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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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Black and White pattern Fire raptor from "unidentified renegade chapter" with traitor space marine helmets mounted as trophies.

Baw, well, something's better than nothing, I guess. tongue.png Least it'll give me a bit of insight into paiting SoM vehicles.

It's about as blatant as you can be without labeling it as "Sons of Malice"

It has some really neat skull patterns on it. Not just human ones, but some kind of goat/horse/thing one near the prow, where other groups might put the traditional sharkmouth.

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It was also last seen in the Scelus subsector. Has a badass paint job on it, I know that much.


*shifts eyes and twitches like a crackfiend* Pics..?


I'm slaanesh, we like torturing people by depriving them of sensation. msn-wink.gif

I'll see if I can get a good pic from my camera this evening.

@ Kol - I thought that pic showed more of a Brass color, since that can also have a greenish oxidation, but is more yellow than copper is.

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Awesome, thanks TJWyrm. smile.png And as for the dancing Daemonettes, maybe something like stencils?

Really glad they stuck with the black and white skull symbol as a mark of Malice, and possible Chaptersymbol for the SoM. I've already been using that theme with my guys, taking shoulder pads with skulls on (the three different variants from the CSM box, plus any others I happen to find in my bits box or other sources) and painting the skulls black and white and any chaos stars or arrows with the silver trim colour. A lot better than me trying to freehand them, or trying to bisect the colouring of skull decals. xD

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Does anyone else have the codex? I am looking at it right now and thinking it lends itself incredibly well to mob assaults. The Master of the Horde with his 5+ "Send in the Next Wave" and the Mutant Over Lord who's troops can potentially outflank with 50 models is definitely an impressive and intimidating prospect. 


For example:

Chaos Lord - Mark of Slaanesh - Powersword
Noise Marines - (5) 3 Sonic Blasters - 1 Blast Master
Noise Marines - (5) 3 Sonic Blasters - 1 Blast Master
Noise Marines - (5) 3 Sonic Blasters - 1 Blast Master
Vindicator - Siege Shield
Vindicator - Siege Shield
Vindicator - Siege Shield
Arch Demagogue/Master of Hordes - (4 disciples) - Command Net Vox - Banner of Hate - Plasma
+ Chimera x2 Heavy Flamer
Infantry platoon
Command squad - 30 - Demagogue/Poweraxe - x3 Flamer - Vox - Chaos Sigil - Chaos Covenant (slaanesh)
Infantry Squad - 30 - Champ/Poweraxe - x3 Flamer - Vox - Chaos Sigil - Chaos Covenenant (Slaanesh)
Infantry Squad - 30 - Champ/Poweraxe - x3 Flamer - Vox - Chaos Sigil - Chaos Covenenant (Slaanesh)
Infantry platoon
Command squad - 30 - Demagogue/Poweraxe - x3 Flamer - Vox - Chaos Sigil - Chaos Covenant (slaanesh)
Infantry Squad - 30 - Champ/Poweraxe - x3 Flamer - Vox - Chaos Sigil - Chaos Covenenant (Slaanesh)
Infantry Squad - 30 - Champ/Poweraxe - x3 Flamer - Vox - Chaos Sigil - Chaos Covenenant (Slaanesh)

Just drive forward with 180 bodies with fleet backed by 3 s10 ordnance weapons.

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I feel like I'm missing something, where does the outflank come from? I must say I like the R&H list, lots of possibilities with covens/devotions I haven't fully explored yet, plus basically the combination of CSM/AM. 


Well if you want a horde, you've certainly got it there. 60 attacks per unit, 90 on the charge though should be able to wear down most enemies with a little softening up from those vindicators/noise marines. I'd never play it simply because of the pain of moving that many models, but it looks like fun idea. 


I'm imagining they advance like this:





Then those four vehicles completely mobbed by your horde...no melta gun is going to even be able to get close enough to get its armorbane. 

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Does anyone else notice a lack of clarification regarding whether or not Renegade Infantry squads can actually join up as a single unit like an infantry platoon? I don't see anything specifically stating I can do it.

If nothing states that you can do it, then there is no reason to believe that you can (or should be able to) do it.

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Actually, the way GW ruling usually works out is that if nothing says you can't, then you can. Cases in point, Chaos HQs with multiple artifacts. Forgefiend with regular cannons and then an ectohead. I'm sure there are other examples.


So, if there is no clarification, feel free to ask Forgeworld. Or use logical deduction.

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oh thats the list from 4chan lel


can't blob renegade infantry, so get mutants (khorne, enforcer+drugs) while keeping your infantry in the backyard with plas/AC/militia, forget the morale/covenant crap, maybe ADL


use vindicator models to proxy real ordinance ;)


if you want to outflank, put your slaanesh lord on a fiend for 100% outflank (he can join the mutants because covenant of khorne isn't a mark), get fearless mutants as a bonus ;)

and give him fist/claw/sigil/slaughterers horns/daemonheart for pete's sake!

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Actually, the way GW ruling usually works out is that if nothing says you can't, then you can. Cases in point, Chaos HQs with multiple artifacts. Forgefiend with regular cannons and then an ectohead. I'm sure there are other examples.

So, if there is no clarification, feel free to ask Forgeworld. Or use logical deduction.

How do you reach that conclusion? Following your logic, nothing states one way or another whether my Berzerkers can take power fists for free, so I should be able to.


No, GW rules require permission to do something. Your examples of multiple artifacts and ectoheads are simply cases of poor wording used in the original publication, so GW has had to clarify what they intended via FAQ. There is no evidence of poor wording or intention that is different to the written rule in this instance.


Let's put it another way: what makes you think that Renegade Infantry should be able to use the Combined Squads rule? They are from a different book, with different options (such as being able to take much larger squad sizes). There is zero indication that FW intended to give Renegade Infantry the Combined Squads rule, any more than they intended to give Renegade officers the Voice of Command rule.

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IA13 Page 162:


Renegade Infantry Platoons are made up of 3-5 Renegade Infantry Squads, one of which must be designated as the Platoon's Command Squad for no additional cost. The Platoon Command Squad may upgrade its Renegade Champion to a Demogogue for free, and any vox-caster included in the Command Squad may be exchanged for a command vox net for free. Each Renegade Infantry Platoon counts as a single Troops choice on the Force Organisation chart and is rolled for collectively when rolling for Reserves.


Does that satisfy?

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As individual units in almost all respects.


See the section entitled "Force Organisation Charts and Slots", specifically the subheading "Multiple Unit Choices".


Note that AM platoons have a specific rule called "Combined Squad" that allows them to 'blob' together.

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Yes, because in the C: AM, you have the option to take the squads as individual squads or platoons. In IA13 you don't have that option. All Renegade Infantry Squads must be taken as platoons. And platoons, as you just said, are supposed to act as a single, cohesive unit. Meaning, that following the line of deductive reasoning that platoons are to act as a single unit, a Renegade Infantry Platoon is not only a single Troops Choice, but a single unit made up of smaller sub-units.


Or is that all wrong because the Renegade Infantry Squads do not have a Combined Squads rule even though they cannot be taken as individual squads?

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Besides, I've always thought the fact that renegade Infantry squads are size 10-20 (or -30 with the right warlord) was their way of giving you the 'blob' option. Remember that the combined squad rules show training that larger squads can integrate and separate because of training.  Renegade squads aren't as flexible, so you have to build them and group them pre-battle.


EDIT: It's wrong because the squads don't have the Combined Squads rule. The platoon is what they are calling multiple units in one force org slot. Remember for IG/AM, the Platoon Command Squad & Heavy/Support squads can not join the Infantry Squads, because they do not have the Combined squads rule, even though they are part of the same platoon. ONLY the Infantry squads that have the rule from the same platoon can join each other. 

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Which would make the rule redundant since the Combined Squads rule allows different types of squads to behave as a single unit while here, only Renegade Infantry Squads can become a platoon and they are all the same type.
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