessors together with a sanguine priest is. I played the SoS detachment and the enemy were Tau. Because I went 2nd and my opponent didn't remember the 5" vertical engagement range, I was able to get a first round charge against a unit of crisis. Boy, oh boy they were gone without breaking a sweat. It was one of those "and this isn't even my final form" moments, because I was sorting out dice for the next wave of attacks whilst my opponent informed me, that they were already gone. The squad then continued to leave a bloody trail from his left flank to the center of the board. 

Long story short, I've got ten JAI on my painting station :biggrin:

Edited by Rhavien
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1 hour ago, Rhavien said:

Maybe it's just common knowledge to everyone, but just last weekend I've discovered how brutal a ten man squad of jump assault intercessors with a sanguine priest attached is.


Yes, It looks like JAIs really punch above their weight. I run 10 VanVets with the Priest for a similar effect. They get +1S and a mix of Storm Shields and Inferno pistols. However JAIs definitely come out ahead in the the points-per-attack category.


Now I just wish we had a Jump Lt as the ability to Fall Back and charge to make sure we always get that +2S and +1A would be sweet!

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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:


Yes, It looks like JAIs really punch above their weight. I run 10 VanVets with the Priest for a similar effect. They get +1S and a mix of Storm Shields and Inferno pistols. However JAIs definitely come out ahead in the the points-per-attack category.


Now I just wish we had a Jump Lt as the ability to Fall Back and charge to make sure we always get that +2S and +1A would be sweet!


Yeah it felt fantastic. Like in the good old times. Fast and hard hitting BA infantry. 5+ fnp made them somewhat resilient, too. Guess VV with 4++ on top should be really hard to shift. 

Regarding 'fallback and charge' , don't forget we have our strat relentless assault. It costs a CP, but you save points on the Lt. 

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19 hours ago, Rhavien said:

Regarding 'fallback and charge' , don't forget we have our strat relentless assault. It costs a CP, but you save points on the Lt. 


That is true and since it is only likely to come into play once or twice a game at most, perhaps the Strat is better. Now if only we had a supreme commander who generated extra CPs. I love the new Dante model but I don't think his special rules stack up particularly well when compared to Azrael or Calgar.

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Base color of the trim and filigree is done... that took a while!


On a related note, I intend to paint the trim Auric Armor Gold (the usual trim color for this army). I've been debating on painting the filigree the same, or gehanna gold for a little variety.


Any opinions?




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13 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

Always a fan of retributor gold. Such a good pop of color. 


I agree, Retributor is my go-to colour for painting gold. I normally wash with Aggrax and the highlight with Liberator Gold and Stormhost Silver.  Here is how it comes out.



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