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VIII Legion - CXVII Company




The Faithless Arbiters



  • Kal'o Necridincos - The Executioner of Nostramo, Commander 117th Co. and self-proclaimed Praetor of the VIII Legion "Night Lords"
  • Lucas Marr - Rogue Librarian
  • The Atramentar - Filar Lamedes, Judek Tor, and Uziun Feomorte
  • Vacslav Neuebun - Interred Legionary
  • Kai Mummata - Techmarine
  •  1st Claw - led by "Centurion" Macellar Necridincos
  •  2nd Claw - led by Emon Vitezza
  •  3rd Claw - non-viable since combat losses against Loyalist Astartes "Novamarines" circa M37
  •  4th Claw - led by Oramit Solda
  •  5th Claw - led by Vanator Ramura
  •  6th Claw - lost during  evacuation of Tsagualsa and subsequently disestablished
  •  7th Claw - led by Nicodemus Adevar
  •  8th Claw - led by Voian Uchigas
  •  9th Claw - led by Laslo Viu
  • 10th Claw - led by Vam Illiak
  • Vampyr Squadron - wing-pair of "Hell Blade"-class Interceptors
  • Slave Gang - led by the Majordomo of the Mortal's Decks
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Kal'o Necridincos - The Executioner of Nostramo

Commander, 117th Company


VIII CXVII Kal'o Necridincos 001


"...no, I will not allow our Legion to vanish into the night.  We own the night.  The Despoiler, The Blood Reaver - they all dismiss us as assets, expendable assets.  A blade to be blunted or broken in pursuit of whatever prize they desire today.  Too often we have been courted, used, then discarded.  But they keep coming back.  They need us!  Always remember that.  They have always needed us, for that target too protected; that task too dirty; that deed too dishonourable.  The Emperor; The Warmaster; Abaddon; Huron - they have always needed us, they just hate admitting it.


VIII CXVII Kal'o Necridincos 002


"...I will not allow us to be consumed.  Acerbus?  He was always a liability.  Have you seen him recently?  It was a decade ago.  He hasn't just succumbed, he has embraced the corruption.  Fear is the weapon, but for him it has become the drug.  He has no idea any more why he fights and kills, only that he needs to.  Sahaal?  Who cares.  Terran.  Thin blooded.  Remember the Soul Hunter?  So misguided, pursuing a vision and a legacy that didn't exist.  That was The Night Haunter's lesson to us all - he knew there was no hope!  There is no end-point to our war; we will never win.  We will always be needed to enforce judgement.  Or we'll all be dead.  That's what concerns me about this "Prophet" - Decimus?  That's a slave designation.  Who is he, and why are we obliged to follow him?


VIII CXVII Kal'o Necridincos 003


"...no brother, I will not allow us to be absorbed into some zealot's crusade.  None of them are worth it.  None of them deserve it.  Was it any of them tasked with launching the cyclonics that killed the homeworld?  They bear no responsibility.  They carry no burden.  They have no right.  We bear the true legacy of Curze.  Imperial "Enlightenment" killed our world, so we will return the favour"


VIII CXVII Kal'o Necridincos 004


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Yes! More fluff! 


Also interested to see your mini's mate!

Aug - tomorrow i'm hoping to post images of Kal'o.  Been taking pictures tonight but they have all turned out pretty poor.  Studying some tutorials now on lighting and camera settings towards more attempts tomorrow, so here's hoping.


Will also be posting my "before" image for CoC-7, feeling quite motivated jnow to get these guys done!

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Sound good man - it sure helps reading some tutorials. If you have a camera on your mobile phone (who doesn't nowadays) I suggest trying that - it´s surprisingly easy once you know how (all the pics in my wip and showcase are made using my phone camera). Try searching for some mobile phone camera tuts online. Good luck and again, if there's anything I or anyone else can do to help - please ask mate! :tu:

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Images of The Executioner now added to the original post.


Aug - thanks for the link, combined the advice there with some others I found and am quite pleased with the outcome.  All taken with my Sony camera phone, going to experiment with a proper camera at the weekend.


Cpt Tezdal, Dark Disciple - thanks for checking out my blog, appreciate the positive feedback, hope what's to come doesn't disappoint!

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