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For those who want them without buying the new RAS box, FW's chainglaives could be a good answer if going third party's not your bag.



  • Will look great on DC
  • Excellent alternative weapons for Flesh Tearers Sanguinary Guard.



That's a great shout. Similarly, what's the opinion of chainfists as a counts-as? It makes sense in my head, given the weapons' rules...

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Got a great deal to grab my 11th Drop Pod and another DC Dread for 70 €.

On top i get 2 DC with JP 1 Cap with Lance and JP 2 Hammernators 1 Clawnator with moddeled Ork on one Claw. :D

five pairs of forgeworld Termiantor Pads and lots of basing stuff. I wanted a month without spending money on my hobby but here there go my resolutions.

Bonus the stuff is already painted.

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They'll be under stress of landing and taking off so it makes sense for them to have not a lot of paint on.



Metal :smile.:


Ive also undercoated a second typhoon speeder, my fast attack choices are increasing.


Opted for metal. Should have some pictures later this week (or next). Oh, and I have fallen in love with Nuln Oil.




For those who want them without buying the new RAS box, FW's chainglaives could be a good answer if going third party's not your bag.



  • Will look great on DC
  • Excellent alternative weapons for Flesh Tearers Sanguinary Guard.



That's a great shout. Similarly, what's the opinion of chainfists as a counts-as? It makes sense in my head, given the weapons' rules...



Could have sworn I typed Eviscerators, so I'm glad someone knew what I was on about! :blush.:


As RAS can't have chainfists, I'd have no problem whatsoever if a Marine was sporting one as a counts-as Eviscerator :thumbsup:

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Nuln oil is amazing. Agrax is amazing. All the shades are amazing!


Just be reserved with it, if you use too much at once I've found it pools and gets crusty.


Also, don't thin it with water, this kills it for some reason, diluting the emulsion suspension or some such, meaning it separates on teh model and goes white. Use Lahmian medium to dilute instead. Lahmian actually makes it much better for flowing into recesses as a shade, while neat washes are more for all over coating to change the surface colour. 

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Nuln oil is amazing. Agrax is amazing. All the shades are amazing!


Just be reserved with it, if you use too much at once I've found it pools and gets crusty.


Also, don't thin it with water, this kills it for some reason, diluting the emulsion suspension or some such, meaning it separates on teh model and goes white. Use Lahmian medium to dilute instead. Lahmian actually makes it much better for flowing into recesses as a shade, while neat washes are more for all over coating to change the surface colour. 


I use water with liquitex, which is fine for most thing. Honestly don't think I usually thin the washes though, I tend to just cover the model then paint over the higher bits, rather than pin point shading.



My just finished BA Legion Destroyer Squat :smile.:


Hope you like them :smile.:


Greetings Leo


Love em!  But I don't see any Dwarves ;)

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Those are gorgeous destroyers!


Today, I played a game against my Space Wolves bud. WHAT a slaughter. We ran to the seventh turn and there were 10 models on the board, out of 2000 points each. We played Maelstrom of War mission 2, Contact Lost. The one where you generate TacOs based on how many objective markers you hold. MVPs go to Njal Stormcaller, for eating a completely untouched Dante with Jaws of the World Wolf on turn two, and my Fragioso, for clearing out two full squads of Grey Hunters AND Njal with no damage in return and securing a full quarter of the board for Linebreaker.

Honourable mention to my Stormraven for failing my turn two reserves roll, allowing him to nuke the pups' Stormwolf in one salvo as soon as he arrived turn 3, and the two Wolfen who were his only two models left on the battlefield.

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Remind me what Destroyers are please? Just gunslinging Tactical Marines?


Blatant rules phishing there, Jole? :tongue.:


They all have rad grenades for -1T to the enemy in assault, counter attack, access to rad missiles, and the sergeant can get phospex grenades. 


And they're all dead men walking. 


I love them because they're so radically different to any (power armoured) marine unit we've seen before.

Edited by Xenith
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No marines would have been alive before the fall of Baal to remember - also other Legions had horrific radiation/poison plagued wastelands as homeworlds such as Barbarus and Nocturne. 


There is a death company relic hand flamer which also shoots special radioactive Baal goop, which fits the idea that these radiation based weapons are given as tools to the damned. 

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It's all well and good firing 40k Baal goop, but I just feel the IXth Legion would be morally aghast at using radiation warfare given what came before and the effect that the radiation has had on our people. Barbarus and Noctune weren't paradises to mortal men reduced to mere shadows of their former glory (as an aside, the flip side of perfection and ruin fits us extremely well) so I doubt it would bother them too much.

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I love Destroyers.


I just wish FW did enough to make their jump packs not cost between 15 and 7.5 points per marine... Plus rad missiles suck... Ish.


Why do they suck? They're much better than a regular ML and come with a suspensor web.


With the old melta bombs they were servicable, however they are still ok with BA legion rules - the combo of -1T and +1 to wound means they will always wound MEQ on a 2+ in combat. 


Jump packs are way overpriced on them, though. Try either a 5 man with missile and moritat doing drive by's from a rhino, 10 man hanging back, or 10 in rhino with 2 launchers.

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I love Destroyers.


I just wish FW did enough to make their jump packs not cost between 15 and 7.5 points per marine... Plus rad missiles suck... Ish.


Why do they suck? They're much better than a regular ML and come with a suspensor web.


With the old melta bombs they were servicable, however they are still ok with BA legion rules - the combo of -1T and +1 to wound means they will always wound MEQ on a 2+ in combat. 


Jump packs are way overpriced on them, though. Try either a 5 man with missile and moritat doing drive by's from a rhino, 10 man hanging back, or 10 in rhino with 2 launchers.



Oh yeah, all fine and dandy for sure.


When you get a unit together though with Rad launchers, Moritat and movement option - it's suddenly like 600ish points for ten marine bodies.... Which in the Heresy are as good as fodder!


On paper, absolutely awesome and I love them! Especially the whole paradox of them being probably the last, yet necessary weapon Sanguinius will unleash on a world beyond compliance. They're partly why I'm planning a Siege list for my BA.


The rad missiles are iffy. They're AP3 and unless you've murdered that AP2 sarge in a unit, they aren't doing much. The Radphage rule that makes any enemies wounded by it -1T only comes into play against multiwound models, which are Primarchs (which have a better save than 3+ bar Angron), special terminators (2+ Save, maybe a single guy going down to T3...) or the Mechanicum, who, get defence against fleshbane & poison on their bots.


They are quite hard to justify points cost when you can get a LOT more effective bang for your buck elsewhere, especially when everything cool about them is forfeit.




If you invest, in the Day of Revelation rite of war they can:

  • Deep Strike turn 1
  • Bring a Moritat and Apothecary in tow
  • Gain 5+ Cover
  • Pinning on all weapons

So you start to be pretty murdersome to things like Rapiers or the like. Combine with a Dreadnought Drop pod for a 3+ cover...

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Combined with an command rhino = 24" no scatter bubble oh yeah. :)


Got a game against legion csm tomorrow. Either heavy psy (and even magnus) or another legion for suprise (nurgle?)

I will see. Bring my OIV for the second try and also field the demi company for the zelot bonus. (Try to pull not too hard).

I will report later. Sadly my cam is brocken and in repair so only handy pics will inbound. 

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Question for the Day. 


I have some money burning a hole in my wallet, as Codex Imperial Agents is on pre-order I can get some deals for 25% off. So given I have $150 to spend, what would you get for a Blood Angles army. 


I am currently thinking of maybe the chapter Ancients box set... Or may be the Death Company battle force box. But other Suggestions welcome 


(My collection currently stands at - 1 Tactical Squad, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Dev Squad, 2 Captains, 1 Sang Priest, 1 Techmarine, 1 Baal Pred, 1 Drop Pod, 1 Land Raider - Crusader, 1 Assault Terminator Squad. 16 scouts (8 pistols, 5 snipers, 2 Shot-Guns, 1 Missile) 

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From a practical point of view a couple more drop pods might be useful, then the Chapter Ancients (or just a single BA Dread kit) so you can form an alpha strike. It's the best trick Space Marines have and suits assault-focused armies like us in particular as you can distract the enemy from your ground / jump troops moving up the field.
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Forge World? Also, what play style do you prefer/are aiming to create with your BAs?


Going to be GW prime, and trying to play an aggressive close Assault force. (Typical BA)


From a practical point of view a couple more drop pods might be useful, then the Chapter Ancients (or just a single BA Dread kit) so you can form an alpha strike. It's the best trick Space Marines have and suits assault-focused armies like us in particular as you can distract the enemy from your ground / jump troops moving up the field.


I was pondering pods, maybe a dread and a pod could be a good plan

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