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anything that has no options for less than 200 points will be useless in a campaign, you cannot save points, and can spend a max of 200 points (via prometheum and leader not being down) after a game on recruits or gear. means you absolutely 100% need the scavenger skill for a lot of forces.


another good example, if you dont purchase a missile launcher with both frag and krak missiles at the start of a campaign, you wont be able to get one ever (unless you get the scavenger perk).

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Are they finally nerfing the 30k section?


And let chaos reign supreme?


Me too. As long as they don't take our toys by rolling us into the C:SM i'm 100% fine with it ^^


This can be solved by hitting BA units with the Chapter Tactics BA rule, so they cannot be taken in a non-BA force - works for Templars. 


I assume the way chaos is now, one base book and one supplement with legion rules will be the way forwards.

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Real life comes first and it is not that tragic as it´s just about painting minis.

We can do that all time long and next year there will be enough on our pile of shame to get a good highscore.


As foreseen i could not wait anymore and started yesterday to paint the knight atrapos.



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Can't they run both? That's pretty silly cancelling an event people were preparing for in favour of another that's been released a week and nobody has the rules for.


In other news, i finally got off my ass an fixed up the Proteus that's been on my desk for a year. New doors fitted and sprayed red.

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I asked this too. Now the people that were gung-ho all seem to be deep into shadow war. I'm just pissed because I've been working on all this for almost a month, getting things ready etc.


Maybe I can bring some people into the fold. This was suppose to also lead up to the Inner Circle finale which ends in a month tomorrow.

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Oh Brothers, I have awakened suddenly in the twlight hours to bring a vision of the future (project)!!


"A DC Warlord Titan standing over a massive heap of charred Tyrannids"


You kind of know your hobby is getting out of control when you are dreaming about warhammer. In any case, this definitely draws inspiration from the "Last Light" project by Roman from MassiveVoodoo, difference being the nids in my dream are all dead. 



Unassembled Warlord Titan 



Old Terribly Painted and Abandoned Tyranid Army consisting of some 2 Hierophants, ~30 Warriors, few Carnis, ~100 gaunts



Where do I Begin.....!


(While I have a huge backlog of more practical things to paint, I will still get started on this sometime this May)

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