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Compare these monopose primaris to the 2nd ed or 3rd ed or 4th ed monopose/snapfit marines. While individuals who want to convert might find it harder, the majority of people (I suspect) who just want a good looking army and dont have the skill pr confidence to convert their own will happily build straight off the sprues and will end up with a nicer army overall. Thus raising the modelling level floor across the marine faction.


So everyone wins by playing with or against a nicer army. And this from someone with multiple snap-fit marine squads bulking out 2 battle companies. I'd much rather have had the variety of poses the primaris have now but I've absolutely not got the patience to do 200 line marines so yes, they get built pretty much as is off the sprues.

Compare these monopose primaris to the 2nd ed or 3rd ed or 4th ed monopose/snapfit marines. While individuals who want to convert might find it harder, the majority of people (I suspect) who just want a good looking army and dont have the skill pr confidence to convert their own will happily build straight off the sprues and will end up with a nicer army overall. Thus raising the modelling level floor across the marine faction.


So everyone wins by playing with or against a nicer army. And this from someone with multiple snap-fit marine squads bulking out 2 battle companies. I'd much rather have had the variety of poses the primaris have now but I've absolutely not got the patience to do 200 line marines so yes, they get built pretty much as is off the sprues.


Sorry but no, this is a fallacy.  You are purposefully drawing comparisons to models that are simply not the example of what multipose models are actually capable of today by focusing on what they looked like 20 years ago.  Compare these monopose marines to the Deathwatch Kill Team box, and you will see you are missing out on nothing.



Edited by appiah5

While I totally do not agree that 3rd party sculpts are to be blamed for GW politics (everyone's choices are always their own and nobody forced GW into doing anything), I also cannot agree that current Space Marine lines are significantly less customisable then the firstborn ones from the modelling perspective. And I used to have a different opinion not that long ago. But time passed, available range got expanded. True some weapon options are locked, but it also has to be said that some get unlocked in time (looking at you DC Intercessors, among others). And loadouts changed in the past too. For a hobbyist currently it is in fact the same as it used to be - a matter of acquiring a big enough bits-box. 


Deathwatch is kinda bad example too. They are a very specific group both in lore and on tabletop being able to mix and match individuals almost as they please. Up to the point of mixing primaris with firstborn (different stats) on top of mixed wargear and battlefield role. So in fact they are allowed much more free reign than even their box allows. And still it contains only 3 types of legs.


I personally expect that the options available for various units will continue to evolve outside those originally introduced in various boxes, even those multi-part ones. Will it take form of upgrade packs, or new separate boxes is an open question, but the fact is that units are getting new options albeit very slowly. Look at Captains, DC Intercessors, options available for regular Intercessors' sergeants.

On the other side, lets remember that for example newest Tactical Squad box also does not contain all the loadout options available for them in the datasheet. In fact it is missing quite a few of them.

Today I'm starting working on a Lieviathan dreadnought.

It's the regular one although I already started adding some BA bling to it

I have the pose sorted out finally, but I think I still need to do him at least partly in sub-assemblies. Anyone has some advice perhaps?

Yeees, lets say that's mostly taken care of for a moment.. The build I plan on painting first will be Grav-flux bombard + Claw, but I have also 2xStorm Canons, another grav-flux bombard and a Cyclonic melta lance. And I already magnetized the claw so that I can exchange the 'hand' part only for a drill if I ever get one.


Admittedly I don't like the looks of the siege drill, so I might look for some kind of replacement. For the moment, I'd prefer a classic drill shape (bioshock-style)

Edited by Majkhel

BA today.

I'm starting to assemble a Hammerfall Bunker. I plan to use the Flamer weapons. this bunker is 6" across and 7"  corner to corner.  This give it an easy 30" threat area. I think I can plan it between two objectives to make them very difficult to control. not really sure just how far apart Objectives tend to be but it is something I plan to try. this may free up some models to move around a bit more.  This may be better than I expected. 

This give it an easy 30" threat area. I think I can plan it between two objectives to make them very difficult to control. not really sure just how far apart Objectives tend to be but it is something I plan to try.

Remember that the Bunker has to placed on your deployment zone so you can't normally site it between 2 Objectives very easily.



You should consider doing a blog in he BA section for all these amazing updates :thumbsup:


I had considered it in the past but it's a bit unwieldy to maintain honestly. A bit easier with Instagram as I just snap a picture, put in a comment and that's it. Guess I'm a bit lazy.

Still, I personally appreciate you putting your pictures here too (or in your HH thread in the AoD section of the forum) Spagunk. Your works are a real inspiration in terms of breaking the patterns in perceiving BA colour scheme :thumbsup:

Think this about sums up our current position in the game sadly



But! It's great to see our brothers in black getting some much needed love.

Perhaps indications of how GW might approach "proper" 9th updates for us eventually (one can hope)

I've been struggling to stay motivated for working on my stuff lately, the lack of gaming potential I've had for the past 2 years (even with a dedicated gaming table at home now :( ) has sucked. Couple that with the army feeling lacklustre and other personal timesinks (started working out, lost a bunch of weight, work, kids, roleplaying etc) and my models have been pretty dormant.


I want to replace my various captains power swords with a new sword that isn't third party so they're legal in GW events, really I'd like multiple copies of the BA praetor sword (the power armour one) but I just can't justify forking out for the number of that model I'd need. I could use something like the crimson paladin sword, theyre at least occasionally on ebay, but its a bit too chonky a sword IMO.

Think this about sums up our current position in the game sadly



But! It's great to see our brothers in black getting some much needed love.


Perhaps indications of how GW might approach "proper" 9th updates for us eventually (one can hope)

Nah, I'll hold my judgement for when I see a proper BA list :P

I mean - totally unnecessary point sinks in the Impulsors (no shield dome?) and 2 units of Heavy Intercessors. In terms of vehicles taken: 2 BA Impulsors vs 2 BT Redemptors??? That looks bad even before the army-wide 5++.

Plus the worst possible target for the DC charge. Well almost - BGVets would have been worse. How were they NOT supposed to bounce-off 3W, 2+/4++ unit? 

Another battle, another win for the Sons of Sanguinius (allied with Grey Knights) against Space Wolves and Guard. I took a lot of newly painted models in my list, so it wasn’t optimised at all;



Primaris Chaplain on bike, Warlord- Sword of the Imperium and extra warlord trait- Artisan of War, Adamantium Armour

5x Assault Intercessors

5x Intercessors

3x Bladeguard

3 Outriders

1 Storm speeder hammerstrike (melta version)

1 Impulsor


Mephiston and Bladeguard in the Impulsor. The chaplain rode with his biker buddies.


We played Data Intercept. Secondaries were Engage on All Fronts, Octarius Data and Assassinate. My team mate and I won 75-34, we had the advantage of two armies that could reach across the board and play the objectives. The combination of storm bolters, smite and chainswords really did well. Unfortunately the chaplain had a bad first day on the battlefield and didn’t do anything, he was just gradually whittled down by tank fire and a screen of SW before he could hit anything. But the Outriders performed really well. The speeder blew up a Chimera but then fell to concentrated fire as I expected it to.

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