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Planes flying in registered air traffic (as in, not military ones on active missions or stealth planes) have lights on wings or wing tips that have to be visible from below and above them. Usually, in modern times, the lights are also color coded for port/starboard equivalents so you can tell by the lights which direction the plane is traveling. Edited by Father Mapple
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Found a picture that pretty much sums up how my Carmine Blades look Huzzah! \o/


Do share...

I painted them a color to signify a light source like in commercial planes. Since the model already has headlights up front, seemed like these would be indicator lights when not in combat.



Planes flying in registered air traffic (as in, not military ones on active missions or stealth planes) have lights on wings or wing tips that have to be visible from below and above them. Usually, in modern times, the lights are also color coded for port/starboard equivalents so you can tell by the lights which direction the plane is traveling.


Cheers all. I'll do a bit of research and then attempt to mimic something decent on a red "plane". (Probably a orange/yellow glaze over a white base...)

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Bad news I'm afraid. Seems as though the Astorath I finished has had his axe broken for the last time. I am now officially trying to replace it. :cry: 

I'm shooting for a replacement conversion through the Sanguinary Guard axe bits. Wish me luck that I don't bollux this up! :down:

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My game with the Biel-Tan went 9-5 to them unfortunately. It was closer than that sounds in truth, but the dice and cards just weren't with me.


P.S. I hate Battle Focus.


P.P.S. I hate jet bikes.


My opponent wrote a summarised report if anyone's interested: http://www.astronomican.com/showthread.php?26048-Biel-Tan-vs-Blood-Angels-1700-points-(ish)

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Read the report, that's some good luck on the eldar side alright, 4 points for slaying the warlord, hot darn.

Gotta hop on the desktop and put on my RTS fail badge... At least it motivated me to *almost* finish the squad.

Considering making a small, overwhelmingly homemade, light box so I can take some decent pictures. No matter what I do all my marines look very pinkish in all my current pics.

EDIT: Really like the Dread, Gunzhard!

Edited by Slothysaur
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Just Finished my 30k Blood Angels Chaplain. Still trying out weathering Powders.






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Personally I'm not upset by the new Ksons plastics. But they do have a hint of largeness such as the death watch compared to our own lovely plastics. To me this isn't a huge concern, I do feel that we still have some of the best looking Power Armor, and that people will find anything to complain about.

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Anyone else notice wrath of magnus got an FAQ?

I mean, it's technically a bunch of negatives so not necessarily a good thing but odd it got one so quick

Is it on the GW site?


Nice Chappie Horseman, gotta love those MKII packs! With the powders did you use water to get a wet mud look?

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Personally I'm not upset by the new Ksons plastics. But they do have a hint of largeness such as the death watch compared to our own lovely plastics. To me this isn't a huge concern, I do feel that we still have some of the best looking Power Armor, and that people will find anything to complain about.


They're just stood upright, like the DW kit. People did lots of crazy examination when they came out and the internet lost it's collective mind. Turns out an upright pose makes you look taller. WHO KNEW?


As for my paint escapades - hangover to slay a walrus yesterday and a logistical nightmare today for paint space :(

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Finished a Blood Angels 30k Apothecary. Magnetized the Backpack for when I get more Mk. V Jump Packs. Still gotta do the base, maybe later.



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Very smooth paint job and a nice white you've achieved. If I may, I do feel that you should have used a different red for the blood on the narthecium...


Oh, and the "camera" on the backpack is great :D

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