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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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Is everyone of the opinion that the decimator is still terrible?


I really want it to be a decent option given I love the model, however I just cannot justify the cost. Maybe if the soulberner petard wasn't ordnance I'd take it, maybe if the conversion beamer let you move and fire, maybe if its upgrades were cheaper...a lot of maybes that add up to an overpriced model. I just can't justify taking something that costs as much as a land raider with bs3 and a decent amount of firepower when I can take the sicarian for a lot less points (granted they are in different force org slots but it's a good example of a much better pts investment). 

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why does everybody think of the decimator as a platform for (overpriced) ranged weapons ? It comes stock with 2 hvy flamers (that can hit transported units), 4 attacks and deep strike (in an army with teleport homer icons), not to mention immunity to grenades (AV13).

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why does everybody think of the decimator as a platform for (overpriced) ranged weapons ? It comes stock with 2 hvy flamers (that can hit transported units), 4 attacks and deep strike (in an army with teleport homer icons), not to mention immunity to grenades (AV13).

The problem is that it isn't great at either. If you're thinking of using if in close combat, then for 80 pts less (and less money) you can get a maulerfiend, which will get across the table quicker, and is just as good at popping vehicles. I'm still tempted, mostly because of the model, but I'm not kidding myself that it's likely to be my star performer.

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why does everybody think of the decimator as a platform for (overpriced) ranged weapons ? It comes stock with 2 hvy flamers (that can hit transported units), 4 attacks and deep strike (in an army with teleport homer icons), not to mention immunity to grenades (AV13).


Curious. Have you ever managed to get the Decimator into Combat with a transport and burn the contents?

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why does everybody think of the decimator as a platform for (overpriced) ranged weapons ? It comes stock with 2 hvy flamers (that can hit transported units), 4 attacks and deep strike (in an army with teleport homer icons), not to mention immunity to grenades (AV13).


Curious. Have you ever managed to get the Decimator into Combat with a transport and burn the contents?


LOL, great point. I'd totally agree with Nehekhare, the stock Decimator with no Dedication is probably the best deal. It's not at all too bad in combat with 4 AP2 attacks base, Shred, AV13, and being Daemon. But getting to flame transported units is probably really too situational.


And, really. The Decimator used to be 195 points base before IA13 – and that was too expensive for what it does. Now it's 205 and I struggle to see what's improved. Maybe I'm missing out on something that's changed for the Daemon USR from 6th to 7th, or something else on a similar level of detail, but it seems it's always been overpriced and now it's even worse. (Having said that, even only the model is worth fielding one.)

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why does everybody think of the decimator as a platform for (overpriced) ranged weapons ? It comes stock with 2 hvy flamers (that can hit transported units), 4 attacks and deep strike (in an army with teleport homer icons), not to mention immunity to grenades (AV13).


Curious. Have you ever managed to get the Decimator into Combat with a transport and burn the contents?



Last night I Deep Struck 1 Decimator w/2SiegeClaws+Flamers right next to a Fortress of Redemption, crewed by 50 Guard (10 in each building, 20 on the Battlements). In that turn a quarter of the Guard contingent got killed from Flamer No Escape. Next turn, I Flamered another quarter and close assaulted destroying one part of the 3 part building and killing everything in that part from Collapse. By turn four the building and everything in it was dead (it was sitting on an Objective).


In the process, the Decimator took 2 Plasma Gun and 1 Las Cannon wounds total. It ignored one of the Plasma Pen's Crew Stunned on 2+. It also managed to ignore the Las Cannon Pen's Weapon Destryoed on a 5+, and it regained 1 Wound from IWND (MoN).


Overall, I'd say it was a successful deployment of the Decimator. I like it.


Edit - Pics!


Here's the Decimator (lower right corner) that just Deep Struck in with the Mayhem Pack and Cult of Destruction. This view is from the enemy' side. We DS'ed in behind them.





Mayhem immediately lost 2 to enemy fire, got bogged down and then went after lone Tank to the left. Cult of Destruction went after the Artillery Park (more off-screen right). Decimator went after the Fortress. In pic below, he already blew up two sections.





Fortress after the Decimator was through with it. Also Cult of Destruction mopping up the last Artillery.




So - yeah, I like the Decimator with double Siege.

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why does everybody think of the decimator as a platform for (overpriced) ranged weapons ? It comes stock with 2 hvy flamers (that can hit transported units), 4 attacks and deep strike (in an army with teleport homer icons), not to mention immunity to grenades (AV13).


Curious. Have you ever managed to get the Decimator into Combat with a transport and burn the contents?



Last night I Deep Struck 1 Decimator w/2SiegeClaws+Flamers right next to a Fortress of Redemption, crewed by 50 Guard (10 in each building, 20 on the Battlements). In that turn a quarter of the Guard contingent got killed from Flamer No Escape. Next turn, I Flamered another quarter and close assaulted destroying one part of the 3 part building and killing everything in that part from Collapse. By turn four the building and everything in it was dead (it was sitting on an Objective).


In the process, the Decimator took 2 Plasma Gun and 1 Las Cannon wounds total. It ignored one of the Plasma Pen's Crew Stunned on 2+. It also managed to ignore the Las Cannon Pen's Weapon Destryoed on a 5+, and it regained 1 Wound from IWND (MoN).


Overall, I'd say it was a successful deployment of the Decimator. I like it.



That's excellent ! And definitely the perfect application for the big guy

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Problem is, that's a highly situational use of the decimator. Sure, if you're going up against a lot of fairly weak troops hiding in transports or buildings, the flamer rule is very useful. When you can't make use of that rule then all you have is an overpriced combat walker-which when we already have a much cheaper and faster one is not terribly useful. 

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Problem is, that's a highly situational use of the decimator. Sure, if you're going up against a lot of fairly weak troops hiding in transports or buildings, the flamer rule is very useful. When you can't make use of that rule then all you have is an overpriced combat walker-which when we already have a much cheaper and faster one is not terribly useful. 


Ive run one a couple of times, and ive found that even in a bad matchup IWND Decimators attract more then enough firepower to make them a worthwhile distraction. Im tooling mine up for CC next game - point and throw it downwind and watch the opponent react.


Of course mileage may vary.

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On an IA:13 related topic, I was flying my Kharybdis with 10 TDAs over an Apoc battlefield (per the pics in my post above too) when, in spite of Jink, it took 3 Pens.


One of those Pens was an Immobilize, but I managed to avoid Crash & Burn - to end up with Crew Stunned, which I then shook off with Daemonic Possession, and successfully dropped my Assault next turn.


Not exactly the best use of points I know, but still, there are some interesting things you see with Chaos.

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I wouldn't label the Kharybdis as bad, if you want to get a big assault squad straight into combat fairly quickly I think it's a good way to do it, the big drawback though is you're investing a ton of points into the unit, any accompanying characters you're likely to add and the transport itself which usually isn't as good as a more MSU styled list (especially for maelstorm missions). 


And on a side note, damn the Kharybdis is big. 

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I wouldn't label the Kharybdis as bad, if you want to get a big assault squad straight into combat fairly quickly I think it's a good way to do it, the big drawback though is you're investing a ton of points into the unit, any accompanying characters you're likely to add and the transport itself which usually isn't as good as a more MSU styled list (especially for maelstorm missions). 


And on a side note, damn the Kharybdis is big. 


Yeah lol, I just noticed its bigger than my Anggarath.


Anyway, the Kharybdis was actually meant as an anti-air platform (as it has 10 shots of Twin-Linked Str 6) or anti-cover with its Melta Ram. But seeing as my opponents didn't have much air, I ended up using it as a Distraction Carnifex Transport.

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I still think its worth it, between the blast and launchers you should clear most backfield campers or guard etc protecting there artillery.


I mean, DS termicide is still pretty efficient but this thing just begs to be used. Maybe rubrics could be a useful mob unit? Can't think of another decent way to get that much AP3 fire in.

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A squad of 23 Mark of Khorne cultists alongside a Dark Apostle, and a Warpsmith inside of a Daemonically Possessed Spartan with Ceramite Plating. Use the disposability of the squad and durability of the raider to your advantage. You now have a unit that throws out 92 close combat attacks, 5 Power Maul attacks, and 7 Power Axe attacks. Enjoy swamping Hammer-shield units in a tide of peasants.




Truly, a thing of beauty. When I get the inevitable Spartan, I'm doing it.


Someone wanted a list of all the warbands that get mentioned. Here goes:


Flawless Host

Steel Brethren

Shattered Tower (destroyed)

Warp Ghosts

Black Wings

Shadow Hawks


Company of Misery

Adheron's Reavers

Bleak Brotherhood


Night Reapers

The Purge

The Tainted (Death Guard sub faction)

Avenging Sons

Brothers of Anarchy

The Skulltakers (World Eater sub faction)

The Black Brethren of Ayreas (Black Legion sub faction)

The Sanctified (Word Bearer exiles, Khornate)

The Lords of Decay (Death Guard sub faction)

Hounds of Abaddon (Black Legion subfaction)

Dark Wolves

Sarissan Iron Pact (Black Legion subfaction)

Death Shadows

Sons of Malice (un-named, but blatantly them)

Red Corsairs


Apostles of Contagion (Death Guard sub faction)


That's it, I think. All nine Traitor Legions are mentioned at least once as well.





Hmmm, this thread came up during my monthly Sons of Malice search on B&C. >.>  I had heard there would be a subtle mention of the SoM in IA13, and seems someone has found it!  Just out of curiousity, what is this blatant mention you speak of, Dragonlover?

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Question, could y'all help me figure out what color the Night Reaper tank is? Bronze, gold, ochre and yellow have been suggested but I kind of prefer a general consensus.


image for reference:


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I'd say it's copper - you can see the distinctive turquoise oxidation on the rear part of the vehicle.



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Black and White pattern Fire raptor from "unidentified renegade chapter" with traitor space marine helmets mounted as trophies.


Baw, well, something's better than nothing, I guess. :P  Least it'll give me a bit of insight into paiting SoM vehicles.

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