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+++Call of Chaos VII+++

Captain Semper

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Hey all, just a little post to let you know im all still alive. No pics today, but quick question: what model would you reccomend as a base for the newborn from the iron warrior novels?


Augustus suggestion really great on useing Huron match with the art work over on lexicanum


Well, I'm not specific on his wargear, but I always find Huron Blackheart an excellent sorcerer/warpsmith base.


The art work of the new born over on the lexicanum site, from the limited ed Iron Warriors novel release a few years ago




Edit - All set to try get as much Call of Chaos models built over the next few days.  Tomorrow aim to get Rhino & Chosen Champion converted.  Also, someone just give me the left over parts from the Dark Eldar Wrack models, never really seen the spure before but a lot cool parts I'll need to use toward a few conversion :D

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@ Kierdale: I'll be honest with you: I wasn't entirely certain about where you were going with these bikes for a while there, but the finished models are indeed excellent -- even if they would have to be purged by the warriors of Khorne's Eternal Hunt, vile Slaneeshi scum that they are -- nothing personal, of course ;)


Anyway, excellent stuff!

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Call of Chaos - Requirement:  5 Night Lord Terminators.



BEFORE: Compliance.



AFTER:   Completion.




A paltry contribution, but the purchasing servitors are in chains until released by some fiend called S.Nick.

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That's it Kierdale. Enough is enough. My Noise Marines will get painted!

I'll believe it when I see it :P


@ Kierdale: I'll be honest with you: I wasn't entirely certain about where you were going with these bikes for a while there, but the finished models are indeed excellent -- even if they would have to be purged by the warriors of Khorne's Eternal Hunt, vile Slaneeshi scum that they are -- nothing personal, of course ;)

Anyway, excellent stuff!

Thank you, KS. The colour schemes were quite an experiment for me, so I can understand your feelings.

And that is a battle I would be most honoured to fight some day. :D


And thank you, Augustus and Atia.

Now to get ten noise marines done...

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Hey all,


No idea if I am doing this right... but Vow complete!


Initial Vow here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/297440-chaos-is-calling/?p=3878893


My WIP thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300413-army-logrikkumons-nurgle-and-black-legion/










More detailed pictures and close ups are in my army/ WIP thread.


If I am doing anything wrong... sorry... I look forward to any education, punishment, or both.


All the best to the rest,



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Hey all,


No idea if I am doing this right... but Vow complete!





If I am doing anything wrong... sorry... I look forward to any education, punishment, or both.


All the best to the rest,




Hi Rikkumon! First off: awesome completion man! Those Plague Marines are looking really, really nice and disgusting. I love the tones and the blends. Superb work! (also, I like how you used sand as corrsoion on the bikes. Big ups! :tu:


Now, as to you question if 'you're doing it right', there's really no right or wrong. As long as you post shots of both your WIP and your completions.


Concerning your initial vow and the WIP shots of your three units: The link you provided of your original vow and the WIPs links to a post in the Chaos is Calling thread, which is not the 'official' Call of Chaos thread. I know this is a little misleading/unclear and many of us have made that 'mistake'. When he sees your post, Captain Semper will hopefully include your vow in the second post of this thread, which is the official Call of Chaos VII thread. 


Concerning your completiong, the only requirement is that you post the pics of your completions on this board. Some of us post them in our WIP thread and post links to those posts in this thread, some of us just post pics on this thread directly, and others (like me) do both. Among those options, there is none that is better or worse than the others. But you still gotta post pics off all your completions and you only posted a pic of that one squad (the link to your WIP only has one pic of the tester)


SO! I invite you to post pics of all the finished units: of the two PM squads and of the biker squad. I for one am very much looking forward to seeing them!!! :tu:


Again, congrats of the finish mate! :D

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Fantastic progress everyone! 


@ Augustus: Outstanding stuff mate, truly superb. You say you love the hobby, well, it shows! 


@ Flint: Beautiful and weird termies! Pink and deviant glory indeed! :tu:


@ Teku: Great stuff mate! I hope I updated correctly... Those drones are definitely looking very promising, but I'm really waiting for the fate waiver! :yes:


@ IP: I need to collect my jaw from the floor and stop drooling after seeing that stash... Look forward for the end result.


@ Leinmann: Steady progress mate - I expected nothing less from a true follower of the Dark Gods! Congrats!


@ Kythnos: Wow!!! Lovely work, from the smallest detail down the base... Very impressive work. Keep it up and let's see more!


@ Kierdale: You crazy, crazy man... Those are awesome! Especially as I thought that there was so much room for an accident with all those elaborate designs... But it worked out flawlessly. As Slaanesh should expect! Very weird too... :D


@ Atia: Lovely deamons... but now it's the Titan I'm looking forward to... ;)


@ Psykic_Scribe: Congratulations for your completion! W 


@ Rikkumon: Well, everything worked out in the end! :D Top notch level too. 



So, congrats to those who competed and the clock is ticking for those who have not! :D




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Fantastic progress everyone! 



@ IP: I need to collect my jaw from the floor and stop drooling after seeing that stash... Look forward for the end result.




It just been added onto - just stuff I need for my Terminators & so there ready to build on Christmas day :D  Also order my Warpsmith for conversion.  Everything getting there & should hopeful had most of this lot undercoated by Tuesday :D


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I Lord Carrack answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 2 units before January 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Pustulant Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I vow a squad of 9 CSM. And a Terminator Chaos Lord
Death to the False Emperor

I have before pict



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Only fair to keep up to date on progress! I've been ploughing through those Plague Marines... next step is going to be tidying up the white before washing. The Chosen are horrible models to paint with a thick undercoat (spray was botched, stripped and resprayed - never going to be perfect) - and very hard to see all the details! I think these will need some more effort after I've done the bulk of them.
Anyway, here's a couple of progress shots:
And now with flesh and weapons done:
I may actually base those that need it in the interim to expedite the process. Happier though all told!

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Okay, more work...


I then proceeded to base the 50-odd that hadn't been done and fixed all the bits of white that needed touching up. I've washed the Chosen and Lord to help pick out their insane detail tomorrow . Everything else will be thoroughly washed tomorrow, should then just need a final push on various touch ups and I will have completed another set of obstacles!


Then, just go back to the other bits and pieces to finish for the Call to be complete :)

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OOOOHHHH YEAH - VOW COMPLETE! I present my Lord and Sorceror on Bike finished pics:

Barkesh the Manifested (front view)

Sorceror Vithian (left side)

Sorceror Vithian (right side)


Fluff for these guys will be found in the Siege Makers thread. Feels good to feel that warm fiery Warp washing over me. Or it could be promethian, its hard to tell these days. 

Iron Within, Iron Without. Death to the False Emperor. Good luck with everyone else's vows. 

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