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I just picked up 2 brand new BA termie aslt squads for $30 each on ebay.... do that and you have the OIF formation. (They are $60 on the GW website)


I also got another box of Sang. guard from ebay for $28... and after assembly can field the golden host formation. (They are $33 on the GW website... with the BA assault squad being $45?!)


There are some box sets that seem radically cheaper than they should... maybe they are going to be re-released with new molds?

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Guys, I've been looking around and ended up more confused than I was after reading up on this for a while.  I don't really have a lot of time to read crap anyway, so please help me out.


I have a bunch of Deathwatch models.  I also have a couple inquisitors lying around unpainted.  I want to have an Inquisitorial Deathwatch ally detachment for my Blood Angels.  Question: Should I buy Codex: Deathwatch or Codex: Imperial Agents?  I DON'T want to use Deathwatch as a standalone army or Primary Detachment, but I can't be sure if the C:IA is adequate for the task?

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Forge World? Also, what play style do you prefer/are aiming to create with your BAs?


Going to be GW prime, and trying to play an aggressive close Assault force. (Typical BA)


From a practical point of view a couple more drop pods might be useful, then the Chapter Ancients (or just a single BA Dread kit) so you can form an alpha strike. It's the best trick Space Marines have and suits assault-focused armies like us in particular as you can distract the enemy from your ground / jump troops moving up the field.


I was pondering pods, maybe a dread and a pod could be a good plan


If you take three pods two come down automatically turn 1. A Dread in one and a tac / assault squad / Sternguard in the other can be effective. You can put something else in the third too or even just leave it empty and drop it on an objective. Your opponent will need to dedicate firepower to taking it out so it's a good cheap distraction.


If you can bare to paint five drop pods then three come down turn 1 :wink:

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Guys, I've been looking around and ended up more confused than I was after reading up on this for a while.  I don't really have a lot of time to read crap anyway, so please help me out.


I have a bunch of Deathwatch models.  I also have a couple inquisitors lying around unpainted.  I want to have an Inquisitorial Deathwatch ally detachment for my Blood Angels.  Question: Should I buy Codex: Deathwatch or Codex: Imperial Agents?  I DON'T want to use Deathwatch as a standalone army or Primary Detachment, but I can't be sure if the C:IA is adequate for the task?


With the rules all leaked today:


You want Imperial Agents. You can take a lone Inquisitor as a detachment and also a single watch-squad as another detachment.


The only issue is that there is seemingly no option for a drop pod for this squad.


You may be better off just using the Death Watch Codex so you can use one of the formations that is a Squad and a character (the single chaplain one gives them furious charge, which keeps it semi fluffy) and then an inquisitor from the new codex.


If you did want to however, you can put them in a Corvus Blackstar :)

Edited by Charlo
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No Drop Pod for C:IA detachments?  What?  Seriously, what in the what?


C:DW then I guess..  Wow.


Yeah, it sort of stinks of "we wanna sell more Black Stars!" but hey ho, it makes sense... A Ship needs to be able to launch drop pods and I can only assume Astartes ships are the only one who are equipped to do so. A single Kill Team isn't going to bring an entire ship, so they'll deploy via blackstar from low orbit.

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No Drop Pod for C:IA detachments?  What?  Seriously, what in the what?


C:DW then I guess..  Wow.


Yeah, it sort of stinks of "we wanna sell more Black Stars!" but hey ho, it makes sense... A Ship needs to be able to launch drop pods and I can only assume Astartes ships are the only one who are equipped to do so. A single Kill Team isn't going to bring an entire ship, so they'll deploy via blackstar from low orbit.



No it makes no sense because a Black Star isn't a Warp vessel and can't really get around on its own in the first place.  :cuss GW..

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Ok to make these easier, and narrowing it down to shoulder-pads B & C:


Here is B on the model:



Here is C on the model:


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C. While a Blood Angel shoulder pad would be cool those two doesn´t fit on this overloaded model. The Original Pad seems just right. Maybe he can get on another way any blood angels insignia.


I love this model but 80 - 500 Bugs (Ebay) moneywise are to much for one plastic model with little use.

"I ran an Terminatorchaplain once it was awful" I would field him just for the rule of cool in CC Terminators or as a bullet magnet with auspex.


I dont have the pictures at hand now but i can tell you how my game with my angels blade strike force against the "alpha legion" went.


I played the Demi Company with Chaplain, Fragioso in  Pod and MM Dread barebone, 3 Tacticals, 1 bare, 1 mm rhino, 1 heavy flamer pod, 1 assault with 2 melter combimelter,

2 devsquads with 2x gravcannon (one was aux. choice) in rhinos and the orbital intervention force with 1 x 5 th ss and 2 x 4 th and 1x claw.


He Played 80 Kultists 8 x 10 an demi company with lots of melter and two daemonprinces with wings (Tzeench).


He won first turn and infiltrate everything 18". He didn´t get firstblood (nightfight ohey) and i didn´t either (shrouding + nightfight).

In the subseqent turns i shoot one daemonprince to 1 with my gravcannon and killed a rhino with my fragioso.

My intervention force came turn two and landed everywhere where i wanted. (got some beacons on the pods.)

The full hammer squad mulched the weakend daemonprince. (his daemonweapon shows the 1) He hitted two times which i saved with the shields.

The other terminators charged one tactical quad and the other made an multicharge on bikers and kultists. I lost two in the battle with the biker but squiched the tacticals with ease.

In the subsequent turns things started to get ridicules as his kultis die en masse and two returned (hail hydra..) he mass flanked objektives and scored also mine wiht os on his demi company. I dominate one table half with my terminators while he dominates the other. He had turn 4 the double of my points and we called it there as it was late.


The OIF was awesome and did what it´s best it could do. The Grav Guys performed also well as reducing the daemonprince to 1 hp and killing 2 bikers in overwhatch. 1 Tend to 3 units in rhinos to get some boardcontroll. Next time i leave the Demi Company at home and will play a cad the absence of objective secured hurts to much.

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