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The Iron Tenth of Istvaan - Horus Heresy blag


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"Only when by the power of our hate we have truly shed the prison of our own flesh, shall we be judged worthy to stand at the side of the returned Primarch. Every foe I slay, every stone I cast down, makes my hatred purer, and the day Ferrus Manus is restored to us a day closer."


That's deep son! What book is that from I feel I should probably read more of the HH books.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, been a few days. NEEEEWS.

Two contemptor (one DG, one IW) dreads with 4 lascannon limbs ordered up to become beautiful Iron Hands. LESS QQ, MORE PEW-PEW. Still a long way to go before my campaign list for November is in my hands, but this is one of the big chunks out of the way.

Mr Reborn! The answer is just the regular Mk3 set actually, standard walking legs in there. Might look a smidge different due to the come at me bro pose, though.

Thinking of Mk3 guys, here's some blurry evidence that I still do this stuff (uni's slowed me right down):

Yeah, the left shoulder pad is some (veeery basic) curtains, the right one's going to be more meaningless white lines like the left leg. I'm thinking of a majority dirty white scheme for my next Knight with a comedy mask on it, keep the mini-theme going.

Well I'm in a great mood - some fans of my FB page took me as inspiration to start a group for the shattered legion version of the Iron Hands, and made me admin, too! I'm insanely pleased about that, and can't believe that someone would take what I did and try to expand upon it. Really gets my inspiration flowing!

  • 3 weeks later...

All this titan talk today has reminded me, yesterday my Sicaran carried on its lethal legacy in my GW by taking down an Imperial Knight with its accelerator cannons, firing AT the forcefield. Good lad, good lad. Took half a dozen melta guns up his backside to finish him off as well, couldn't be prouder.

Sorry that I'm not posting as much in terms of painting at the minute, e'erybody. I'm in the middle of moving, so a lot's either packed away or in a weird place, and it's a bit of a motivation killer. That and no damn lamps until I unpack in the new place. Boo.


Here's an apology Archmagos WIP to fill in the void in your souls:



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