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Well it is quite tempting to roll a cool assault army. And im carefully considering getting some BA for Christmas...

I need more info on Sanguinor.


No one knows for sure what his deal is...

  • Is he Sanguinius's ghost?
  • Is he the accumulated hopes and ideals of the entire chapter given life by the Warp (ie. a good Daemon)?
  • Is he Azkelleon, the last surviving member of the original (30k) Sanguinary Guard?


Nobody knows!

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Something I haven't written about yet is how I came to play my Blood Angels, the Knights of Blood.


What that struck me about the Knights of Blood is that they haven't done what almost every other excommunicated chapter seems to do: dive into the Eye of Terror to take as many of the enemy down with them as possible, hoping to redeem themselves in death. As soon as I read about the Knights of Blood, I wondered - what makes them different? How come they haven't thrown themselves into hopeless battle in the hopes of regaining some shred of "honor" (and, inevitably, being reforged as a Chaotic warband)?


It seems to me that either they reject the authority of Terra and the Inquisition to define them - they know that they are loyal, and that's good enough for them - or they refuse to give in to despair. Both of those traits, the pride of the Blood Angels and their successors and their incredible optimism in the face of certain death, are really attractive to me.

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red is a pain to paint.


If only I had the time, the money, and the patience, I'd return to these guys with gusto.

Red is so easy now it's insane. The new formula base coats are incredible, Two decent coats of meph red over a black undercoat and you're done.



Well then, care to solve my time, money and patience problems, too? :lol:


Although I'm drooling over that new kit...even though it's not a stabby squad, which says a lot.

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I actually posted back in 2012 about coming 'round to the fact that perhaps I should be playing Blood Angels or a successor. Well, I kept waffling back and forth on armies and finally lost all interest in the hobby side of things and sold almost all of my Space Marines. (I still snapped up anything from the Black Library however, I love this universe, I will forever be a fluff junkie!)


Well fast forward to 2014, still not entirely convinced about coming back to the hobby side of things, but, contemplating assembling the Salamanders' 2nd Co. Fast forward to the rumours and announcement of the new Blood Angels codex and miniatures and something happened: I was actually excited and suddenly wanted to throw down money for this stuff. In the end...Why resist? I was apparently meant to be a Scion of Sanguinius all along.

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Why not play Salamanders with BA rules? I know I will build mine as my usual Space Wolves Company and just use the BA rules :tongue.:

Not a big fan of BA aesthetics. Well... I actually love it, a lot. Just not as much as I love my SW :wink:


With all that flamer-y goodness, it's tempting! *laughs* Actually I do still intend to build my Salamanders company. My Blood Drinkers are just taking precedence at the moment.

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I just abandoned my Space Wolves. I'm keeping an HQ and a single pack and their storm wolf for allies purposes and selling the rest. Had no luck with the army at all, hate the fluff and the models of their most killy units, and with the new BA codex out and suppliment forthcoming, I'm just going to stick with my original army. Back to Flesh Tearers.

I also just love the "Today the Death Company Killed..." thread. 

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  • 1 month later...
I am a newly initiated battle brother and although i love my dogs back on Baal, sw were never an option. We are so :cussing badass even our flaws serve the emprah. Where ever or whenever the emperium of mankind needs us we are already there without regard to how threatened our home system is or how depleted our forces are. Our primarch was first amungst equals and our lord commander Dante is unparralled in his length of service and devotion the the emprah. The ninth legion is the final word in the defense of humanity, even though we cannot save ourselves from our fate, we will save the day. We are the thin red line. For the Emperor! for Sanguinus! DEATH! DEATH! DEATH!
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  • 1 month later...

Behold, a lost son returns.

After I don't know how many years, I have returned to the army I loved. I once had a very large army, I loved the fluff, the play style, and the aesthetic. But I sold that army a long time ago, and have hatted myself ever since.

But I have returned, and with half of a deathstorm box to get started.

I think that I will be much happier with them now that my painting has improved.

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  • 2 months later...

I used to run mainly biel tan eldar, I also had small imperial guard and dark eldar and a large unpainted chaos marine army near the end in 3rd edition but other things came up and I quit playing and sold everything.

Having decided to start playing again recently when the harlequins and then craftworld eldar codex were released (it was mainly the hareluins having an army of their own that re piqued my interest in the game) after purchasing and reading said codexes I decided I wasn't going to play eldar anymore.


So what to play? I thought it might be nice to do something different than before.

I looked at spacewolves because Vikings in space, but didn't feel it would be a good match up for me, also the person I would be playing against most often uses space wolves.

So I looked at blood angels and as soon as I read a little bit about them I knew it was the army for me.

Edited by Kriegsmaschine
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  • 2 weeks later...
When I first started playing the armies that could be found on the table were Tau, Eldar, World Eaters, Emperor's Children, Nurgle, Sisters of Battle, Black Templar, and Dark Angels. I knew I wanted to play as space marines, but didn't like the sound of chaos fluff. So fighting for the emperor seemed like the best choice. After watching a few matches it was clear to me that the key to success was mobility and a good balace of melee and shooting units. I then started to research. I started reading every codex that was offered. Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Dark Angels caught my attention. My buddy played Dark Angels and they seemed a little too "woe is me." I didn't want to play an army that felt sorry for themselves. Then I started reading about the primarchs. The choice was clear to me then. Sanguinius was by far the most heroic and down right badass of them all. I knew that I wanted to play as Blood Angels. In addition, I became fascinated by the Death Company and twin curses. After, a decade away from the game these are the reasons why I came back to the Sons of Sanguinius.
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  • 1 month later...

Well after not owning an army since about 3rd/4th edition; and trying/borrowing different armies. I have ordered (off E-bay) yesterday my first box (a tactical squad) for my new army – Blood Angels.


I hope you all do not mind an old CSM player joining your ranks, but you can blame the Necrons.


Here is why; I was thinking about getting back into 40K and ran some ideas around here on the forums and in real life. Well I good buddy of mine (One of the best Ork players I have met) offered me a Necron army that he had.


Well I starting finding all the fluff I could the Necrons in the process of fluff hunting I got Shield of Baal - Leviathan and Exterminatus (Campaign Supplements) and more of the fluff I read the more I liked the Blood Angels.


Since my RT days I had always wrote off the BA as just “vampires in space”. But I found myself getting more and more into their whole story line. So the “I will be back” guys where out.


So thanks to the all the members of the SW, Militarum Tempestus, and Liber Astartes parts of the forums for your help and input with my ideas and questions.


And thanks to my wife for putting up with a 55 yr old man and his “toy soldiers”.


"For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!"

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  • 1 month later...

I have had a hard time feeling good playing Blood Angels in tournaments recently.  The recent release of the Space Marine Codex has really put us in the second rate power armor army section.  Without resorting to allies and formations of Storm Ravens it is a sad up hill climb for our red armored brethren.  I hate to be a party pooper but it really takes the wind out my sails to have my codex go obsolete so quickly.  Yes yes I can just use some other chapter rules and ta da! im competitive.


The thing is I play Blood Angels. 


I know that GW has been very clear about not catering to a competitive scene for their games but it still really hurts.  I am just all out of love for GW.  This game has been a love of mine for near 20 years.  It took me 15 years to win my first local tournament.  I travel to tournaments regularly.  I treasure my one and only paint trophy.  I have a great time getting tabled by cool armies and interesting tactics. This does not include new players and their 500pts of free rules due to some newfangled formation data sheet.  I do hope to reignite my passion for GW and the Blood Angels.  But recent 40k releases and the horror of Age of Sigmar have alienated me to the point of putting down my dice. 


Till we meet again sweet Sanguinius.


For now the darkness closes in.



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I started reading WH40K novels, fluff, etc about 4 years ago.

August 2014 I decided to try out the miniature wargame aspect of the genre.

I knew I wanted to play Space Marines, but the question was which chapter?

I narrowed it down to Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, and Ultramarines, all based on the fluff I've read over the last few years.

After careful consideration I went with Blood Angels. I built up a larger sized army, didn't really know what i was doing, painted 25% of it, and played a few games.

Loved playing and loved the modeling/painting aspect. 

Around May 2015 I fell in love with the Crimson Fists after reading Rynn's World (and all the other CF fluff out there) and sold off my Blood Angels and started building a CF army.

Here I am September 2015 and I have more games under my belt and my Crimson Fist army is large and stragetically and tactically flexible. 

After toying around with Black Templar and Grey Knight allies I realized two things: First, I love my Crimson Fists their background, fluff, lore, chapter tactics, etc. But I also MISS my Blood Angels because I also loved their fluff, lore, background, chapter tactics too!

So I've decided that I WILL be coming back to my Blood Angels in the near future. A medium sized BA army to play solo and/or to ally with my Crimson Fists is what I want.

Can't say I've ever really stopped being a son of Sanguinius. I am a son of two fathers, Dorn and Sanguinius. I re-purchased the BA codex and a tactical squad to start re-building. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is it weird that when I started collecting BA, I never got the vampire thing at all? Just that they had some kind of lust for blood. Like, drinking it doesn't make you a vampire, just...crazy. It wasn't until I got on the internet that the Vampire thing popped up...


I think BA are still some of the best personified marines. Dark Angels are all secrets secrets, but you never actually get into their heads.



I hope sanguinius gets a good battle against Horus in the end and actually creates a chink in his armour rather than the lack luster throttling he got


He does both. Sanguinius never stood a chance against Horus's final form, but he went anyway. I can imagine Horus being so arrogant that he lets Sangy take his best shot, which he does, and bam, chink. Horus then flies into a range, strangles him and desecrates his corpse. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I remember correctly it said that Horus ended up using psychic powers and sorcery because Sanguinius outfought him, so he went "bam!" And that's what got Sanguinius. It was in the IA I think? It's been a long time.


I don,t know if Sanguinius outfought him, but he definitely used sorcery, the whole, rending his soul apart for all eternity thing.

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Even if the whole thing makes me teary eyed...


Real of Chaos, and other stuff through the ages.


"The Walls of [Horus's] Battle Barge are impervious to His [big E's] Mind sight"


"A look of rage transfixes the Warmaster. He stretches out a hand and a bolt of force leaps forth. The Emperor screams as agony wracks his body".


We also know that Horus feared Sanguinius would usurp him (why ask him to join, if Sangy was stronger?), when Sangy refused, he  Punished Sanguinius (the champion Chaos wanted?) and his sons. The his death echoes through time and space, in a way that only warp magic could cause.


I cannot remember the exact place that states Horus desecrated Sanguinius's body and soul ,but it's out there somewhere, most likely Collected Visions.


From Lexicannum:


Even at the peak of his powers, Sanguinius could not have hoped to prevail against the embodiment of Chaotic power Horus had become, and the Primarch was weary and wounded from his travails on Terra. Horus, in his limitless malice, made sure that Sanguinius' death was the most painful and foul that the boundless evils in his service could administer. The Warmaster's psychic assault echoed not just throughout space, but also throughout time, resonating in the souls of his children. The Primarch's sacrifice is thought to have kept Horus occupied long enough for the Emperor to reach the Arch-Traitor in the very depths of his lair.

Edited by Xenith
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