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I only played DA and Word Bearers really in 8E, so everything is an upgrade to me, including these new BA rules, so I'm easily satisfied.

yeah, the updated BA rules aren't bad, but you just have to look at the posts from forum regulars that played a lot (and competitively) to see the general view that it was overall a net nerf for BA. Strats got worse, psychic powers stayed the same or got worse generally, unique units stayed the same or got worse, most characters stayed the same or got worse (exception was Dante, who BADLY needed a boost and it was still really a case of too little, too late and the sanguinor who had one unique flavourful ability and is probably the one standout legitimate boost the codex got).

I would love to have assault marines with jps as troops and jump pack company vets also our termies could use some fluffy rules or mixed loudout, but man can dream right ?


As of DA and DG I'm happy for players but salty at gw. It looks like they are trying to make up for their sins in 8th with these armies rules in 9th and it's not ok to other armies. Well gw isn't best and balancing the game but they are learning.

Edited by YogiDaAngel
Well I honestly don't know how this can happen again and again. GW is dropping out some Codicies which all seem fine till they finally reach a point and it goes boom and balance is out of the window. Reminds me of 7th when we were just the last codex that was comparable tame and after us they turned it up not to eleven but twelve.

Ideas for kitbashing a BA Company Champion?


So far I have this Lieutenant who was sat around unused, and has the perfect pose. I also have the Ancient from Indomitus, who will frankly never be painted, let alone included in a list, but who has a very nice looking helmet. I have a couple fancy BA shoulder pads laying around too. Maybe give him one of those besague things too for good measure.


He has a shield on his datasheet similar to a storm shield, but not quite; so I'm wondering what to represent it as without simply using a storm shield; and also how to model it without screwing up his pistol arm...

Edited by Vermintide

Ideas for kitbashing a BA Company Champion?


So far I have this Lieutenant who was sat around unused, and has the perfect pose. I also have the Ancient from Indomitus, who will frankly never be painted, let alone included in a list, but who has a very nice looking helmet. I have a couple fancy BA shoulder pads laying around too. Maybe give him one of those besague things too for good measure.


He has a shield on his datasheet similar to a storm shield, but not quite; so I'm wondering what to represent it as without simply using a storm shield; and also how to model it without screwing up his pistol arm...

The most simple solution that comes to my mind is to attach the shield to his backpack Bladeguard-style.


Also that's a nice model. And thanks for reminding me I also have it my pile of shame :)



Ideas for kitbashing a BA Company Champion?


So far I have this Lieutenant who was sat around unused, and has the perfect pose. I also have the Ancient from Indomitus, who will frankly never be painted, let alone included in a list, but who has a very nice looking helmet. I have a couple fancy BA shoulder pads laying around too. Maybe give him one of those besague things too for good measure.


He has a shield on his datasheet similar to a storm shield, but not quite; so I'm wondering what to represent it as without simply using a storm shield; and also how to model it without screwing up his pistol arm...

The most simple solution that comes to my mind is to attach the shield to his backpack Bladeguard-style.


Also that's a nice model. And thanks for reminding me I also have it my pile of shame :)

Ha! Same here. Got him lying around for over a year now. Would really make a good company champion.

Yeah, attaching the shield to his backpack would probably be the cleanest solution. I think if I dig around my spare sprues I'd have enough arms to model him holding it properly, but it seems a shame to waste a whole arm of a GW HQ model, at their prices. Might as well just set fire to a £5 note :biggrin.: I found these nice looking BA shields on eBay too, so I might grab them unless anyone has seen better alternatives.


Y'all better remember to give me credit when you steal this idea :wink:

I was thinking to give my chapter champion a lot of chain and damaged chain axe on one hand to represent combat shield and power sword on other, paint chained hand black and give it DC shoulder and power sword hand gold with fancy shoulder pad. Torso, legs red and head gold with red cross on forhead. A little bit of black rage fighting with nobility. Edited by YogiDaAngel

I also have the Ancient from Indomitus, who will frankly never be painted, let alone included in a list, but who has a very nice looking helmet. I have a couple fancy BA shoulder pads laying around too. Maybe give him one of those besague things too for good measure.

He has a shield on his datasheet similar to a storm shield, but not quite; so I'm wondering what to represent it as without simply using a storm shield; and also how to model it without screwing up his pistol arm...

The BGV Ancient is great for converting into all sorts of things. I converted min into a Sanguinary Priest but I think it shows a good way to do a Company Champion. Replace the banner hand with a suitable power sword. Put a tilting shield from the BA Primaris upgrade sprue as that can represent his Combat Shield. Then put a suitable bolt pistol arm on his left arm along with a BA shoulder pad.


He certainly looks the part as a Sanguinary Priest :) The pose isn't quite as dynamic as I'd like for a melee character though.


I was thinking of meticulously cutting off that halo he has attached to his helmet, and attaching it atop the wreath that Lieutenant has on his helmet, in the manner of the old Emperor's Champion.


Tilting shield to resemble to represent the combat shield is a good idea- Means not having to buy any extra bits, heh.

Champions are one of my favorite models to convert, since there are so many details that can be used to evoke different feelings. I feel more than any other character, how they’re posed, the bits used, etc... says so much about them. A Capt standing on a dead Ork, for example....is a Capt with a cool base. A Champion standing on a dead Ork, however, raises so many questions: was that a Nob? A warboss? Is that kill significant; the duel that raised him to the rank of champion? Or it’s just another day on the job for him, kicking :cuss and chewing bubblegum?


The pose especially I feel is so evocative for a Champion. The dynamic combat-y poses are of course cool, but then again doin’ the Dorn ( https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Rogal-Dorn-Primarch-of-the-Imperial-Fists-Legion-2018 ) can so say so much about the cool confidence of the champion as well. Just look at the range of FW Primarchs and character series to get an idea of how evocative a pose and other details can be at displaying character.

we have officially moved :o

Took me a few mins to spot where we had gone :D

I built and sprayed my gladiator finally (built as a valiant, im too lazy for magnets).

I've got the following on my to-do list:
2 sets of bladeguard
1 set of eradicators
1 storm speeder (suggestions on what to build it as?!)

And some awesome 3d printed stuff done by u/MrMcAngry over on reddit (seriously, his stuff is amazing and can be found on Cult3d)

Astorath (primaris)

Librarian (because i totally needed more...) (primaris)
Sanguinary Priest (primaris)
And a variety of upgrade bits like more appropriate swords for bladeguard :)

Playing around with a couple of lists for a possible game tonight, this is the 'funny' list:


Elite choice detachment:


155 - Librarian Furioso: WARLORD Heavy Flamer,

135 - Death Copany Dread: melta, SB, talons

155 - Venerable Dread, lascannons, SB

140 - Ven dread, multimelta, SB

120 - Stalker, SB

185 - Stormhawk: Icarus, skyhammers

150 - Contemptor Dread: Multimelta

150 - Ironclad, meltagun, seismic hammer, hurricane bolters, 2x HKM's.


1290pts so far. I'm thinking of a librarian for psychic fortress or a techmarine for repairs. Maybe just another dread...



As much as I want to play a game with just dreads, I dont think it'll be fun to spring that on someone. Game will go fast though! I really need to make a second furioso libby so I can have 2 HQ's in that dread list. 

Succumbing to severe listbuilding OCD today with about 5 variants of the same list. I'm starting with 2 squads of TH/SS Terminators supported by a Captain/Librarian, and a 5 man Bladeguard supported by a Priest, with the main objective being "include these bad boys, then build around it." From there the madness begins...


Come up with what I think will be a hard list, but then worry it's basically all T4 infantry. Throw in some Outriders and Gravis for a little higher toughness, but then worry about what I'm losing out on in melee strength. Come up with a balance of both, but it's too slow and skewed towards anti-tank. Throw in some anti-horde shooting or melee blenders, and I'm back to the "but it's all T4..." quandary. The best list I think I have come up with also takes a CP penalty for including a Battalion and Vanguard, 8E style, compounded by the fact it's hard to resist spending extra CP on things like Wise Orator...


That said it seems like the top tier builds at the moment more or less are all infantry; much as I dislike those 30 Sanguinary Guard spam type lists it seems like a big chunk of 2/3W Marines can hold their own reasonably well.

Not that I'll be playing any time soon, anyhow, but when I start playing with Battlescribe I can't stop myself falling down the rabbit hole... :dry.:

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