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Once the first unit jumps in, they can't overwatch the rest since supporting fire "should" only work on valid overwatch targets.

That's not true. T'au can use their The Greater Good ability even if the target of the charge is already in melee.

The only restrictions are:

  • the supporting unit has to be within 6" of the target of the charge
  • the supporting unit has to be legally allowed to overwatch (aka have Line of Sight, not be in melee themselves, be in range of their weapons, etc)
  • the supporting unit can't have used The Greater Good this phase already (which is already included in the point above to be fair)


That's news to me. Surprised they made greater good THAT over powered.


I stay as far away from Tau (including battles).



It honestly isn't THAT over powered. It's only really an issue when facing the T'au Sept because they can overwatch on 5+. 

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Rievers have their shock grenades so no overwatch when they charge. Bonus points for throwing 1 grenade in the shooting phase on a different unit within 8 inches to shut down overwatch h for another of your units to charge in...

Mildly annoying that Shock Grenades have a range of 6" but if entering play from Reserves using Grav Chutes or Grapnel Launchers, they have to come in 9" from the enemy. I guess Impulsors are an option here to race forward and throw a grenade...


Reivers are an odd unit with a sort of mishmash of rules that make it hard to get mileage out of their abilities.

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Rievers have their shock grenades so no overwatch when they charge. Bonus points for throwing 1 grenade in the shooting phase on a different unit within 8 inches to shut down overwatch h for another of your units to charge in...

Mildly annoying that Shock Grenades have a range of 6" but if entering play from Reserves using Grav Chutes or Grapnel Launchers, they have to come in 9" from the enemy. I guess Impulsors are an option here to race forward and throw a grenade...


Reivers are an odd unit with a sort of mishmash of rules that make it hard to get mileage out of their abilities.

I wish they would just acknowledge they messed up on reivers and go ahead and make their grav-chutes jump packs like they did for suppressors.


To be such a cool unit they really have weak rules.

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Rievers have their shock grenades so no overwatch when they charge. Bonus points for throwing 1 grenade in the shooting phase on a different unit within 8 inches to shut down overwatch h for another of your units to charge in...

Mildly annoying that Shock Grenades have a range of 6" but if entering play from Reserves using Grav Chutes or Grapnel Launchers, they have to come in 9" from the enemy. I guess Impulsors are an option here to race forward and throw a grenade...


Reivers are an odd unit with a sort of mishmash of rules that make it hard to get mileage out of their abilities.

I wish they would just acknowledge they messed up on reivers and go ahead and make their grav-chutes jump packs like they did for suppressors.


To be such a cool unit they really have weak rules.



Suppressors have quite a bit more stuff to help them "fly" though. They have twice the amount of grav chutes and three times the amount of jet exhausts.


Not to mention that having Jump Packs wouldn't really change anything about how good they are.

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Either up their damage output by giving them some AP or some such or give them more utility by increasing their grenades range or giving them an ability to prevent falling back or whatever. That would "fix" them imo.

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The issue with Reivers is that they don't do anything. They don't really punch things (any better than any other unit), they don't really shoot anything (any better than any other unit), they don't infiltrate or deep strike in any really meaningful way, and their special abilities (-1Ld, no OW grenades), are so narrow in application that they are nearly forgotten rather than a strategy to incorporate, let alone build around. 


In my opinion, their usefulness would most dramatically increase if they made the "nice to haves" (Ld and OW debuts) their "must have" abilities and really upped their game there. Say 9" range on the OW grenades and -1Ld within 9-12", in close combat enemies count wounds suffered as double for the purposes of morale tests, then WOW, suddenly there's a reason to consider them in nearly any army, not the least ours. Something along those lines would not make them OP since they still "just" have combat blades and bolters for all intensive porpoises.  This gives them a "special teams" role where they fall outside the traditional shooty/stabby/resilient unit roles and instead makes them support units that, on their own, might not be too scary....but combined with other units they become a force multiplier that forces the enemy to choose between the hurtin' unit and the unit that gives the hurtin' unit even more juice. 

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Have you recently see someone use reivers with bolt carabine ? 

2 years ago I saw one guy play squads of 10 or 5 reivers with this weapon and gravity-chutes. He used them as late objectif holder, like untargetable intercessors before the 3rd turn. 

With 20 wound it was hard to remove them, and with the bolt carabine they could still do damage even if they stay in a objectif. 

But now with infiltrators / incursors and the game evolution I don't know if we still can do something with them. 

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Using them as Objective holders is OK I guess but Incursors and Infiltrators do a similar job and are Troops. I agree that being able to drop them in on T2 or T3 can be useful but the latest CA19 missions use continuous scoring so you usually want to take objectives early and then hold them rather than dropping onto them later in the game.
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Incursors and Infiltrators really don't do a similar job. The key to Reivers as objective holder is that the enemy can't get rid of them before turn 3/4.

Whilst this is true, the latest batch of CA missions use continuous scoring. This means that while your opponent can't get rid of them before T3/4, you also won't be scoring any victory points with them before that point either.


Swings and roundabouts I guess.

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Need to finish off the models I've been working, though they are about 85% done:


Hidden Content


-20x ASM

-5x Veterans

-1x Praetor

-2x Apothecaries



-Company Ancient

-5x Assault Termies

-1x Terminator Ancient



Next up:

Hidden Content


-5x Dawnbringers (conversions)

-5x Seekers (conversions)

-7x Angel's Tears (conversions; partially done)

-10x Tacticals/Tactical Support Marines w/ a bazillion weapon options





-3x Scout bikes

-3x Suppressors

-Assault Terminator Sgt

-8x Veteran Intercessors


-Librarian in Terminator Armor

-Librarian with jump pack



To be assembled/finished converting:

Hidden Content



-Javelin (put aside for a while since it's a PAIN to assemble)

-Anvilus Dreadclaw Drop Pod (put aside for a while since it's a PAIN to assemble)

-15x more Dawnbringers (conversions)


...and I will be requesting the Fraters' assistance with a project, as soon as I get the test models finished


I am going to be a busy chap. 



EDIT: spelling

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How’s Legends work with war gear now? You pay the current cost of the old war gear?


or old cost of old war gear? 

...or old cost of new war gear?


...or gear cost of old war?


...old gear cost war of?


....carry the 4, divide by 3 to the 4th power...



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Well, we're shutting down a lot of businesses here in Los Angeles temporarily so that means more painting time. Hope everyone is staying safe. Wanted to take the opportunity to share my first pictures of my Blood Angels since joining the B&C family.


20171128 190321 (1)

20180609 192128

20200229 112010

20200229 112037

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Played my first ever ITC-style game today. My boys in red vs Custodes. It wasn’t at an event but both my opponent and I are hoping to go to tournaments in the not too distant future so we played the game to ITC rules. Have to say I enjoyed it a lot. It felt very different to the GW meta I was used to, and my playstyle altered accordingly from my usual all-out assault to a much more careful style focussed around getting points. In the end my numerical superiority started to tell and as my opponent ran out of minis he found himself unable to reliably score even kill one, never mind kill more. I was consistently in the lead from turn 2 onwards, but he stayed in the match thanks to his secondaries, and it wasn’t until the final two turns that I pulled solidly ahead. Final score was 31-25 in my favour. I definitely need more practice in the ITC meta before going to a tournament, but I definitely like the way the game plays and am looking forward to playing more of it, always assuming that Coronavirus lets up anytime soon of course...
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