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And they're done! Knocked these guys out pretty quickly by my standards. The red of the armour came out slightly brighter than intended, which is why I've been conservative with the highlights. Conversely the blue on the helmets was maybe a bit dark, so I went with a slightly brighter highlight than I normally would. Not a perfect job but I'm still pretty pleased with these guys. Would appreciate any comments as I have some Assault Intercessors, an Indomitus Lieutenant and some Outriders still to paint for my army.

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Totally don't know why you've chose white for him, but it looks striking. 

Also, I like how you made him swing that hourglass (very nicely painted btw). It actually makes me want to replace it with a proper censer. 

Good job!


I really wanted to play up the skeletal feel given by the ribs on the side. The red was definietly way easier to do though so Ill probably stay away from the bone look later on. 


Thanks, I really like the feel of it swinging as he strides forward. I wasn't sure why something held out like that would stay straight down. 

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Today in BA.


More like last week in BA..
5 more Intercessors, 3 Eradicators and a LT all have their armour painted now. Set aside for other detail work when I have a larger batch.
Last night I kinda almost finished a Redemptor dread. a few things left to do but very close, more to do. 
And lastly I am finally stating the Indomitus Chaplin. I use a lot of flat Black and am trying to make it is work in a better way, this will or should be the method I use on the death company.
Started with a very dark Grey, apple barrel Pavement. Washed with my flat black and then washed with black ink several times all very thin layers. I'm still thinking it over, might try to add dark blue and purple if I can see a way through that may mean changing the whole method for blue and purple layers under a black ink or something. Still other ideas I want to look at. 
Pictures when I am able.

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Today in BA.

Was looking for pictures of the Indomitus Chaplin painted up as BA. Led me to discover, apparently BA Chaplins don't take their helmets off very often.
Or so the story goes...
The skull face may be a little large but I kinda like it. Hope to paint this guy some time this week.
Needs a lot more gold and some red.

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Excellent GS-work warhead! And I second our honoured Reclusiarch - you should have your own thread :smile.:
Fantastic work, Spagunk! Nice posing too. You don't often see closed fists on those dreads.

EDIT: on my own desk - the Judiciar along with really nice theme I've found in the DoB ...

Edited by Majkhel
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The closed fist would look better if you could also close the claw part. But it's so small, I didn't want to risk chopping it up to make the closed fist look more natural. Besides, the only hinge point you can see is at the first knuckle so it would look weird  even if this was in real life.

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Amazing! How did you do that marble on the shoulders?



So I used an interesting technique where I make blobs of white ink for the initial pattern. The trick is that you wait for the ink to put on a good outline from its natural surface tension and when sop up the excess to prevent it from forming a solid blob. Then I layer on nuln oil to tone the color before a final white ink blobs. Once that is done, I stipple some black and gray paint to mottle it up a bit and then use black lines to break up the roundness of the  white ink. You can kinda see these black lines if you look closely. This helps make the blob outlines look more like veins rather than just round blobs.


Overall I like this technique but it requires a bit of effort. Definitely requires a few more attempts to get a better, more holistic look. That said, I find it better than trying to paint the veins ala Warhammer videos as I just don't have the talent to make it look good.


One mistake I made was putting too many layers of gloss on it. I may hit it with some matte to tone it down a bit.

Edited by Spagunk
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Have you considered having your own plog? Lots of content :smile.:

I actually thought I wouldn't start one for the BA's. At the time I was thinking this thread was a real god send. I have one in the AM and one in the Ork subforums. the first is ongoing, when I get back to it ....

I could start another on I guess. I'll have to think about that.

Today in BA.


Join him in Holy Slaughter.

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 That's a very nice chaplain there, might file that golden helmet away in my reference files if you dont mind... :smile.:

Please do! Free to own. The halo was from a servo skull but I don't know from which kit. 

The gold is Vallejo glorious gold, Liquitex ink, Burn Umber as a wash, Createx pear white and then Vallejo polished gold and more Createx pearl white. 

But use what ever you like working with best.



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Hey, I haven't used a storm raven for a long time and I'm not sure how the storm strike missiles work now. It says in the codex the storm raven has 2 storm strike missile launchers, so do I get to fire two of these a turn along with my other guns? I just remember some weird rule for them where you only had 4 total missiles all game or something? I assume that's from an old edition though and now you can shoot them every turn?
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