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Casual 30k Hobby Challange. Month 2

Fire Golem

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I was painting with it out at a bit of an odd angle to get light into a crack and it just keeled over. I think years of strain just did for the plastic holding it in at the base of the lamp.

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MORE PROGRESS! Got the Yellow to a point that I'm happy with. Decided to add some gold detailing so that I'm not just staring at Black and Yellow when I do some touch-ups next.





Pretty happy with how things are going since this is more or less my first big painting endeavor.

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So here she is the Odio Purus (Pure Hatred) 100000000 internet points if any1 wants to hazard a guess at the reference. lol Still not sure as to whether or not to enter her in this months pledge or just bite the bullet till next month sad.png


And a quick WIP of my Apothecary. still just the first mock up atm testing load out etc... and on such a point i have need of your knowledge ohh great and powerful fluff/rules gods

How important is the enhanced optics on apothecary helms? i have a total of 0 apothecary helms in anything other then mk 7/8 closest i have is a mk 6 from the vanguard vets!!


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Just a quick update. I've managed to actually do some painting! I've base coated my breacher squads silver and some of the bronze. Hopefully get some more work done on them today. In addition I've managed to build 5 of the heavy support squad, will try and get the last five built today and maybe undercoated. Pics to follow!

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Nice Progress Slipstreams, and that Apothecary looks awesome Wyvern! 




How important is the enhanced optics on apothecary helms? i have a total of 0 apothecary helms in anything other then mk 7/8 closest i have is a mk 6 from the vanguard vets!!

They are part of the fluff, but you may use a rampager head instead of a helm. Or a MK VII as count-as Sarum-pattern.



@Kor'vesh, kk, that's more motivation for me xD. More points for the Followers of Horus, the true Loyalists! 


Update on the Hunter/Vindicator:




still a lot to do on them ....

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O.o how is this even possible ive barely opened the box on my land raider and you've built and bases coated most of your TWO tanks >< hehe you amaze us once again Atia awesome work smile.png

these are just rhinos without interior tongue.png. You can build/paint them very fast. A Land Raider is far more complex (as you need to paint the interior and build in the front door mechanism).

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Thanks for the encouragement Atia, means a lot. :D Also, is that Mortarion's box I see in the BG? :>

Wyvern, I'm kinda jelly that you've gotten a more dynamic pose for your apothecaries. Mine are pretty static :P (2 Forgeworld one and the Command Squad one.)

O.o how is this even possible ive barely opened the box on my land raider and you've built and bases coated most of your TWO tanks >< hehe you amaze us once again Atia awesome work smile.png

You haven't known pain until you've built your first Spartan. Mine took 2-3 hours with all the finagling I had to do :p

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Thanks for the encouragement Atia, means a lot. biggrin.png Also, is that Mortarion's box I see in the BG? :>

You are right Slipstreams, but he's already painted since June blush.png

Not that much progress on the tanks, but my forgeworld order arrived today, and i'm pretty happy with IA: Volume XIII and the Salamanders. wub.png

The Firedrakes are just awesome, love their shields! It will be a pain to wait with them until my Death Guard is finished cry.gif


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Sadly no progress. Lack of sleep, work during the weekends and school = me passing out in my computer chair upon arrival at home. :p


Should have some time during this week to get some stuff done...

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Atia - I remain sorely jealous of your tank painting speed and ability...

Slipstreams - Lovely stuff! That yellow is gorgeous... I've got no idea how you managed to get it to that stage from a black undercoat...

Wyvern - I really like that apothecary. Really good sense of movement...

Barabbas - The Praetor looks great mate! Congrats on your win in Greyall's thread!

Niobas Lorr of the World Eaters 52nd Assault Company is done! Thank the stars... Photos are crap because it's dark and I've got stuff all useful lamps, but I'll sort out better ones tomorrow.



Also... This guy's coming along...


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It was surprisingly easy : 2 Coats of Averland sunset, 2-3 Coats of Yriel Yellow and 2 coats of Flash Gits. All one on top of the Other. It was also my first time painting yellow so as I was going through it all I could think was : "Is...is..it supposed to be this easy???? peeps on the B&C seem to have a really hard time with it..."


And thanks, Stru, means a lot knowing that I'm doing something right :P Paints were thinned to the consistency of a light cream with the last layer of Flash Gits being nearly un-thinned.

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Small update, did a silver basecoat of all the things I want that color. Wont show them really since its mostly the back of legs.


The gold I'm half tempted to leave it as a gold-bronze that is Blathazar gold since I like how dark it is. But due to the amount of black present on the minis already I may have to brighten it up a bit so that the yellow doesnt look washed out.


Debating on if I shoud paint any laures purple for contrast or green. For the chest symbols on my Tempar from the IF chests I'm wondering if I should also do the raptor imperialis in purple or leave it black and just give it dark grey highlights like I will be doing with anything that remains black. The legion symbols on those chest I'm still up for debate on whether I leave them gold or render them in black...


Then again, I dont currently own and purple paints so I may have to mix my own or do them in Red.


Any ideas would be welcome!

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---- Start of Week 4 ----

We are into the final stretch now Fraters and there is plenty still to do. A bit of a quieter week this week, and I Kor’Vesh, must make a confession – I have not picked up a paint brush since my last update. Forgive me, but the ruinstorm of real life is hitting quite hard at the end of this month. Alas, I will fight on, but my confidence of completing my vow is low unsure.png

And now, the teams:

The Loyalists - beloved of the Emperor - the loyal sons (11 members)

Reyner - Loyalist Iron Warriors - IV

Russ Brother 92 - Iron Hands - X

Castiel - Salamanders - XVIII

Daismith906 - Dark Angels - I

Mind of Metal - Mechanicum

Kor'Vesh - Salamanders - XVIII

Slipstreams - Imperial Fists - VII

d@n - Iron Hands - X

One eye - White Scars - V

Barabbus Sogolon - The VIII Legion - pre- Kurze Night Lords - VIII

Frozen Foods - Salamanders - XVIII

The Traitors - followers of Horus - the heretics, followers of the warp (10 members)

Fire Golem - The Sons of Horus and Alpha Legion - XVI and XX

Thunor's Hammer - The Infernal Guard

Atia - Death Guard and Mechanicum -XIV

Brother Vidius - Iron Warriors - IV

Daemon2027 - Sons of Horus and Mechanicum - XVI

Betrayer41 - World Eaters - XII

Tears of the Raven - Traitor Raven Guard - XIX

Bulbafist - Iron Warriors - IV

Wyvern - World Eaters - XII

Excessus - Alpha Legion - XX

The double agent - probably Alpharius (1 member)

StruManChu - Imperial Fists and World Eaters - VII and XII

Current Standings


Three pledges are now complete, though Atia, having pledged again, is not secure. So we have StruManChu’s World Eater’s Praetor complete for the traitors, and Barabbus Sogolon’s VIII Legion Preator for the loyalists. I suggest we roll off a battle for them… biggrin.png

Loyalists 1 – Traitors 1

Closest to completion at this stage are Atia (that’s right, her SECOND vow is nearly done too), Frozenfoods, with only his breachers left to paint, and everyone’s favourite double agent, StruManChu, whose loyalist Landraider is now in the works.


First a reminder of the scoring system:

Infantry - 1 point;

Large Infantry (termies, bikes etc.) - 2 points;

Monstrous infantry - 3 points;

Vehicles - 6 points;

Lord of War - 10 points.

Loyalists: 14 models complete, worth 25 points

Traitors: 11 models complete, worth 29 points

After an early week surge from the traitors, the loyalist have clawed things back meaning the traitors only have a narrow lead…



Barabbas Sogolon and Frozenfoods led the way for the Loyalists this week. Barabbas completed his beautifully converted Preator of the VIII legion in a nice muted dark blue-grey scheme, fulfilling his vow in the bargain! Frozenfoods had the pleasure of painting the magnificent Cassian Dracos, maintaining the solid record of the XVIII legion in this months challenge with a vital 6 point contribution.

Having returned on from his traitorous sojourn, StruManChu, pillar of the loyalist challenge, has begun work on his Achilles Alpha for the Imperial Fists. Slipstreams has also continued to progress nicely with his fist vow, ensuring the VII legion are stalwartly defending the loyalist hopes of victory. The final progress in week 3 came from the brush of Castiel, who despite smashing his painting lamp when doubting Vulkan’s survival, managed to add another completed breacher to his squad.

Loyalists – the time for completions is now! We must hold the line against Atia’s implacable Death Guard, and force a final push from the wall of the Emperor’s Palace. Every model counts!


The week began in style for the traitors as they surged towards Terra… Wyvern completed the basing on his World Eaters despoilers and Praetor (from September’s thread), earning him ¼ of the score for fully painting the models. This was swiftly followed by Atia’s STUNNING Death Guard Fellblade.

Not content with her 20 points, Atia proceeded to pledge a further vindicator and Whirlwind air defence tank, which naturally, are progressing well. Atia, I name thee Loyalist’s bane!

Other progress has been made in Horus’ name, including the completion of StruManChu’s glorious World Eaters Praetor. This gave the Traitors a secure completed pledge! Brother Vidus has base coated his Iron Warriors breachers, and built his heavy weapons team, while Wyvern’s work has continued with a dynamically posed Apothecary conversion.

Traitors – you hold the advantage, and are close to some big completions. Add your weight to the challenge in the last week and you can deliver a crushing blow to the followers of the false Emperor!


The end of October approaches. Ready your paint brushes and your excuses brothers (Atia needs neither tongue.png), it is the final push!

My next update will be the post-mortem, which I should be able to deliver in the first few days of November… Good luck all!

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Well life has been kicking me squarely in the genitals the last couple of weeks... I should be able to get some done this weekend but I don't see me completing my pledge, sorry guys! Some example us Sons of Horus are giving :/
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I am making good, but slow progress on my threat to paint my Sicaran. It is now undercoated! Once I set up the airbrush it shouldn't take long but I am a master procrastinator. And Destiny. And Shadow of Mordor. And stuff. 

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Death to the false Emperor!


I have finally found time to get some painting done and have (nearly) finished the first 3 of my breacher squad. Just need to do the lenses on the helmets and some details on the right shoulder pad.



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