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Casual 30k Hobby Challange. Month 2

Fire Golem

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Going to start putting the Finishing touches on 10 Cataphractii Terminators, 10 Templars, Sigismund, an Apothecary/Primus Medicae and my 2 Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnoughts.


Yes, Kor'Vesh, I know, its not the 10 terminators + Achilles that I said...but its..more :P

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Spent about 20 hours this weekend and 10 hours last week on my breachers. I'm almost, just almost, done with the base layers. They are just barely getting from the "looks awful what am I doing" to the "wow these might turn out ok" stage. Going to wrap up the base layers entirely and then then post pictures. The transformation from base layer to finished is usually pretty dramatic.

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Kor'Vesh likes more.


Great to hear that work has continued on your breachers bulbafist - it'll be nice to see where there at. I'm still base coating my guys, and completion is looking unlikely well done everyone who is still painting models though!

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Another quick update, here's the first two members of my Myrmidon squad.




Still very wip at the moment. I'm off work for the next two days and the weather here is absolutely atrocious which means I should be able to spend time working on my vow! 

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Kor'Vesh likes more.


Great to hear that work has continued on your breachers bulbafist - it'll be nice to see where there at. I'm still base coating my guys, and completion is looking unlikely well done everyone who is still painting models though!

That is not the fabled will of Vulkan I hear, brother. Nothing is impossible, all it requires is to knuckle down and power through! You can do it!

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Progress! Back Hurts from bad sitting posture! Doesn't help that my dog was also cuddling/taking up space in the same chair since she can fit there...

Mostly did base colors of Red, Green, Skin, Grey "highlights" and Blue-Black Base for Power Weapons that aren't Fists or Claws (exception for the Templar Champion).

Can't see the Power Weapons in any pictures and really, its pretty close to black. So until I start adding in the other, lighter, blues to the mix, you won't be seeing them much. tongue.png

Also, due to how sunken-in the visors/eye holes of all the minis are I may not paint them since it would probably break my back more than anything for a very tiny difference. Will see...

Edit: Oh! And the Medicae's Coat-Tabard-Thing. Got to that nice white by going up the scale of Bone-Beige then doing 2 last layers of Ceramite White over it for a nice smooth finish.



Medic back


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I should hopefully have the first two units of my pledge completed today, but the heavy weapons squad look as if they won't be anywhere near done in time! I've been slightly distracted by the arrival of a large order from FW including a Glaive and an IW Contemptor. I've spent most of today washing 2 Medusa's and some other goodies! Not to mention the lovely Nurgle models for Fantasy that have seduced me as well...

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Slipstreams - Great stuff mate! I like the scheme you've gone with, and that yellow is really solid.

It seems today is a day for the VII Legion to show its colours! My Achilles-Alpha is complete!


...Or near enough. There's a couple of things I need to tidy up a little bit, but I'm actually pretty happy with it. I'll post some more pictures tonight or tomorrow, but real life/work has decided to take much more of a front seat over the last couple of weeks, hence my lack of posting.

As an aside, I really want to give a shout out to Kor'Vesh. Your weekly summaries have really kept me motivated when I haven't had the energy or inclination to pick up my brushes. Thanks mate! Love your work!

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48 hours to finish my Firedrakes! Can I make it? Not if I keep playing with my tanks! However I have both days off so I should be able to get this done. Gonna press hard though.

Praetor done... Expect to see some serious **** drop next month though. Vulkan, Spartan, a Sicarian battle tank, Whirlwind, Rhinos, and seven more contemptors. Not to mention my freaking 45 breachers.

I touched those fans up, got em' silvered.



And the next toy that's getting readied -


It's a little off, but it's kinda just slapped together, not fully glued in, just kinda hanging there.

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Lovely work guys. I really love that alpha Stru - it's a really great colour scheme you have. How big is your painted army? It must look fantastic.


Great to see such progress in the closing days (especially from the loyalists). A big push from Slipstreams and frozen foods could even see a big loyalist win! Well done guys!


@StruManChu- thanks man. I'm pleased that everyone has enjoyed my updates. It's been fun to do, though it's a shame I've not lived up to my own painting hopes!


@castiel - thanks for the encouragement! Clearly, I'm loathe to let down our primarch- I have the will to finish them, but time is tight, especially when I've got many job application deadlines which hit at the end of the month! At very least I will aim to make my XVIIIth legionaries measure up to Vulkan's standards of artifice!


So, I'm Not sure whether this should run next month, given Heathens event is starting then. I'm happy to run the updates again, though I'm away with work at the start of the month so my low painting output will continue! Do we think we should run a November challenge, or wait till we now what heathens is planning?

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I think we should run it anyway, its nice to have a place to share our progress and updates and have a bit of discussion. And it might be that Heathen's Challenge has nothing to do with painting at all.

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Awesome progress @ all! 


@Kor'Vesh, i would wait untill we know what heathens's planning, and it seems it will be a small challange (even when we need to paint something), so it should be room for the "bigger" casual challange either way ...

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With a little time to spare I have basically finished my two Castellax


My Multi melta armed Castellax


My darkfire cannon equipped Castellax, just waiting for the wash to dry before I can put some snow on-but I'm essentially saying this is done. Looking forward to seeing what 1000Heathens has in store for us.

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I'm almost done too.






I'm also very tired from having had a wonky sleep schedule last night (went to bed at midnight, woke up at seven, went back to bed at one and woke up at 5pm..)


That might be why...


Going to try and do a Reverse "Negative Zone" and have the Edges be Black (or close to) and have the inner portion be colored. As to what Color that is... I still dont know. Purple?



Anyways, off to try and get some sleep...

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God damn I almost forgot them too...

Also I kinda gave up on the Power Swords and did some imo, "meh, it works" scheme on them :\

Edit: SO that I don't have 3 consecutive posts tongue.png


Officially done! yay!

1 Counts-as Sigismund

1 Primus Medicae in Artificer Armor / Power Armor

10 Templar Brethren, Champion with Solarite Power Gauntlet and a Grav Pistol (for style points, really)

10 Cataphractii Terminators.

Now to take a little painting break and assemble some Forgeworld stuff I have laying about...

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And now to make a single Alpha Legion Contemptor Dread for March of the Legions tongue.png

Edit: Didn't notice the uploaded pic was the wrong one :( for some reason I can't get it off my phone (the good one that is).

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Happy November!


OK guys, I have now offically logged all of the completed work and progress into my spreadsheet - October is done!


I'll try and work up my summary post in the next day or two, and I'll post it here, and in the November thread (I'll open it soon).


Thanks for an awesome thread. There has been some excellent work guys - please do post up any other completed vows that you all manage in the next day or two. We'd still love to see them.


++++  Results incoming.... ++++

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