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It would surprise me if they never brought it back. Still the thought of needing to go to a secondary market has me uneasy. I'm just going to proxy regular pods for now. I've already talked it over with the majority of blokes at the FLGS, they all seem fine with it for the time being.

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Question for the Ages. 


When Running the Death Company Strike Force. 3 5 man squads? WHat power weapon options are optimal?  Iam thinking A Thunder Hammer in each squad, and maybe an inferno-pistol. 


I like 5-7 with a mix of weapons.


Usually one power sword and one power axe/ fist/ hammer depending on points. Death Company Chaplain highly encouraged for all of those re-rolls!


Thunder Hammer/ Fist is especially great with a chaplain, as you can concuss the opponents big nasty in a challenge and whille away his bodyguard with the remaining DC attacks. Then by the time you bring the S9 AP2 thunder you're getting some tasty ID hits on the enemy leader.


I also like to run the units in pairs, position a smaller unit closer to the enemy with just a power weapon in - they'll eat firepower and if someone survives, eat overwatch too for your stronger unit.

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Question for the Ages. 


When Running the Death Company Strike Force. 3 5 man squads? WHat power weapon options are optimal?  Iam thinking A Thunder Hammer in each squad, and maybe an inferno-pistol. 


From my experience there is no "magical number", however a few things to consider:


1. Delivery Platform: depends on whether you use JP, drop pods, vehicles or a SR, factor in how many will be shot to pieces before they start clubbing their prey.


2. Overkill: For most cases, it is paramount that the DCs don't wipe out the enemy in combat on your turn, leaving them vulnerable to shooting in your opponents turn. When you charge with a large unit, especially with a DCC along for the ride, most things will die, so tailor your charge as to kill the unit in your opponent's turn. 


Weapons wise, if you get the charge, the sheer amount of chainsword mathhammer will typically take care of most units you touch. My personal (stingy) instincts only allow 1 fist and 1 sword at most in unit of any size, and I can't bring myself to justify 15 points for a inferno pistol. My DCs are geared to slay in combat, they leave the shooting to the less worthy units :tongue.:

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Question for the Ages. 


When Running the Death Company Strike Force. 3 5 man squads? WHat power weapon options are optimal?  Iam thinking A Thunder Hammer in each squad, and maybe an inferno-pistol. 


From my experience there is no "magical number", however a few things to consider:


1. Delivery Platform: depends on whether you use JP, drop pods, vehicles or a SR, factor in how many will be shot to pieces before they start clubbing their prey.


Iam currently thinking of eather 3 units with jump packs, or one unit hidden in a Fast Landraider. (But may just support this mad dash with a unit of 10 scouts in the landraider)  

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Finally got my copy of Dante. Just reading the authors introduction made me even more hyped. Then reading only the first pages of the short story, I can already tell I'm going to love it.


Man, I haven't actually taken time to read a novel in a while, this is great.


It's a shame I won't have much time this weekend :(

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Well the short story that came with it is about the High Chaplains visit to their fortress monastery. It is also a good place to see the description of the Angels Vermillion fortress monestary!


Two sets of spoiler, the first is the basic, the second is the more indepth


Blood bags ;)


Basically Astorath, a captain, two of his guys, and the at the time high chaplain Hereon (it's set in the 400's of M41 and Astorath isn't the High chaplain yet) go to investigate the disappearance of civilian ships and refugees of a world liberated by the Angels Vermillion. They only very reluctantly only allow Hereon down to the world, and it was very tense. The chapter master of the AV says he'll send the ships back, but the people are (in fact everyone in the fortress monastery) are missing. Hereon basically demands to know why, and so he shows him. They have all of the civilians and chapter serfs hooked up to Blood letting machines in a ritual that happens once every fifty years called "the Sorrowing". Hereon freaks out, kills two of the Sanguinary Guard (who are painted red, not gold, and take on a more daemonic aspect) and then gets stopped. The chapter master says he doesn't want to do it but they found right after the Heresy that they had the thirst. They originally thought it was just them, and that's what started their seclusion (it was and is out of shame). But they fall to the thirst and rage less than most of the others.


Hereon criticizes him, and the chapter master basically says they are all doomed anyways, and that they save more than they kill, and that the Blood Tithe is a small price to pay for their greater service. He then explains how much they honor those that give their blood and they even kill a Sanguinary Priest to add the Blood of Sanguinius to the big pool of blood as a huge honor. Hereon once again freaks out and says he and Dante will expose them, and the CM basically says, "do that and I'll tell the inquisition all about our flaw, and they'll kill us (all the sons of Sanguinius)." He then lets him go and tells him to never return. He (the CM) continuously emphasizes that they ARE monsters, but that they aren't as bad, and they do it so that they can continue to save people and bring light to the shadow.


So Hereon basically only tells Dante.

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Made a reasonable comment on FB about a White Dwarf update for Tartaros et al only for it to get deleted :/

Reposted. I fail to see what they gain from removing constructive posts that they don't agree with. It's not like it's an isolated concern.


That said, if we're all going to get rolled into one ginormous Battletome then let us know already :/

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Made a reasonable comment on FB about a White Dwarf update for Tartaros et al only for it to get deleted :/

Reposted. I fail to see what they gain from removing constructive posts that they don't agree with. It's not like it's an isolated concern.


That said, if we're all going to get rolled into one ginormous Battletome then let us know already :/



I don't know why they would do that either. Offering constructive criticism usually brings out the TFGs though :|

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Daaaaaamn that Dante stuff is ace.

Right?! I really didn't want to put down the book, but I had to be up early for a two hour drive so I decided to go ahead and sleep (which is a total waste of time :p)


@Jol, what did you post and was it to the Warhammer page? :o

Is it still there?

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The one who asked for the rules for those who don't play CSM?


Because if that's what they deleted before that's ridiculous.


I liked it :p

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