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Unless something changes when they put out a specific codex for us, think 8th will be off the menu for me. More painting time I guess!


Incidentally, now that banner terminators are a thing, I have a plan when I finally get that Betrayal at Calth terminator captain; since I have a spare termie banner from when I painted my last terminator squad. Not sure if I wanna go hammer and banner or claw and banner though.

HammerBanner for rule of cool. #HammerBanner!

Played a game today against guard. 1k points. My list was:


Capt karlaen (generic captain)

2x terminator squads with an assault cannon each

1-5 man death co squad with chainswords and bolters

1 assback for the death co

1 predator (twin auto, las sponsons)


My opponent ran

1 co commander

1 commissar

2 command squads

1 platoon commander

4 guard squads with a grenade launcher each

2- 20 man conscript squads

A wyvern

A pask-punisher

A primaris psyker

An astropath


I went first, and got a reroll because he had 11 power points more than me.


Mission was the relic (which was in the middle of the board inside a big ruin)


Turn 1:

My captain and terminators deep struck into the ruin. I shot storm bolters at a squad 12 in he's away (rapid fire 2 so good), and the cannon at a heavy weapon team in cover with both squads (retooling 1's for the captain. Brutalized and the conscript squad and wiped out the heavy weapon team. My assback put about 5 wounds on the other conscript squad. The predator took 2 off the Russ (wiffed badly).


His turn, his rough riders came in 9.5 inches from my predator. After all his shooting, he did 3 wounds to the assback with the punisher, and killed 2 terminators (having a 1+ save in ruins protected me from his heavy bolters everywhere). He killed 1.5 from smite and did only 1 wound otherwise. The rough riders charged my predator and rolled a 9 locking me in combat.


Turn 2.


The death co. Jumped out the assback and moved towards the bigger conscript squad. The predator retreated to the middle of the board near all my terminators. The two terminator squads moved to the front part of the ruins. Shot assault cannons at guys in cover, storm bolters at conscripts in the open, charged a guard squad they were close to severely wounding 2 units and taking out 2 more. Death co killed half the conscripts.


His turn:

Shooting and smite killed another 3 terminators. Used a command point to reroll a 2+ save. His rough riders charged my predator again, and still ended up doing no wounds. Punished and heavy bolters destroyed the assback. In combat, the death co killed all but 1 conscript.


Turn 3:

The captain jumped out the ruin to get the rough riders (he killed them all in one go in combat later). The death co shoot the 1 guy they're in combat with with bolt pistols and charge another command squad. Terminators do the same thing again, except they both have 2 guys missing. The predator is locked up with the rough riders still. Things appear to be going well.


His turn: pask and heavy bolters wear down the predator to 2 wounds. Smite takes one terminator group down to 2 guys. My death co (who murdered he command squad) get gunned down, then charged by 20 guardsmen and a commisar. Wyvern takes one terminator group down to one guy. I saved him with my last reroll.


My turn 4:


I thought it unsoorting to sit back and hold the relic with my captain, and moved him up to kill a sentinel. He consolidates into a nearby group of guardsmen. The one terminator weathers a ton of shots from heavy bolters. The other two squad finishes off a guard squad.


His turn: he retreats his guardsmen in combat with my captain, then orders them "get back into the fight." They shoot the captain, pask finishes off the predator. The one terminator gets gunned down by heavy bolters. The other 2 finish off a guard squad.


My turn:

I can't get away to get to the relic, so I'm just going down swinging. The captain kills a couple guardsmen. The terminator squad shoots the last heavy bolter team to death and charges his last command squad.


His turn: he retreats his guardsmen, orders them to get back into the fight and guns down the captain. He kills one terminator, and the game ends with him holding the relic.


Final galley of models at the end:

Me: a terminator


Him: an officer of the fleet, ten guardsmen, pask, a wyvern, and a platoon commander.


Really close game.


Things I learned:

1. Power swords are scary to terminators, even on crappy guard sergeants.


2. I need more assbacks.


3. Pask is dumb. Bs2, retooling ones from an order, ignoring cover from the astropath.


4. Terminator squads are really survivable with the second wound. I really wish I could forgo the power fist in favor of a sword though, honestly. Splitting around the bolters and assault cannon for profit was amazingly useful.


5. I need psyker defense. Smite was what killed over half my terminators.


6. Basic foot death co in a razorback is pretty effective.


7. Should've just left karlaen in the ruin. Pask would t have had line of sight for at least 3 turns, and I would've won the game. I didn't even notice his officer until it was too late.

you did play 1 always fails and that the 1+ save only counts for AP modifiers right?



I mean I rolled a little hot on the armor saves, but still. The second wound and ability to shoot everything at different targets and charge something totally different was awesome. I kind of regretted not bringing an apothecary. The ability to bring one guy back on a 4+ seems really good. Storm bolters put out an impressive amount of shots too. I'm kind of tempted to make another grey knights army (sold my previous grey knights a year ago) or deathwing with belial for reroll ALL failed hits. I'm planning on placing an order for some more assault marines (which will get gold helmets and plasma rifles/dual pistols). I think a jump-special weapon army (with a captain for them sweet rerolls) backed by some horde-clearing assbacks and LRC's would be decent to good.

I got my first game of 8th in today using the demo rulebooks at my FLGS and it was amazing. I played my Blood Angels against my opponents Imperial Fist successors. I won't go too heavily into the game but there is a long highlight that I'd like to share because I think it may be a sign of the times to come.


I'd held my Sanguinary Guard back in reserves along with my Jump Pack Captain, The Sanguinor and a Jump Pack Librarian until the opponent put his squad of Cataphractii down on the table. He whiffed his own charge, leaving my Guard to pump a bunch of overcharged plasma pistol shots into him followed by a charge of my own to finish them off. My death blob split up at that point. The Sanuinor cut a path through several squads of tactical marines on the way to successfully help a terminator squad kill the enemy warlord while the guard/captain mulched a tactical squad, a full ten man Vanguard Veteran squad and then gunned down a group of Devastators on their way to capture an objective at the end of the game. 


The Sanguinary Guard were then cut down by a squad of Sternguard Veterans overcharging their own plasma guns right before the game ended, but I would say they had a good run. Their Captain survived since he was locked in combat with a troublesome razorback.


It's true that we've lost some flavor in the jump from our old codex to this temporary index but the game itself looks to be in a much better place to allow for our units to do well. I can honestly say this was one of the most enjoyable games of 40k I've ever played simply because my units worked how they are supposed to. My Captain in particular was able to do a ton of work which is tremendously gratifying after the effort I went to in converting him.

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