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Astorath the Grim - Redeemer of the Lost


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Thanks Y'all! I had this model primed and waiting for paint for about 3 years and figured was about time he got some colour on him. I was getting burnt out on the Death Company I have been working on so just did it to avoid burn out! I think his armour style really put me off because I'm not a huge fan of the flayed skin style, and WINGS! Arg! I love them on the models but they are such a nightmare to paint for an anal retentive *!"^!£% with OCD like me! I was also afraid of varnishing the model since I have had had no luck in that field in recent years with clouding, so I put fears aside and risked a trial and success! Good news is now I am ploughing on with my Lemartes & Elite Death Company! Watch this space!

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Great work on the face and that power axe is brilliant too.

The face I went with something different to pretty much any other version I have seen. To me it looks like a Mask of some kind, There are rebreather tubes that protrude from behind the jaw line and there is a grille piece inside the mouth. Nearly every version I have seen it has been painted like well... A Face. Which is fine, just not how I see it. I went for a porcelain kabuki style death mask. Think fits nice with his character (if nice is what you can call it).

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One of the best Astorath's I have seen, excellent work Kobe. Any chance of some recipes, particularly the axe and the bone.

Nice work smile.png

Thanks MN.

The axe is pretty straight forward. Black prime, Mix black & regal blue lines, fairly thick lines to mark roughly where the lightning is. Mix in a little turquoise, thinner lines inside. Then thinner lines again of pure turquoise. Then Mix in a little bleached bone and thinner lines again. Then pure white where the points meet and where you want the edges to look sharp. It's actually just how GW did their Astorath's blade, they published in a white dwarf a while back.

The bone is a little more odd. Black base. Khemri Brown base. Then wash of Leviathan Purple! Yes, Purple! Then another of scorched brown & black (or badab black & devlan mud. I really don't think there is much diff either way, depending how much you thin the paint). Then just layer up from khemri brown, to bone to white, how many mixes and stages between is your choice! I probably would not do so many on the little bits next time!

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