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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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Yeah, IWND is weird. I can make strings of jammy invuln saves, but I never get back hull points.


Is anyone else tempted to fill Spartans with Cultists just to confuse the opponent?




Not really, spartans are rather expensive to do that sort of thing...but hey maybe it's worth a try. 


A squad of 23 Mark of Khorne cultists alongside a Dark Apostle, and a Warpsmith inside of a Daemonically Possessed Spartan with Ceramite Plating. Use the disposability of the squad and durability of the raider to your advantage. You now have a unit that throws out 92 close combat attacks, 5 Power Maul attacks, and 7 Power Axe attacks. Enjoy swamping Hammer-shield units in a tide of peasants.

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I always equip my Defiler with an extra DCCW, TL Heavy Flamer and Dirge Casters. It does a great job as artillery and defending the deployment zone. In my latest game they took out out flanking Marine Squads and their Rhinos trying to get line breaker =P


But with IA13 I might put those aside for some Bombards!

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A squad of 23 Mark of Khorne cultists alongside a Dark Apostle, and a Warpsmith inside of a Daemonically Possessed Spartan with Ceramite Plating. Use the disposability of the squad and durability of the raider to your advantage. You now have a unit that throws out 92 close combat attacks, 5 Power Maul attacks, and 7 Power Axe attacks. Enjoy swamping Hammer-shield units in a tide of peasants.




Truly, a thing of beauty. When I get the inevitable Spartan, I'm doing it.


Someone wanted a list of all the warbands that get mentioned. Here goes:


Flawless Host

Steel Brethren

Shattered Tower (destroyed)

Warp Ghosts

Black Wings

Shadow Hawks


Company of Misery

Adheron's Reavers

Bleak Brotherhood


Night Reapers

The Purge

The Tainted (Death Guard sub faction)

Avenging Sons

Brothers of Anarchy

The Skulltakers (World Eater sub faction)

The Black Brethren of Ayreas (Black Legion sub faction)

The Sanctified (Word Bearer exiles, Khornate)

The Lords of Decay (Death Guard sub faction)

Hounds of Abaddon (Black Legion subfaction)

Dark Wolves

Sarissan Iron Pact (Black Legion subfaction)

Death Shadows

Sons of Malice (un-named, but blatantly them)

Red Corsairs


Apostles of Contagion (Death Guard sub faction)


That's it, I think. All nine Traitor Legions are mentioned at least once as well.



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Yeah, IWND is weird. I can make strings of jammy invuln saves, but I never get back hull points.


Is anyone else tempted to fill Spartans with Cultists just to confuse the opponent?




Not really, spartans are rather expensive to do that sort of thing...but hey maybe it's worth a try. 


A squad of 23 Mark of Khorne cultists alongside a Dark Apostle, and a Warpsmith inside of a Daemonically Possessed Spartan with Ceramite Plating. Use the disposability of the squad and durability of the raider to your advantage. You now have a unit that throws out 92 close combat attacks, 5 Power Maul attacks, and 7 Power Axe attacks. Enjoy swamping Hammer-shield units in a tide of peasants.



That sounds like a lot of fun to use-cultist horde of death with a dark apostle to cheer them on. I also bet that spartan is going to be nigh unkillable. 

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If you can take Flare Shields on top of armored ceramite (it gives -2S to blasts/barrage, irrc and -1S to anything else shot at its front arc) then yeah, it would be nigh unkillable. With 5HP standard and av14 all round, its a pretty reliable clown car of death. Not to mention 4 TLLC shot and either a HB or Heavy Flamer.

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If you can take Flare Shields on top of armored ceramite (it gives -2S to blasts/barrage, irrc and -1S to anything else shot at its front arc) then yeah, it would be nigh unkillable. With 5HP standard and av14 all round, its a pretty reliable clown car of death. Not to mention 4 TLLC shot and either a HB or Heavy Flamer.


I now must acquire one for myself!

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it can also exchange its TLLC for 2 laser destroyers which are AP1 ord. for 0 cost. Granted this is from the HH rules so might've changed for chaos.

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If you use it as a backfield support unit holding an counter unit for backfield enemy incursions, I think the laser destroyers might work better since it wont be moving around as much.


As it stands, 4 TLLC shots are a lot more enticing.


Couple that with the fact that a 3500 point list I've got for a HH campaign is bringing: a Sicarian, a Phobos and an Achilles (with a Spartan too) and well, thats a mighty wall of pain I've got :P


Too bad Volkite weapons aren't around in 40k... wont stop me from trying to convince the guys I'll be playing with if they let me proxy my Achilles as an Alpha so that I can have 2 TL Volkite Culverins. Mmmm Volkites.

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the extremely juicy tidbit from the timeline in the event listed as "999.M41 - 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler". Specifically the bit that says "The defenders of the Cadian gate are smashed aside and only by the timely redeployment of Space Marine Chapters, Astra Militarum battle groups and Imperial Navy fleets from war zones far and wide is the total collapse of the sectors surrounding the Eye of Terror narrowly averted."


That puts on par with the initial results of the campaign. The Imperials control most of the space lanes, but Chaos is still pushing through. The tide of damnation is only being delayed. We're past "the opening stages" and have broken through the Gate. How are people not jumping up and down with joy at this?

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the extremely juicy tidbit from the timeline in the event listed as "999.M41 - 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler". Specifically the bit that says "The defenders of the Cadian gate are smashed aside and only by the timely redeployment of Space Marine Chapters, Astra Militarum battle groups and Imperial Navy fleets from war zones far and wide is the total collapse of the sectors surrounding the Eye of Terror narrowly averted."


That puts on par with the initial results of the campaign. The Imperials control most of the space lanes, but Chaos is still pushing through. The tide of damnation is only being delayed. We're past "the opening stages" and have broken through the Gate. How are people not jumping up and down with joy at this?

I don't have the book? I literally had someone quote text from page 117 about potential Chaos titans and got ignored, one thing at a time Kol.


And thank you for your diligance Dragon. Who is the Iron Pact, IWs in the BL?

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Yeah would have think to be on par with GW latest publications you would have some kind of new formations with FW Deamon Engines, Dreads and stuff, unfortunatly now.


Its a bit sad, but for the most part, this book is just an update of existing FW Chaos materials, and a few adds, like the Achilles Proteus and stuff.


Now don't get me wrong its a wonderfull book and the Renegades list is pretty darn well done i say, just that you could've expected a bit more you now?...


Oh well gotta wait for any updates on any kind of supplement/dataslate/new Dex for CSM in the coming year.


I mean there is only BA, Crons and Sista left has codex material, so there is high chances that we see additional stuffs for existing armies, or maybe a 7th Ed version of the 6Th Eds codex that came in last year...

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the extremely juicy tidbit from the timeline in the event listed as "999.M41 - 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler". Specifically the bit that says "The defenders of the Cadian gate are smashed aside and only by the timely redeployment of Space Marine Chapters, Astra Militarum battle groups and Imperial Navy fleets from war zones far and wide is the total collapse of the sectors surrounding the Eye of Terror narrowly averted."


That puts on par with the initial results of the campaign. The Imperials control most of the space lanes, but Chaos is still pushing through. The tide of damnation is only being delayed. We're past "the opening stages" and have broken through the Gate. How are people not jumping up and down with joy at this?


/jaw drop.


I need this book. This one piece of news has made my day, the stupid cadian who calls himself my friend is going to assplode, never forget.


The Hope, Chaos controlled space, older warbands - bless you FW, bless you all.

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the extremely juicy tidbit from the timeline in the event listed as "999.M41 - 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler". Specifically the bit that says "The defenders of the Cadian gate are smashed aside and only by the timely redeployment of Space Marine Chapters, Astra Militarum battle groups and Imperial Navy fleets from war zones far and wide is the total collapse of the sectors surrounding the Eye of Terror narrowly averted."


That puts on par with the initial results of the campaign. The Imperials control most of the space lanes, but Chaos is still pushing through. The tide of damnation is only being delayed. We're past "the opening stages" and have broken through the Gate. How are people not jumping up and down with joy at this?


/jaw drop.


I need this book. This one piece of news has made my day, the stupid cadian who calls himself my friend is going to assplode, never forget.


The Hope, Chaos controlled space, older warbands - bless you FW, bless you all.


Yea the fact that one of the fluff pieces for the Dreadclaw specifically mentions the destruction of the St Josmane's Hope Penal world is the sign that atleast one of the writers was drawing specifically from the campaign.

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So I finally got to sit down and fully read through the Renegade list. It has some similarities to the Tyrant Legion rules and yet it is so much more. The thing I found most notable difference between this and Vraks/Tyrant is that Chaos Space Marines are almost completely out of the equation. I find this has certain good and bad elements to it. It is good because I feel that they didn't half ass anything just to get through by the scrape of their teeth by filling in Elite and HQ options with Space Marines. The ONLY way to get any kind of Chaos Marines into your army is to have your Arch-Demagogue with the covenant of Slaanesh which allows you to take one squad of Noise Marines and one Sonic Dreadnought as Elite choices . Its a completely 'human' army and if you want Chaos Space marines, you can oh so easily ally with your new Battle Brothers. However, the downside to this is that there is no sense of fluidity to it. One thing I love about the Tyrants Legion is that you have Space Marines singled amongst their mortal followers, watching over them like slave drivers. I feel that the Renegades miss out on this awesome possibility, but at the same time you once again can really just do that by allying with Chaos Marines, so eh.

The one thing I will say above all else that this army has is customization. It really does feel like an army that is meant to be customized. You are given a dirty cheap bare bones army and an absolute plethora of options and customization, laced with different routes in how you want to create your unique renegade army. As the most prime and simplest example, you have the Renegade Infantry Platoon. The first thing to note is that a Renegade Infantry Platoon is made up of 3-5 Infantry squads (picking one of the squads to be the command squad so yes you can have a 20 man infantry command squad). There's no other units available in the platoon, just these guys. An infantry squad is 10 guys, no sergeant, no armour, WS and BS 2, and only a las pistol and knife to their name. Worthless meatshields, truly. From here, you can start with the men. Add an additional 10 guys to the squad. You can upgrade one of them to a Champion and customize him. Now that you've got the men, how about turning the sorry lot into some real troopers. You can replace their close combat weapon into lasgun. You can purchase a 6+ save for them. You can even give them a rule called Militia training giving them a +1 to their WS and BS. After that, for every five guys you can have a special weapon (or a vox and chaos icon), for every 10 you can have a heavy weapon's team. Now you've got a real bonified force. But why stop there? If you make your Arch-Demagouge a Master of the Horde, you can instead make each infantry squad into 30 men. Or make him into a Bloody-handed Reaver and you can give your infantry real flak armour and krak grenades.

And that's just the infantry platoon, guys. Don't even get me started on the Ogryns (Jesus the Ogryns are :cussing brutal!), Veterans, Disciples, and Command Squad.

I was talking to a friend of mine about it and he's been sorely looking towards making an elite mercenary army with almost a mockery of the Tempestus Scions. So, as a bit of an example to the sheer customization of this army, I thought I'd tell you the same ideas I threw at him. If you take the Bloody-Handed Reaver path for your Arch-Demagouge, you are given the option of upgrading your Veteran Squads (which are a troop choice) into Grenadiers which thus have hotshot lasguns and of course they can already take carapace armour. What's more is the Renegade Marauders from the Tyrant's Legion armylist? Yeah, they're back and every bit as customizable and awesome as they were before. AND if you decide not to take a Chaos Covenant for your Warlord? You can take up to three of the Marauder squads as your Elite Choice. Its perfect for him.

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I was drooling over the Grenadiers option too. The scions are already halfway to chaos trim.
Best part? The volley gun 1/5 option is apparently in addition to the 1/5 special weapon option. So in a 10 man squad, you could have 2 plasmaguns and 2 volleyguns. The warlord/Archdemagouge options also provide so much vareity for your army is built. I really hope GW is taking notes for a future Chaos codex.

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The thing about the hotshot option that marginally annoys me is that Disciples are incapable of obtaining them. Disciples are already superior in terms of BS and has a better LD capability. That and they're not only an elite choice but also the guys who consist of the rest of Demagogue's command squad. I want my command squad and special elites to have hotshots,  not just my troops..

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