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Brothers. My family has been blessed with the early arrival of a new Initiate.. As such, I have been reassigned to the post of Master of Recruits at home, and my time will be mostly reserved to overseeing all initiation rites. I will likely have my hobby time reduced to pretty much nothing, so do not expect anything but sporadic painting from me until our Initiate is ready to join the reserve company.. So, see you all later, whenever that may be. You will be missed.

Hey hey, many congratulations to the family! Please tell me you have a red pushchair?



Unfortunately, it's not.


It's black.  We are hardcore from birth!



Needs red crosses and purity seals. 


Make a back banner when they're older so you can find them in a crowd.

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Be sure to let us know how that goes!


Today after work I set up an actual work space for the hobby. Formerly I just had been putting stuff I was working on in a pile on an end table next to my couch, and I would just sit on the couch and paint. I had tried using our second bedroom as a hobby room before but it was 90°+ all summer in there so I stayed out. Now I set up a table in the bedroom so that won't be a problem. I then started painting some and have made a ton of progress on some of my HQs. I'm pretty pumped about it, and hopefully this will help me actually make progress on my models!

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Dedicated hobby space, even if that means a shelf to keep the current project out and available, is awesome. I got that citadel lap station, and use it almost every day while wife and I watch TV. Sometimes I put it on a foldable tray table. But I hadn't painted much before I got a hobby station, and paint much more regularly since.


I also got half the garage in our house when we moved in a year ago, so now I have a workbench, spray booth, and gaming table. The only drawback is it's not air conditioned, and we're in Texas, but 6-7 months out of the year isn't bad. But when I airbrush I can just open the door and not spray colors when I sneeze. :D

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That was usually when I would do hobby stuff, too. But I had to reach over my shoulder for paint every time and usually couldn't find what I had been working on from the pile, haha. It has been nice, I spent awhile touching up some models today before I ended up doing another test model for my AdMech (I just can not find something I like for them!). I think this will help a lot with my painters procrastination!
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In case anyone missed the notification, the deadline for RTS '16 completions has been extended until this Friday 1200 UTC  (0500 PDT, 0600 CDT, 0700 EDT, 1300 CEST, 2000 AWST, 2130 ACST 2200 AEST)

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New pot of Evil Suns Scarlet acquired! Also grabbed a Gehenna Gold* and Averland Sunset (as I really need a good base for my yellows)


* Apparently, Burnished Gold became Auric Armour Gold and Shinning Gold became Gehenna Gold. However, looking at the pots, it appears that these paints have switched round? I guess I'll find out when I use it...

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Dreadnought Drop Pods are having the master moulds repaired :( :( :(





































So it looks like I'm getting a Scorpius for Xmas :D

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I generally use vallejo for those older GW colors as so far they appear to have the same color formula as the old GW paints. YMMV.


No, Vallejo is a lot more watered down, less opaque but also suffers less from visible flakes/crystals.  It's a superior paint for everything other than basecoating.  I don't know who continues making the old GW paints, but it's not Vallejo.  I know Coat D'Arms still makes the OLD OLD OLD ANCIENT Citadel colours (the two on the left) but I don't know for sure if they make the OLD (rightmost) or OLD OLD (second from right) paints anymore.




This link would suggest, they do: https://www.hiveworldterra.co.uk/Article/view_CoatDArmsConversionChart.html


Apparently old GW Shining Gold is CdA Bright Gold.  BUT, BEWARE!  Which Shining Gold?


To make the matters even WORSE, when moving from the leftmost two pots to the rightmost two pots GW changed around the names for their gold colors so the new shining gold and old shining gold don't match, like, at all: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=37589.0




So Jolemai, I want to help you but I can't be sure WHICH Shining Gold you need..


I would bet my money that the CdA Bright Gold matches the color on the right, not left, which is closer to the OLD OLD OLD Burnished Gold.


Moral of this story?  :censored: GW.  Go with a paint supplier that won't change its whole line every five years.

Edited by appiah5
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A note on Vallejo ...yeah the Game Colour line paints are thin. But the Model Colour line are quite dense, like P3 or GW-Base paints, the Model Colour Metallics are great!


Vallejo has also released the Game "Extraopaque" line which use the same Game colors but with the "Model Colour" density/opaqueness.


I love GW paints but most of their metallics have been crap forever imo, that said, the newest ones are quite good but I still prefer Vallejo Model Colour... I did a huge experimental comparison a few years ago if you're interested: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/2011/10/great-gold-rush-quest-for-best-gold.html

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I generally use vallejo for those older GW colors as so far they appear to have the same color formula as the old GW paints. YMMV.


No, Vallejo is a lot more watered down, less opaque but also suffers less from visible flakes/crystals.  It's a superior paint for everything other than basecoating.  I don't know who continues making the old GW paints, but it's not Vallejo.  I know Coat D'Arms still makes the OLD OLD OLD ANCIENT Citadel colours (the two on the left) but I don't know for sure if they make the OLD (rightmost) or OLD OLD (second from right) paints anymore.




This link would suggest, they do: https://www.hiveworldterra.co.uk/Article/view_CoatDArmsConversionChart.html


Apparently old GW Shining Gold is CdA Bright Gold.  BUT, BEWARE!  Which Shining Gold?


To make the matters even WORSE, when moving from the leftmost two pots to the rightmost two pots GW changed around the names for their gold colors so the new shining gold and old shining gold don't match, like, at all: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=37589.0




So Jolemai, I want to help you but I can't be sure WHICH Shining Gold you need..


I would bet my money that the CdA Bright Gold matches the color on the right, not left, which is closer to the OLD OLD OLD Burnished Gold.


Moral of this story?  :censored: GW.  Go with a paint supplier that won't change its whole line every five years.


How on earth can the one on the left even be called gold of any kind?! It's bronze if anything. That gold on the right is lovely *sigh*, it's the kind if silvery/white gold I always try to use on the occasions I paint gold.

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Gold, historically, has been the word for an incredibly wide variety of metallic colours. It's in the same boat as colours such as blue or red, rather than things like grey and silver.



Edit: thanks to the earthquakes we had a few weeks back, the building my local GW is at has been declared unsafe and everythings closed. Which means I have to head out up the valley to the other GW store for my hobby fix. So I had a game there, which I lost rather handedly. But that wasn't really a problem, as it was all in good fun and my opponent is a good friend.

However, other than that, today was a bit of an object lesson as to why I don't go to that GW store. Not really a friendly atmosphere, and some rather gross language used when it was just us in store.

Not a pleasant experience, really.

Edited by CaptainHelion
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I've not had much luck painting lately. Work has been very demanding, and I'm rather exhausted when I get home. A career change is on the horizon me thinks. In other news, I've been looking at the 1st -Company decurion and I have some rather neat ideas about how to run in. I think it could be fun. I'll probably write up a list in the army thread later for now though its time for coffee and getting ready for work. Cheers all! 

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Dreadnought Drop Pods are having the master moulds repaired :sad.::sad.::sad.:





































So it looks like I'm getting a Scorpius for Xmas :biggrin.:


Oh crap. And the recast pods i had an eye fore disapeared from ebay. :/

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On the Stormraven there's a strip of clear plastic that goes on each wing.

  1. Is it a light, type of sensor, or something else?
  2. Paint over it, or paint under it? If so, what colour(s)?
  3. If I paint under it and attach it with PVA, how will it affect the paint underneath?
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