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So i did another thing...

Still a bit of work to do on the business end of the assault cannon with more heat bloom (you really cant see the first layer of wash i have already put on it), and the fist wreath needs to be greened, but he's almost there. Then its just decide if i want to paint Ultramarines or Imperial Fists for the last bit of LPC 20. Or maybe just some bases now (is it sacrilege to chop off the tab from old space crusade guys to mount them on necromunda tech bases?)...




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Good news Brothers and Sisters, I've got 21 days left of Apothecary school. Soon ole DBH will be a full fledged Sanguinary Priest!

Can you stand 6" from me next time I'm at the gym? Could use that +1S after quarantine.

Wondering how long a guy in white robes holding a blood filled grail in the gym will be tolerated though.

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Good news Brothers and Sisters, I've got 21 days left of Apothecary school. Soon ole DBH will be a full fledged Sanguinary Priest!

Can you stand 6" from me next time I'm at the gym? Could use that +1S after quarantine.

Wondering how long a guy in white robes holding a blood filled grail in the gym will be tolerated though.


...still not the strangest sight at the gym ( https://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/news/why-does-dude-have-sword-gym/ )

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Good news Brothers and Sisters, I've got 21 days left of Apothecary school. Soon ole DBH will be a full fledged Sanguinary Priest!

Can you stand 6" from me next time I'm at the gym? Could use that +1S after quarantine.
Wondering how long a guy in white robes holding a blood filled grail in the gym will be tolerated though.

It would be maroon robes with golden trim, and maybe some skulls, in alabaster armor, and it would bring the masses. Haha!

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I can only hope they release the models in a get started set later. My money is tied up on other things so I couldn't order the box.

Not that I had plans to work on those any time soon if I had.

Edited by Spagunk
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I managed to forget about Indomitus until lunch time.....not big or clever! #midnightmarefail



Me waking up: Ah, How fortunate I set my alarm early this pleasant Saturday morning. I rather fancy I shall spend the morning trying out those new amp models and IRs I downloaded!


Me two hours later after getting caught up replicating Megadeth guitar tones: damn


Managed to order one from a third party luckily, saying they had 5 left at the time of my order. I'm not entirely optimistic that means I've actually got one mind you. Ah well.

Edited by Jolemai
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Skipped the box. Had opportunities lined up right after we know it was coming but there was too much in it I just didn't want to have to deal with, selling or trading. 
I ordered 1 squad of Assault Intercessors and 1 squad of Eradicaors over Ebay. Was tempted to double up on them but decided against it. 
some time this next week I will build the Primaris war suit dread. 
Worked a trade for more Primaris units I don't already have to flush out the collection with at least 1 of each of those.  Turns out Orks are currency after all!

Just starting Blood Angels for the second time in 6 editions. Last go round we had that wonderful 24" charge across the table on turn one.
Today I'm putting the third layer of red on 2 surpressor squads, eleminators, a librarian, Lt and Cap. The shadow spear set. 
My goal is one squad a week or 10 models, more is fine but I have minimum goals. 
I'm in the middle of a whole other army project and trying to manage that and this which is a whole army repaint. I'm on tract to have both armies fully painted by the end of the year.
will post pictures when I have these ready to show in a few days.

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Yea, chatting with my local GW manager they sold out by 10:15 in the UK despite going on sale at 09:55. Kind of crazy. You'd think they would make more.

They have made more. The only thing to sell out is the initial pre-order batch. I believe the next batch will be restocking shelves on the 7th of August. It may be "limited edition" but my understanding is that it will be available for a while.

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I can only hope they release the models in a get started set later. My money is tied up on other things so I couldn't order the box.


Not that I had plans to work on those any time soon if I had.


Im also waiting for a get started or somthing similiar, Im not interested in the necrons part and I dont want to bother splitting/selling them.

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Yea, chatting with my local GW manager they sold out by 10:15 in the UK despite going on sale at 09:55. Kind of crazy. You'd think they would make more.

They have made more. The only thing to sell out is the initial pre-order batch. I believe the next batch will be restocking shelves on the 7th of August. It may be "limited edition" but my understanding is that it will be available for a while.



I hope so, however if this was their intention, then they would have announced it to stop people flocking to ebay - they've been all over the social media stuff recently. They already announced the limit, then the change to the purchase limit, etc. If it sold out at 10.15 then at noon GW would have made an announcement that they would make more. 

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They have made more. The only thing to sell out is the initial pre-order batch. I believe the next batch will be restocking shelves on the 7th of August. It may be "limited edition" but my understanding is that it will be available for a while.

The Emperor provides brothers!



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