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+++Call of Chaos VII+++

Captain Semper

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Congratulations to everyone who managed to finish their vow by now, and best of luck to those who - like me - are still struggling! ;) I haven't given up hope yet, however...


@ forte: Love the guy on the right! The rebreather head/topknot combo just works so well for some reason. If you're unhappy with Nuln Oil, try Army Painter's Heavy Tone Ink -- it's much closer to the old Badab Black, if you ask me.



Anyway, here's my next update: Brother Garron the Doomwall, painted and based:




More pictures can be found here.


That's two down, two to go -- unfortunately, I do have half a Forgefiend and an entire Dreadnought ahead of me. Oh well, back to work... ;)

Heres the before of the squad… (it will be this minus one man, to make room for Grendel)






And heres the Before of Grendel. Sorry for the messy pics, I took them at my local club in a hurry while I was leaving.


Sorry for the messy pics, I took them at my local club in a hurry while I was leaving.


EDIT:and that's upside down... Great. I'll fix that later.

  On 1/2/2015 at 2:10 PM, forte said:

Cheers KrautScientist. Keep hearing that Army Painter Strong Tone is almost a match for Devlan Mud. Going to give those a try at some point.

It is. I am using the respective matches for Devlan Mud, Gryphonne Sepia and Badab Black from Army Painter, and they work great (even if it somehow feels like Dark Tone (sorry, got the name wrong earlier...) isn't 100% as awesome as Badab Black was -- but maybe that's more nostalgia than anything). You may want to check this out as well -- it should be helpful msn-wink.gif

Finished the Eight Legged Lord of Skulls

Way, way, way more pics in my showcase right HERE.


@KrautScientist: Congrats on the finish man! I am SO looking forward to seeing those

@KrautSCientist and forte: I can totally vouch for Army Painter Strong Tone and Dark Tone as Devlan Mud and Badab Black replacements - the FtW post K-Sci linked to is actually the one that sold them to me. And I am totally sold: I used half a pot of strong tone on the Lord of Skulls.... biggrin.png

@Bernard the Slayer: looking good man! Can't wait to see that character finished. thumbsup.gif

Now, on to the Plague Contemptor...





Left to right: Terminator Sorcerer, Terminator Lord, Terminator Squad, Oblitorators




Terminator Lord - though he will probably be demoted to a Champion most of the time.
Terminator Sorcerer with force axe. Particularly pleased with this glow under this guy's skull mask.
Terminator squad with combi-plasmas. Wasn't so keen on the trophy racks so replaced them with reptile skins.
Oblitorators with Mark of Nurgle - well it is the Nurgle vow so had to give something the mark!
The new guys all together.

Take a few days ago just where my Call of Chaos vows are right now




I've been spending today building my Obliterator & painting the Rhino for my Chosen unit





Photos of the Rhino & Warpsmith taken a few moment ago






Warpsmith is now finish.




I've still got

- Rhino Crew memeber & hatch to paint

- Lord to build & paint

- Dark Apostle to build & paint

- Obliterators, add green stuff & paint

- Terminators, build the Champion & one Battle brother, paint them + another Terminator Battle Brother.

Going to spend Sunday getting as much built as possible.

There's a group pic over in my plog, it's worked better than than I'd thought. I don't mind the batch painting too much, currently chugging through five dudes with purple hats, then it's two normal dudes, heavy stubber guy and the champion for this squad. Then I just need to work out the quickest way of doing close combat dudes, churn through 30 of them, and at some point paint three Rhinos.


I'll probably spray the Rhinos at work Sunday, if the weather holds. God bless Macragge Blue in a can!



I did mine in a riot of colours, similar to you. Went through as two batches, but it's the detailing that killed me afterwards.


And when I batch painted seven Rhinos and two Land Raiders, that was equally painful. Great to get this sort of thing done though!




First of all Happy New Year everybody!

Now a lot of activity here so let's see...

@ Chaeron: blink.png A true Chaos Lord if there ever was one! This was a monumental task mate, a monumental task... Suffice to say congratulations are in order! This is a breathtaking effort and the Gods (Nurgle in particular) will be most proud of! Now get ready for the ETL, for this will become more brutal than ever! Epic, just epic...

@ Xin Ceithan: A very brooding and moody mauler fiend there! Really like your work with the bronze and the green as a spot colour. Great completion there.

@ Bernard the Slayer: No you don't have to have a new thread - just post the pics here in this thread or use a previous project thread. It's up to you.

@ Flint: I really wanted to see how this 6-winged Daemon Prince would turn out... Well he (she/it) turn out fantastic! A great concept very well executed. Congrats! I also like your take on the pink - a difficult colour to be sure... Well done! thumbsup.gif

@ mactire: Well, the Templar's won't suffice! You sunk too deep to Heresy - you need to get a a Wolf Great Company done to atone. Dorset worry - what is it? 1,300-1,500 minis? no worries then! laugh.png Anyways, great work here man - congratulations for completing!

@ forte: These are very inspirational stuff... The mauve shade is just too good for words... And the use of green? outright weird! Love your stuff mate, just love it... The spawn looks like the spawns should look like - not giant squids on legs but rather some mean looking warped insects! And I hear you on badab black - probably the best paint GW ever produced.

@ Kraut Scientist: Now Brother Garron looks like he means business.... Beautiful work mate - and the tone of dark (almost brownish) red? Amazing... Great choice of blue as a spot colour too... This really top notch stuff. Congratulations!

@ Augustus: This is a very impressive model indeed... VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!! It will not go unnoticed by the powers that be (I kid you not) msn-wink.gif

@ Dragonlover: You seem to have embarked on a marathon and a sprint at the same time... More like a 40km spring! Good luck mate! laugh.png

@ Inquisitor Quidam: Now this is a great result! Excellent work with the scales and those Oblits look the part! Congratulations for completing!

@ IP: This is truly inspirational stuff... The quantity / quality is humbling. Now I look forward for that Obliterator! Have I missed the completion of the 5 Chosen?

As always please check the first page to make sure things look correct to you. If not let me know and I'll fix it!


  On 1/4/2015 at 8:33 AM, Captain Semper said:

@ IP: This is truly inspirational stuff... The quantity / quality is humbling. Now I look forward for that Obliterator! Have I missed the completion of the 5 Chosen? 




I was waiting until the Rhino was finish for the whole unit to be completed.  Other than that, yes the Chosen (apart from Rhino) are completed & photos posted over on both Iron Warriors army logs in the Forge & Chaos area of the forum. 

Ten days...I'll be ready for my Spawndom.


I'll aim for the one that I may finish in that time and get the Chaos Spawn looking suitably horrible. The Noise Marines will take much longer with my head telling me to paint the Champion like marble (I really need to have a good talk to myself some times. Or not. Maybe. Where'd I put that chocolate. Hmm gorilla superglue gel. Eh), and other crazy stuff in mind.


Let's see what others have up their sleeves in the next ten though.

My Vow is now complete:







@tdemayo: that is an awesome finish man. I looooove that Plague Knight. Never seen the maulerfiend tentacles used in that way before - very original! And *were* did you get those old Beasts of Nurgle??


I didn't finish my vow yet, but at least I finished the second to last unit in it today: the Plague Contemptor with havoc launcher and plasma cannon. 


More pics here in my showcase.




@ tdemayo; loving the tentacles on the Knight, may well steal that at some point.


@ Augustus: Looking good there. Almost understated for a Nurgle unit.


The weather held, so I'm currently spraying the Rhinos in fits and starts, as it's bloody cold outside so the spray isn't drying all that quick. Plus, y'know, working.



@ mactire: Well, the Templar's won't suffice! You sunk too deep to Heresy - you need to get a a Wolf Great Company done to atone. Dorset worry - what is it? 1,300-1,500 minis? no worries then!


Emperor protect us, surely that should read 130-150 minis ?????????

  On 12/31/2014 at 11:05 PM, Flint13 said:

Hiya guys! The entirety of my vow for Call of Chaos this year stands en rosea habitu.



"Look at me, you shall see what the Shorn has done to me,

I'm a child of the brightest of light.

Come to me, I'll see you free from the trouble life can be,

Into his arms, I shall cast your lost soul."


~Belucifariel, The Angeline Holocaust,

Upon his descent to the soiled realms of man and beast. 




Belucifariel, The Halcyon Fallen



Razored Orchid, Storm Terminators




Jagged Violet, Fire Support



Barbed Hyacinth, Combat Support


Stunning work there Flint. :tu:


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