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Well then.

Another game. Played against a proxy Dark Eldar allied with some Chaos. 1750 pts each.

I used my assassin list (minus 2 assassins to fit in with the 1750 pts).

As usual I'll just give some high lights, not going into detail that much.


My right flank, veterans claiming an objective and hiding best as they can.


Vindicare assassin in the middle in a tall ruin


Centre was filled with Sentinels... and yes I had to proxy my self... I promise to finish the last two sentinels...


Left flank, another unit of veterans hiding in a ruin. Another objective marker claimed here.


Infiltrating Calidus assassin on his left flank



With the cover of darkness (night fight) he rushed his units forward. Jet bikes, raider and land raider all moved forward aggressively. The huge demonic machine followed as well as he could. Sitting back in his main ruin was his Noice marines.


Nothing really happened, as he had no range or line of sight to my units. I lost two veterans on my left flank.


Assassin jumps out from her ruin, surprises the Kabalite warriors and kills... 2... Then I forget that she can't assault if she infiltrates so she is wide open biggrin.png


Lascannon sentinels opens fire against the raider. And of course, the only one who hits is the painted model, our new hero Sarg Irons!

He takes the shot and even though the Raider is a skillfull driver he is no match for Sarg Irons! He takes the Raider down. "Thats how you do it lads! ONWARD!" (he is not shown in the picture though)

After that, the Incubi riding inside were gunned down by my Tempestus command squad with Hot shot volley guns. "Righto gents, those xenon scum had it coming. They looked fancy in their elaborate armour, but hey... doesn't matter when they face the guns of the Imperium!"


The plasma cannon sentinels targets the jet bikes, takes out 3 of them through the ruin cover. huzzah!

The veterans supports and takes them down to one lone biker!


Vindicare assassin was tasked with a difficult mission. Take out the Landraider. I won't go into it more... but he failed through out the game.


The lone jet biker charged into my veterans, looking for revenge!

But no joy... Not until turn 3 when he recharged did he... fail. He died in that recharge.

(second picture shows turn 3 when the biker is down. The joy of winning yet another close combat encounter left two of the soldiers laying down on the ground hugging each other in joy,..)



But The terminators arrived and made molten slug of one of my regular lascannon sentinels. Then they charged in to finish them off.

In close combat they Took down another lascannon sentinel, but more importantly... Sarg Irons took down one terminator!!!! "COME AT ME, I DARE YOU!"



The Demon machine (of unknown name to me) Took out 2 Sentinels... He used his demon ability to re-roll


The Kabalite warriors facing my Calidus assassin shot and assaulted her. She managed to take down 3 in total before giving up to the amount of blows coming at her. Hmm now that I think of it... he used rapid fire... then assaulted... hmm! I would have lived! never mind...


Reinforcements!!! Everything arrives. Deep striking my meltagunners at his land raider (and objective) and the other unit close to another objective (but scattered way off).

The melta unit next to the objective and land raider succeeded in both their tasks. Taking out the land raider and claiming the objective.

The other melta unit had to wait for the Avenger to do its job. As the avenger inflicted an immobilised result they could sneak behind the demon machine and claim the objective by running instead of shooting (this actually won me the game).



The Avenger arrived from the left flank, and the Valkyrie flew fast across the board dropping its cargo along its path.

The Scions and inquisitor obliterated the Kabalite warriors who had just killed my Calidus.



His Homunculi arrived with his vraks. Deep striking or rather... using the warp to arrive next to my scions and scion command. Here they took out my heroic melta unit and 3 members of the command. "Carry on gents... I'll just lay here for a while...its just a flesh wound..."





The terminators took out Sarg Irons... or thats what I let him believe... he is more machine than man, so how would they know...

And they went after the other lone plasma cannon sentinel. Needless to say, they took it out in close combat later on.


The cabaret warriors hiding in a ruin on his right flank scared off my failed deep striking scion unit, right infront of the demon machine! Well... he opened fire and took out all but one.


Getting low on units on both sides, and our forces on opposite sides it stared to look grim for who ever moved.

Anyhow, I had to deal with the vraks and the homunculi who arrived. The surviving two command squad members stood their ground together with support from the Scions and inquisitor. The Inquisitor shouted "On my mark, fire! If possible leave one alive, if not... equally good. FIRE!!!"


The Valkyrie and the Avenger moved on the Noice marines (Valkyrie entered hover mode). They killed a handful marines.


Not much happened here really.

Well my veterans on the left flank died to the terminators. My Valkyrie got hit and was only able to snap fire.

In return I shot down some more nice marines with my scions.

After this we had to abort the game due to I had to pick up my kids. The game could have gone either way from there really. He owned the left flank, and I owned the right.

I did have more units, and was able to hold more objectives.

The game ended with me scoring 6 points, and he scored 5.

So the sacrifice of the meltagun scions to forgo their shooting to claim an objective paid off.


Todays heroes were the tempestus command. Taking out the incubi, many of the vraks and some nice marines.

I really like how they funktion when I use them. Sure I can't move with them as much, but their duty is to anchor at a location then lay down fire if anything dares enter. In this case I could even move up even further as I had more threatening units next to them. This made it possible for me to reach his deployment lines.

Other heroes of course are the other scions units. They really pack a punch. given the right position they will put the pain to the enemy.

Another thing I am happy about is the veterans able to hold their own in close combat. I have now won two times out of four close combats with them. I am considering giving them power weapons to better defend them self.

A good read, well done on your hard earned victory! When the painting and proxying is all sorted it looks like you and your group are going to have some fantastic games with vibrant and well painted models and tables :D A good victory to the Scions, the enemy will learn to fear them ;) Looking forward to the next batrep :)

  • 2 weeks later...


PVA glue finally dried up, and the bases were done quickly. Took a picture using my lighthouse this time. I was unsure the light was enough, but after experimenting with my wife's eBay auction I saw some potential. Or rather, a better understanding of it. 


Anyhow, now I don't need to over expose the miniature with light, and with the light house the light is softer and the shadows are minimal. Didn't need to cut out the background at all. :) Saves me a few minutes editing. 


Well this here is the Tempestus Command squad. I decided to make it a beardy bunch of guys. The acting sub commander is given a coat to indicate that he is the sub commander for this battle. The other members in the unit act as advisors... with big guns (my fluff for this army is that the role for command is shifted to the one with the traits and skill for the current missions. The other officers become advisors). 







Now onto the Imperial Knight...



Vash how did you do the sub commanders legs? I know you said the coat was guard command squad but aren't those MT legs?

Nice game and congrats on the, kind, win. Have you considered using the Eversor Assassin in place of the Callidus. While the Callidus has never exactly failed me the Eversor is turning out to be surprisingly good.

I have considered him many times. I think he will perform better than Calidus when it comes to pure combat. But, the -3 to reserves has such a huge impact where I play. Most of my friends make use of reserves, so that ability is really useful in most games. 


To you all who read the battle reports, thanks for reading. One day I'll get my act together and get a really nice game reported. 

  • 1 year later...

Hey i know this is an older thread but I was wondering, @Vash How hard was it to kit bash the guardsman torsos with the scion arms and legs? I love the look you attained but i'm wondering if it's worth the effort on my part to gather the bitz and build'em instead of just using the stock bodies.

Hey i know this is an older thread but I was wondering, @Vash How hard was it to kit bash the guardsman torsos with the scion arms and legs? I love the look you attained but i'm wondering if it's worth the effort on my part to gather the bitz and build'em instead of just using the stock bodies.

The pieces fit well with each other. 

Just need to make a cut on the Scions legs upper part/waist to make them with with a Cadian torso. Rest is cutting free. Well the shoulder light is the one part you need to cut of from the Scions torso if you want it on the new torso. 


Well, the arms... they are made for the scions torso of course. The Scion torso is ever so slightly larger if I recall correctly. But nothing that really makes it complicated to assemble. 


If you like the style, its worth hunting down some Cadian torsos. Its one of the more simpler conversions I have done. 

  • 3 weeks later...



Hey how did you work the neck/collar, did you trim the collar or the neck? Also what order did you glue the hot-shot las guns to the torso to minimize arm vs. torso gap. I have green stuff so I can manage if I mess up but since you've tread down this path before I thought it couldn't hurt to ask for your method.

  • 3 weeks later...



Hey how did you work the neck/collar, did you trim the collar or the neck? Also what order did you glue the hot-shot las guns to the torso to minimize arm vs. torso gap. I have green stuff so I can manage if I mess up but since you've tread down this path before I thought it couldn't hurt to ask for your method.

I am off at work at the moment (not home for some days). I need to check with the actual miniature how it was done with the head. I can't remember to be honest. But my conversions are always easy. I am guessing a simple cut of the neck. The collar covers the mess if combined with plastic glue that melts the two together. 


For the hot shot lasgun. The torso is a bit smaller than a Scion one for sure. But again, with plastic glue and the right arm set + weapon it will mesh together rather well. 

Plastic glue makes it easier than super glue, as the plastic glue melts the surfaces and you can "wiggle" the pieces into place and make a nice fit. With super glue it pretty much must be perfectly suited for it to work. 


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