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Your Blood Angels Model Wishlist


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  1. Relic Sicaran Battle Tank - It wasn't love at first sight but something clicked and I now love the look of this model. I guess it's also helped by the fact that I've been reading up on it and it synergises really well with how I currently play my Blood Angels (i.e. mechanised). I've said this before but I see it as an upgrade on my "Autolas" Predator and I think Fast tanks are fantastic.

Thunderhawk Gunship - Wanted one of these ever since I saw the metal Blood Angels one in White Dwarf many years ago. Hopefully I wont have to wait much longer...

Cerberus - I'm currently fantasising about getting one of these because I've got an Apocalypse game in three months. I will either be facing a Reaver and a Warhound (possibly two) or I will be facing at least three opposing Super Heavies (Stormlord, Baneblade, Greater Brass Scorpion) and need a counter. Plus I can't afford a Fellblade yet.

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Man, you guys all have such big dreams. I'm much less ambitious and would settle for:


1. Sternguard squad - I've wanted to try a squad of drop-podding SG for a while, plus the models are cool.

2. A second Baal Preditor - I have one already but I think he needs a buddy to really pay off.

3. A second Auto-cannon preditor - Same reason as the Ball.


Dont get me wrong, I'd never turn down some of the forgeworld gear, I just know I'll never afford it. ^_^*

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I would like:


  • A new flyer, much like the wolves ones, to look very BA and complement our combat doctrine.
  • New Mephiston. While his current model kicks ass I want to see him bigger and badder than before, a sweet pose ready to take some names!
  • Possible upgrade sprue that includes something to represent the over-charged engines on our vehicles.
  • A fast assault vehicle, or a Spartan, seriously that thing is incredible.
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I would like,


- A new 100-175 point flyer (something like the storm talon/nephilim jet fighter) for a cheap way to bring anti air or maybe even a transport.

- the spear of talesto

- blood angels specific psychic powers


All seem possible to me with the new codex but for us to get the spear I'd think the new rumoured "captain" model would probably need a varity of weapon options with 1 being a spear. :)

I tried to do it model only but I don't think we need 3 models.



- the new flyer

- a new artillery tank

- moriar the chosen

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Depends if this is a wish list for the coming codex then:


1. New Mephiston Model - I am not a fan of the current design and would like to see something more representing the Lord of Death.


2. New flyer - I have to say apart from the space wolves everyone has a cheap anti air alternative. I would like a storm talon or storm talon equivalent.


3. Blood Lance - I loved this power and would like to see it return.


Now for models or things that I want:


1. Sevrin Loth - I want to start a small Red Scorpions Detachment and he would be a great addition.


2. Fire Raptor - I love the model and how it performs on the battlefield.


3. Storm Talon - I want that light anti-air and part of my Red Scorpions.


What are some of your Codex wishes and wants wishes?

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We're doing new codex wishes as well? I want...

  • Some kind of anti-air that's cheaper than a stormraven. I'm sick of having my list dominated by my one and only choice for taking out enemy fliers. Preferably an air-superiority fighter of some kind to maintain the whole Blood Angels are kings of the sky schtick. I would accept something mobile and shooty (ie. an anti-air tank, maybe even the new Codex: Space Marine tanks) or a stormtalon in a pinch, though of course something new would be awesome.
  • Something to give Blood Angels a chance to operate as a close combat army. Preferably a situational initiative boost (it worked for us in 5th...). I understand that as a power armor force, Blood Angels are and always will be a combined arms army, not a pure assault army, but I feel that they should be good enough at assault that it is a viable tactic, when combined with supporting fire, rather than a trap.
  • Unique Blood Angels powers. If any marine codex other than the Grey Knights should get unique psychic powers, it should be us!
  • Some recosting to bring us back in line with other power armor codices.
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1) I want the old metal venerable dread that has the wings motif etched in. I have the old metal furioso, the new kits, and the "normal" space marines ones. I even have contemptors, but finding the old metal venerable unpainted for less than 80 with shipping would be great.


2) the 2004 games day mark 4 marine with a crest on his helm and a power sword. It's the one games day marine I don't have. If you hasn't caught on by now, I'm a collector who came late to the hobby, and I'm determined to paint every rare marine model in my chapter's colors.


3) whatever forge world will be releasing that's blood angels specific for the heresy. The work has been so good for the other chapters so far, I don't think it counts as wish listing to say it's more when awesome BA stuff comes from them, and not if.

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Stuff I want (rules/new models) and why

1.) A new Corbulo and Mephiston Model. Because they both desperately need a re-sculpt

2.) New Sanguinary Guard w/o nipples, an invuln save of some sort, maybe WS 5. I find that they are too expensive for what they do and often get shot to hell before they can even do their job.

3.) access to a new Assault vehicle Flyer or Tank. Assault oriented army needs assault vehicles and i want another option to stick Terminators in.


Stuff I want (for my personal collection) and why

1.) Stormraven. I don't have one and I feel it is imperative that i get one

2.) 4 attack bikes w/ Multi-meltas. 200pts,4 two wound, toughness 5, relentlessand  very fast angry bikers. They seem to hold up better than speeders (IMHO)

3.) 2 devestator squads and one tactical squad. With this i can make 2 ten man dev squads and finish up the 3rd battle company (which ihave been working on for a while)

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Things I want:


Sicarian Battle Tank

Another Storm Raven (only have one)

Contemptor dreads (plural)

Legion Glaive

Javelin speeders


I'm almost done with my first contemptor, and the kit was a pleasure to paint and assemble. I've also got a glaive assembled, primed, and a tiny bit painted - my meta is awesome and nobody cares that I'd be running it with a successor chapter in a 40k context - and I can't wait to really dig into it. The fellglaive is up next.

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Anyone have a strong opinion on the Relic Whirlwind Scorpius? At 125 pt it has great damage out load, can tenderized a wide variety of targets and for arty support it has great armor. Also it looks like it would be easy to kitbash.


Its going to be my next buy!!!! 


I think its incredible.  Killer, killer of note!

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Anyone have a strong opinion on the Relic Whirlwind Scorpius? At 125 pt it has great damage out load, can tenderized a wide variety of targets and for arty support it has great armor. Also it looks like it would be easy to kitbash.


Its going to be my next buy!!!! 


I think its incredible.  Killer, killer of note!


Whirlwind Missile Battery

*sad,wompy trumpet music*


*ridiculously shreddy guitar riffs*


Ok, glad to have a pros opinion on the Scorpius!

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Anyone have a strong opinion on the Relic Whirlwind Scorpius? At 125 pt it has great damage out load, can tenderized a wide variety of targets and for arty support it has great armor. Also it looks like it would be easy to kitbash.


Its going to be my next buy!!!! 


I think its incredible.  Killer, killer of note!


Whirlwind Missile Battery

*sad,wompy trumpet music*


*ridiculously shreddy guitar riffs*


Ok, glad to have a pros opinion on the Scorpius!




Yeah, dude... so long as you keep it stationary you're getting the d3 blasts which makes it really shine. 

S8 and AP3 just nuke.  It makes it a decent tank hunter, especially for pesky guard tanks that like to hide, or have weak side armour and then just vapes entrenched marines. 


I think its a really solid buy.

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